
Dothraki Dragon

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Bücher und Literatur
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Chapter 20:Dealing with nobles ideas, Vale of Arryn, and Westerlands

A random noble dumb noble decided to talk bullshit about how Rhaego should be crowned King as the nobles would not accept a Queen on the iron throne. Rhaego did not know if he should call the man brave, stupid, or greedy. Rhaego burned the man alive, but he was no Aerys it was not anger, nor madness that guided his decision. Even his mother was a bit surprised.

"May I speak, your majesty, my mother?"


"We will not have another dance of dragons. Our succession law will be respected, where in the world have you seen the son's succession being above his mother? We did not recognize the humiliation and smear our house suffer under the dance of dragons, thanks to certain houses' greed.

The law that dictates every male in the succession lineage is in front of a woman, even his mother is not even an Andal law.

According to andal law of succession males from the main line of succession are in front of women of the same line, and not males from the branch are in front of women from the main line, nor in front of their mother. If you want to smear your own law, because you are too prideful of your little fingers to accept being ruled by a woman, it's not my problem.

Our law became different because on a wimp the nobles of Westeros decided that they do not want a queen on the iron throne. How dare little noble houses try to determine our laws for us? It seems your houses had forgotten who is the ruler and who is being ruled." Rhaego said.

Only silence echoed in the throne room.

"Your majesty mother, can I exterminate the next house that openly speaks about rebellion."Rhaego asked.

"No. We can be merciful, there is no need to be this cruel, we can send all males to the wall and have all unmarried women joining or from that house by marriage sent to become a Septa. " Daenerys said.

'Excelent performace, mother.' Rhaego thought. Rhaego had predicted that something like that could happen, so they had a small road map for it in their mind. His mother seems to not be too clinky to the throne and would be ok if her loved son usurped it from her, but Rahego felt their relationship would become awkward later.

He did not see the need to take something that he would get naturally sooner or later, his mother would not even need to die for him to become king. He felt that when she achieved what she wanted or maybe when she became older and wanted more to focus on her health, she would probably renounce the throne for him.

Their little performance shows a sort of merciful Daenerys that was not a weak ruler as well, it showed her rule may not be as bloody as Maegor, but she would not bow to lesser nobles' arrogance and over self-entitlement. It could not be a really cruel sentence where only one noble inciting rebellion is executed, but it was also ruthless to use soft means to put an end to a noble house. It passed the message it's fine, if your houses oppose us, new houses can be born in your instead.

Dorne was the first to swear fealty in Kings' Landing and bring reinforcements. Rhaego was not sure how he felt about marrying Arianne Martell, he knew it was an important step to bring a stronger political sway in Westeros, but by what he knew from the book she was a spoiled, self-entitled brat, that thought too highly of herself. He believed she was a smear to the name Martell and a dishonor to her ancestor Nymeria, with her over-the-top ego that made her reach a level of stupidity comparable to the likes of Cersei Lannister.

'I hope she grows up and is more interesting than her boring character in the books.'

The first kingdom to surrender was the Reach. Rhaego would like to joke that they had the real reach lord Olenna Tyrell as a hostage, but he controlled his tongue.

'The Freys are Lannisters supporters before they officially surrender. I understand their point of being over opportunists that only cared about their house interest, but fools with honor in their heads are more useful and less dangerous and I personally did not like them a bit.

Yes, some would disagree with my label on them, saying they only betrayed the Stark idiots because Roob broke the marriage, which I would surely disagree with. At the moment, it was clear that the King of the North, that lost the North, was fucked, without the North army the Riverland was also fucked. The useless Riverlands could not protect little house Frey from the Lannister's fury.

The cunning politician embraced Twin's cunning idea, and quickly changed sides. If the Lannisters were nearly losing with no hope, he would have stayed as the Stark's lapdog and would try to find a way to get rid of the woman that infatuated the king and pushed the blame onto another. We do not need politicians, we need loyal idiots who are not as dumb as the Starks. ' Rhaego thought.

They have decided what to do about the Vale of Arryn, Rhaego planned to use the Vale lords to deal with Peter Baelish. He think there was no use to keep a man who thinks chaos is a latter, when you wanted stability, even more, when the man kept a Stark as his fake bastard daughter, he also did not like the little rapist and pedophile a bit and don't want the idiot who thinks he was cunning to start any funny idea. He convinced his mother to let him to sent a letter addressing every single lord of the Vale with the following words:

'By direct other of the crown Petyr Baelish is directly stripped from the titles of Lord Protector of the Eyrie and the Vale of Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Trident, and Lord of Harrenhal. Following his misappropriation of crown funds during the rule of the usurper Robert Baratheon, the following debt that he owns to the crown is still being calculated, but all his business in Kings Landing had already been confiscated.

Harrold Hardyng is been appointing as the current Protector of the Eyrie and the Vale of Arryn, while the lord lacks the age to inherit his current position. The crown let it clear though that if the death of the current lord presents itself suspicious a new protector may inherit the position. [It was added because Daenerys pitted the sickly lord Arryn.]

The crown hopes no lord would support the one who together with Lysa Arryn, murdered the previous lord of Jon Arryn, according to witness throw dragonglass[made up by Rhaego]. That is also hiding the daughter of a man he conspires to execute, as his supposed bastards, called Alayne Stone. Conspiring to usurp the North throw a marriage with Sansa Stark, his supposed daughter, after getting rid of the current warden of the Vale. The Stark apparent heir should be sent to Kings Landing for her house's future to be deliberated.

It is made clear that by royal degree House Royce of the Gates of the Moon shall only keep its position if lord Petyr Baelish, is properly delivered for justice in Kings Landing or is publically executed by it.

All disobedience to this degree will be addressed as treason.

Prince Rhaego Targaryen,

Heir to the Iron Throne

Khal that mounts the Word

Queen Daenerys Targaryen,

Ruler of the Iron Throne


Rhaego prepared his khalasar to march to the Westerlands and they marched close to the Blackwater Rush crossed and next took the Goldroad to Lannisport. He was accompanied by Daenerys three Kos: Aggo, Jhogo, and Rakharo. All major houses of Western Lands had expressed a will to surrender, except the Lannisters and their branches. The rule of fear the Lannisters started with Twin no longer worked because the nobles feared the Dragon much more.

Rhaego's army was accompanied by the forces of House Crakehall, from Crakehall Castle; House Swyft, from Cornfield Castle; House Serrett, from Silverhill Castle; House Greenfield of Greenfield; House Lydden, from Deep Den.

Crakehall was located on the Searoad along the Sunset Sea, south of Lannisport. Cornfield was located southeast of Casterly Rock, east of Crakehall, and northwest of Red Lake. Silverhill was located in hilly and mountainous terrain northeast of Cornfield. A nearby river flows south past Goldengrove to the Mander. Greenfield was originally known as the Bower. Deep Den was located in hilly and mountainous terrain east of Lannisport, with Silverhill to the south. The Goldroad passed nearby.

Lannisport was a walled city in the westerlands located less than a mile south of Casterly Rock, the seat of House Lannister, along the coast of the Sunset Sea where the river road, the gold road, and the ocean road meet. It was one of the major ports of the Seven Kingdoms and is the largest settlement in the westerlands. Lannisport is smaller than King's Landing or Oldtown, but larger than Gulltown or White Harbor.

According to a semi-canon source, Lannisport may be ruled by House Lannister of Lannisport, a branch of House Lannister of nearby Casterly Rock. Rhaego found out this source was accurate. Tywin Lannister, the Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, includes "Shield of Lannisport" amongst his titles. Besides the Lannisters of Lannisport, other distant kin living in the city are Lannys, Lannetts, and Lantells, many of whom are yellow of hair.

Lannisport was protected by a ring of walls, high and strong. The city was renowned for its goldwork and goldsmiths and produces a spiced honey wine. Lannisport was policed by the well-trained City Watch. The city had a great motherhouse. Like King's Landing, Lannisport had higher-quality brothels. Merchants from Lannisport often trade with their counterparts in the Free Cities.

House Lannister anchored their fleet in Lannisport's harbor.

Rhaego took his dragon form and tore open the walls with strength, his army quickly defeated the city forces that were seriously lacking. After a bunch of Lannisters, Lannys, Lannetts, and Lantells from the city surrendered they were all punished with serving the Night Watch while the females were sent to serve as Septans in the motherhouse.

Considering the Lannister history, the hardest punishment was the most befitting of them, but the Lannisport Lanisters were so far off the main branch that they could barely be considered Lannister, some were small merchants, pimps, and even city guards, with the ones with the highest social standing been landed Knights. Rhaego convinced his mother it would be a waste of main power to simply execute them when there was a freezing land in the north for them to slowly die.

With this more than a thousand men were sent to the wall, all chained. To avoid a possible escape, Rhaego sent a separate group on a different route with the keys from the chains.

The city motherhouse was made into reforming to the new doctrines of Kings Landing. It was a top priority to move the image of the seven holinesses to the royal family. His mother had been promoted to supreme priest and all high priests should now answer to her or be punished for heresy.

From there, we marched to Casterly Rock. The castle was being currently ceased by the forces of houses Banefort, from Banefort castle; House Westerling, from The Crag castle, which was barely anything considering their finances; House Farman, from Faircastle, House Marbrand, from Ashemark castle; House Kenning of Kayce, from Kayce castle and town; House Prester, from Feastfires; House Lefford, from Golden Tooth castle; House Sarsfield, from Sarsfield castle.

Banefort was situated along the coast of the Sunset Sea, near the Iron Islands, and is only two days' sail from Pyke.

The Crag was the seat of House Westerling in the westerlands. It was more of a ruin than a castle as the Westerlings no longer have the funds to maintain it. It sat along the coast of the Sunset Sea, south of Banefort. The house was surely part of the red wedding, but this was not Rhaego concern.

Faircastle was located on Fair Isle, just off the western coast of Westeros, above the Sunset Sea. The castle had a great hall, tall white towers, and dungeons.

Ashemark was located in hilly terrain, the castle is situated southeast of the Crag.

Kayce castle and town were located along the Sunset Sea on a peninsula south of Fair Isle and west of Casterly Rock.

Feastfires was located in the Sunset Sea's southwestern tip of a peninsula. Feastfires was southwest of nearby Kayce.

Sarsfield was situated along the River Road, northeast of Casterly Rock.

The Golden Tooth, also called the Tooth, was the seat of House Lefford in the westerlands. It was located along the river road, east of Ashemark and Sarsfield, west of Riverrun and Pinkmaiden, and north of Hornvale.

Although the Golden Tooth was a small castle, it was a strong keep commanding the hill road between the westerlands and the Riverlands. It was generally held that to attack the westerlands from the east, one must take the Tooth to have a secure passage.

Ser Rolph Spicer was a knight from House Spicer and previously the castellan of the Crag for House Westerling, who was awarded the title of Lord of Castamere, for his role in the red wedding. Tried to join the forces against the Lannisters, but Rhaego was not interested in gaining another opportunist upstairs, as the current nobles were already enough, so he burned the man, his forces surrendered and joined Rhaego.

Castamere was of symbolic importance and too much of a valuable award to loyal followers to be left with some random knight that helped Tywin in his schemes, even if one considered that the mines may be nearly dried out.

After Rhaego destroyed the walls with his dragon form, most of the newly contracted mercenaries from the Lannisters were planning to surrender, but he burned them before they could, he would not give himself the work of awarding them for doing nothing, his army was already big enough, and the Dothraki were already hard enough to control.

After this, he took control of Casterly Rock.