
Dothraki Dragon

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Bücher und Literatur
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Chapter 17:Norvos

During the Century of Blood after the Doom of Valyria, Norvos, and Qohor allied together against Volantis. They destroyed much of the Volantene fleet which had control of the Rhoyne in a battle involving fire galleys on Dagger Lake. Since then, though the bearded priests are known to regard the Black Goat of Qohor as a demon, Norvos and Qohor have been allies more often than they have been enemies.

'What to do about Qohor and Norvos? Norvos would surely be an annoyance to conquer with an army, considering their terrain, and I fear that the crazy blood mages of Qohor may sacrifice half of their own people in the hope of their Black Goat God to give them an impossible victory. People from Norvos are deeply brainwashed by their religion, much more than commoners in Westeros are with the Seven. There will be strong resistance from some stupid fanatics that would give their lives for some months that do nothing for them except try to control their lives. Strong will is a way to resist my compulsion, so both of these cities' fanatism may lead to my power not workings.' thought Rhaego.

"Mother, invading Norvos with an army would not be wise it would also waste a long time. We may find even some fanatical resistance that would only weaken our control over the city. I have an idea. Let me try to convert them to our side." Rhaego said.

"How exactly do you plan to do this?"Daenerys asked.

"Oh, it is a surprise Mother. I will make my own form of art." Rhaego said.

"At least take one of the dragons with you."Daenerys said.

"But, I am a dragon." Rhaego said.

"But it takes time for you to turn into a dragon. It is safer that way."Daenerys said.

"You are right. It would also be a funny situation a dragon riding a dragon."Rhaego said.

"But please do not try riding any of your 'brothers' in your dragon form, they would surely fall into the ground if you do."Daenerys said.


"My baby is already a grown man. This came too fast."

Rhaego flew from Rhaegal to Norvos.

Norvos sat among the Hills of Norvos, upon the eastern banks of the river Noyne, a tributary of the massive Rhoyne, and is surrounded by limestone hills, and dark forests of oak, pine, and beech. Located between Pentos and Qohor, it serves as a gateway for caravans and travelers going east-west on the ancient Valyrian roads, with the ruins of Ghoyan Drohe to the southwest and Qohor to the southeast. Norvos is located in a land of rolling hills and terraced farms, surrounded by small walled villages.

The domains of Norvos stretched as far as the western bank of the Darkwash to the east and the Upper Rhoyne to the west. The Noyne was ruled by Norvoshi river galleys as far south as the ruins of Ny Sar, where she joins the Rhoyne. The city also claimed dominion over the Axe upon the Shivering Sea, though the Ibbenese are known to dispute this claim, often bloodily.

Norvos's climate contains sweltering summers and bitter winters, with harsh, cold winds, and a pale, wan sun.

Norvos was made up of two parts. The high city, where the ancient nobility of Norvos' lives, was ringed about by mighty stone walls, and located on the tallest hill in the region. Here, the great fortress-temple of the bearded priests is located.

The lower city was located three hundred feet below, at the base of the hill, by the river, spread out along the muddy shores. It is defended by moats, ditches, and a timber palisade, overgrown with moss. The riverfront is lined with wharves, brothels, and beer halls. While the upper city was grim, the lower city was lively.

"You are still too small to due the amount of damage I required of you. But don't be sad my 'brother' you will grow strong soon enough." Rhaego during the night sneaked with Rhaegal and stole the three bells of Norvos.

Norvos was a theocracy. While it has a council of magisters, its members are chosen by the bearded priests, who speak for their god and wield the true power in the Free City. The magisters gave lavishly to passing Dothraki khals, so their khalasars will not savage the city. Among the Norvoshi only the priests were allowed beards. The priests wear hair shirts and untanned hides. Once initiated, these men are forbidden to cut or shave their hair. They practice ritual flagellation as part of their worship. The name of the god worshipped by the Norvoshi is known only to initiates.

The freeborn of the city, both noble and lowborn, favor long mustachios; Byan Votyris, for instance, dyes his mustachio blue and sweeps it to his ears. Norvoshi women shaved off all of their hair, though noblewomen don wigs, especially when in the company of men from other lands and cities. Some Norvoshi women wore dresses with squirrel collars. The Norvoshi did not foster children.

Slaves are also shaved bare. There are whispers of torchlit cellars where slave women mate with wolves.

Norvoshi enjoyed wintercakes and nahsa, a drink of fermented goat's milk that could be laced with honey.

The Norvoshi were well known for their tapestries. Norvos was involved in trade with Lorath, but rarely with the Seven Kingdoms. Caravans were known to pass through the city.

Norvos's three bells governed every aspect of the lives of those in the city. The bells told the Norvoshi when to rise, sleep, work, rest, when take arms, when to pray, and when they are permitted to have carnal relations. Each bell has its own distinctive 'voice' and name: Noom, with a deep sound; Narrah, with a strong sound; Nyel, with a higher pitched sound.

It was not easy to sneak and take out all of them. Although he could them with his strength, they were too big and it was difficult to balance them. His dragon form would have been too eye-catching so he had to carry it on Rhaegal's back and used water magic to make the air humidity to reduce the weight on poor Rhaegal's back. He stole each bell at a time, as the weight would be too much for his 'brother'. Each bell weighs nearly half a tonne. Rhaego thinks they were also double the size of the biggest bell on Earth.

'I had to thank, whoever projected these buildings and left the bells in the open sky, without any ceiling. They only put a lone above the bells, when it's raining.'

He left the city pass a day of panic. There was no way What would be of Norvos without their holy bells? The next day, he sneaked into the city and used magic to slowly cause some fasten erosion to the Sinner's Steps. The Sinner's Steps was a massive stone stair that connects the higher and lower cities that make up the Free City of Norvos and is the only connection between them. Bears danced on the Sinner's Steps during annual festivities. Panic increased when the star collapsed. On the third night, Rhaego flew on Rhaegal's back to the higher city and in a hit-and-run fashion slowly eliminated the ruling parts that would be a threat to his family's rule. On the fourth day, hope returned to Norvos, as a giant dragon rang the bells that guided their lives.

This continued for a week until the most gullible minds started to see the dragon as their god. Was that the nameless and formless god the bearded priests worshiped so tenaciously? One day, Rhaego descended into his dragon form and turned into his human form for a whole platoon to see. He did not bother to cover his body, because which god would show any form of shame, much less about their own divine body?

"For too long, this bearded priest. Hid my name. My loyal worshipers, I came before you in flesh and blood so my name to be known and never forgotten. My name is Rhaego. Now, kneel before your god." Rhaego said. With his compulsion power the valyrian blood in them, naturally made them obey, as his power worked its magic, his legitimacy among people as their god was cemented.

"As my degree is made:no men shall be chained and made slave, all the slaves shall be compensated for the work they were unpaid for years. Women and Slaves shall no longer shave their heads in shame. No self-flagellation shall be made worshiping me. Norvos shall join the Targaryen Empire. I shall choose between the three most devout, the rulers of the three bells who shall have the honor of ringing my bells in my name."

Rhaego chose a young mother, an elderly man, and a young slave boy to be the three priests of Norvos. He slowly saw the reforms being implemented. This was how Norvos fell.