
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
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237 Chs

Not just Heartbroken

♠ ♠ ♠

"Did you hear? Daniella Sullen and Paul Hamlyn from the business department are rumored to be engaged."

"Figures. They both came from a wealthy family."

"Both are Alphas too. I'm so jealous."

"All from the business department already figured things will go to marriage after graduation."

"Yeah, the two had always been close. It was not officially known but some say they were in a relationship since first years."

Even in the Art department, this news was spread like a wildfire since the two were quite popular in the Campus. Paul is not the kind of guy that you would fall in love with the moment you see him but he had his own charm. He a gentle person and very outstanding in class so even though he's not that handsome as the other guys, he still had a lot of girls admiring him. While as Daniella, she's one of the Campus's most beautiful girls. She was called Campus Angel because she is gentle and sweet not to mention she's also very wealthy, smart and talented.

Everyone would support the two in their relationship but as for Daniel Sullen. No one even knew that he was the one who has been in a relationship with Paul for almost 4 years. No one also knew he's twins with the Campus Angel.

Daniel was just listening to the rumors. He can't say he was not affected by it but what can he do!? Paul didn't even love him. If he said that he loved him more than Daniella and that Daniella had seduced him, Daniel would have believed in Paul and didn't give up on him. He would have fought for his love.

"Hey Dan, is it true that your cousin is going to marry Paul after graduation?" One of Daniel's classmates finally called for him and asked. The pencil he's holding stopped working. He didn't lift his head and continued to look at his sketch.

"Maybe, I don't really know, I don't live in the main house anymore," Daniel answered naturally and resumed sketching. He doesn't even know what he was sketching, he just let his hands do the work. His mind currently is so much occupied to think of something to draw.

"Oh, okay thank you, but anyway are you okay? You look pale. You look rather sick. " His classmate notice and some of his other classmates agreed.

"Really? I don't know, I've been a little bit off these past few days. I'm getting dizzy even when I'm just sitting ... Should I go for a checkup? " Daniel complained finally lifting his head to look at his classmates. He puts down his pencil and rubs his temples, aside from unable to think straight, he's also having a headache.

"You really should Dan. You definitely look sick."

"I'm going to buy something. Maybe you're just hungry. Do you have something in mind that you want to eat?" another classmate asked.

"Are you going to treat me?" Daniel asked smiling showing off his perfectly aligned pearly white teeth. The girl thought for a second then finally sighed.

"You're lucky you have that face. Fine, what do you want to eat?" she said giggling. The rest also laugh and shake their heads. The Omega had not known this but he is also quite popular in the Art Department. With his optimistic personality and his cute face, he was like the light in the Department. One's mood would lighten up when they see him smiling. The Omega is more beautiful than any other girl, even against his twin, Daniella.

Sadly, he's a submissive Omega and he does not want to stand out and only likes to be alone with his drawings most of the time.

Daniel and Daniella are fraternal twins so no one thought they are actually twins and not cousins. The Omega had pure black wavy hair that he had inherited from his Asian grandmother while Daniella has dark blond wavy hair, common hair color in the Sullen family.

"Hmmm... I want something green and leafy. Oh! oh! salad with lots of lettuce on it! Ahh! I could just eat all the lettuce in the world." Daniel groan, suddenly feeling frustrated thinking about the green plant.

"Okay okay, I'll get your lettuce, Princess." His female classmate said then finally leaving the room laughing. Everybody just laughed leaving Daniel pouting. They were doing their daily sketch in the art room but it suddenly turned out into a gossip session.

Daniel doesn't like to gossip that's why his classmates didn't include him but that does not mean he could not hear them. Today's gossip he was rather interested in listening. He thought that if he keeps listening to these rumors, his hate towards the two would increase to the point that he would stop loving Paul.

The days quickly passed with Daniel fulfilling his usual routine which was school and home, including also avoiding the people he didn't want to see or hear. And without knowing the weekend was fast approaching with thankfully him not seeing a single hair of Daniella and Paul. Rumors were still spreading for about a month now, the two have not confirmed it yet but earlier today he had received an email from his grandfather's secretary that the family is having a party to celebrate his 73rd birthday.

It also says that his twin sister Daniella is going to be engaged with the Hamlyn's heir, Paul.

This is the real reason why Daniel had a low spirit all day. He kept spacing out in class and if not, he's sleeping during class, he did his sketch but his classmates could feel something was wrong. Though he would still cheerfully smile when there's a joke or if someone talks to him, everyone in the department felt something is wrong with their angel.

"Dan, are you free later? There's a newly open cafe by the next block and I heard it was good. Let's go there now, I'll treat you." A classmate asked Daniel when the class finally ended but he just smiles saying he was not feeling really good lately and he just wants to rest right away.

He was not lying though, the Omega was indeed not feeling good and he had a feeling that it was not because he's heartbroken. If he was heartbroken he would not act like this.

"Oh okay. Next time then, Get well soon." His classmate didn't push further and decided to give up seeing that Daniel indeed looked sick. Nodding and apologizing to his classmate, Daniel walked towards his vehicle. But just when Daniel reaches his car, he was suddenly experiencing a weird sensation down his stomach and somewhat making him feel nauseous.

He held onto the car for support. Unable to control anymore he rushes a few feet away and heaves a few times feeling the bile rising up. Daniel held onto his stomach, his forehead glistening with sweat and his palm was moist.

Daniel thought he must have eaten a lot of that leafy stuff today. He's been eating like a caterpillar these days and his refrigerator was full of green leafy things.

Feeling that he has calmed down, Daniel drove his car back to his place. When he got to the front lobby of his apartment, the receptionist had informed him that a package from the Sullen had arrived. It was a huge box with an expensive brand printed on top. Daniel figured that it must be a suit prepared by his grandfather.

"Thank you." Daniel softly spoke and took the heavy thing as he proceeds to the elevator. Daniel could not see anything in the front causing him to bump into someone.

"I'm really sorry." Daniel apologizes moving sideways and managed to bow his head to the person he had just bump into but he froze when he looked at the two tall figures. Both of them were like Gods looking down on him. The person who had the intimidating aura and the person he had bumped into, stared at him or more like glared at him while the later with a friendly aura smiled.

"Oh, we're very sorry, cutie. It's our fault for standing here." The friendly one with a smiley face spoke to Daniel.

"Oh no I should be the one to say sorry, it was me who did not see the both of you. I'm very sorry mister." Daniel politely apologized.

"Hmm, How about this? We say its both our fault okay cutie!? What floor are you? My brother and I will help you as an apology, that thing seemed to be very heavy." The stranger offered but Daniel politely declined.

"Thank you but it's okay, it's not really that heavy." Daniel smiled innocently showing his pearly whites.

"Hanlu." Daniel froze when the other guy called his brother. Daniel shifted his gaze to the tall man. The obviously rich tycoon was looking at his brother like he was shooting daggers and when he finally shifted his gaze to Daniel, his eyes went even colder. His cold glares sent chills to the already terrified Omega.

"I ... Ahhh t-thank you but I don't really need help but t-thanks anyway mister I ... I ... have to go." Without waiting for the friendly stranger to reply, Daniel immediately dashed towards the other corridor where another elevator is located. Though it was much further from his room, Daniel was willing to take it just so he could escape those cold dark eyes. He was never really fond of dominant Alphas and those two were obviously on a different level.

At the same time. The Chinese-American's eye unconsciously followed the small escaping figure until he completely disappeared to the next corridor. He was ticked for unknown reasons. The Chinese-American obviously remembered the Omega from that night but how come the Omega did not even react like he should when he saw him!?

The trail of sweet scent the Omega left in the area made the Chinese-American somewhat annoyed. He is after all an Alpha and Omegas are his natural weakness. This is why he hates them and that sweet intoxicating smell they expel.

"It's unusual that you're even looking at an Omega brother." Hanlu mischievously smiled at his brother. The older tycoon sent another glare at his younger brother before setting foot at the elevator.

"What!? What did I do again?" The younger tycoon raised his hands up in defeat. His brother was obviously angry with him and he was not even doing anything. The older Chinese-American gets angry with the younger one even when he did something or not. The younger was already very careful not to enrage his brother again, last time he did he almost died from the older tycoon's hands, and he was just following orders then.

"tsk, you just scared that cutie away. You and your moods brother." The younger tycoon sigh as they enter the elevator, he was known as a Casanova and would never pass such a cutie slip through his fingers. He felt regretful that the cute Omega left without him getting his number.

". . ." The older tycoon didn't reply and just waited for the elevator to stop at the right floor.

"Make sure that brat comes home tomorrow morning or you'll get it from me again Hanlu." The moment the two figures barge into a penthouse on the 30th floor, the person they are looking for had long gone escaped.


Males Omega(s) are hermaphrodite. They are born with both genders thus ables them to conceive. They have a regular mating season called the "Heat Cycle". During their heat cycle, they produce mating pheromones that attract Alpha(s) and drive them into their rut. Because of this they are frequently discriminated and treated worthless. Omega(s) are extremely fertile and mating with them without protection could mean a 100% conception.

There are two types of Omega(s): Submissive Omega and Dominant Omega. Submissive Omega(s) are submissive in nature and they have weak mating pheromones, they almost don't attract attention. Dominant Omega(s) on the other hand means they have dominant mating pheromones and attacks all kinds of unwanted attention. Alpha(s) flock them whether they like it or not.

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