
Dora Is Wanted

It all started with a delivery~ It was the first time she would get something delivered to her,and it was also the first time she wished she'd appreciate her life much longer. The first delivery she received turns out to be a misfortune in disguise as she met the least thing she'd expected to be inside: A human's hand. Shocked and scared,she ran away when the cops came over but found a home in a stranger,which didn't know would be a police officer's house. She was framed,but how was she to explain that? Join me on this drive to Dora's fate.

Blink_Eniola · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Have a bloody morning


"So can you release me now?. I am clean,I assure you."she said to Carlos who still has his doubts.

A murderer case isn't something so little that could be take as a grain of salt.

Yes,of course,he hate injustice but..

He looked at her and sighed.

He brought out a table knife from his pocket and cut the ropes around her.

"I hope you're saying the truth."he muttered.

She grinned at her fred hands and chuckled.

"You know..."she started saying before gazing up at him.

"All my life, I've always wanted to end my life. I thought I was the only unhappy one on this Earth. I thought my life sucks. I felt life didn't worth living for."she heaved a sigh.

"But,now,I know to be grateful. Why?. Cause I've got something which some people don't have,which is independence. While I was being chased,when I entered your house,I realized being independent is what one has to be grateful for. I learnt the hard way though because now, I've not got that independent anymore."she explained.

"I promise to get you back your independence but that's if –"

"Ugh,you like repeating your words. Do you have more chicken?."she pouted, standing up.

"After finishing a whole laps of my chicken, you're still asking for more?"he scoffed.

"Well,I can't go out nor work. The best I can do for you is helping you in not putting all those nice goodies stored up in your fridge to waste."

"If truly,you were framed for this crime,then we can't just sit by and watch. Your life is still in danger."

"Ei?. But you've got a gun, right?"

He furrowed his brows at her, throwing her a quizzical look.


"Gun anyone who try to kill me down. I feel safe around you."she smiled sheepishly.

"Are you this care - free?"he questioned with a jeer.

It amuses him that she doesn't feel bothered about the situation she is in.

When she came inside his house, shouldn't she be looking for a way to keep her head safe first and make sure the house was vacant but she went to his food instead.

"No. I am more free because I am here tonight. I am sharing my thoughts with you now as I'm afraid I might not be alive to share tomorrow with you?"she uttered, despondently.

"It saddens me that I might not see Katie again too."she sighed.

"Which of the Katie?. The cat?!"

"Both. They were both my relatives. The only people I feel connected to. But now,look where I am. In a strange officer's house who is so stingy to a poor girl when all she ever wants is a chicken."she gave a melancholic laughter.

Carlos huffs and went inside the kitchen then came back with a full chicken on a tray.

"Enjoy this."he proferred it to her.

Dora's face beamed up in a smile and she sprang up.

"When I die,in my next life,I will choose you as my husband."she grinned and collected the tray from him.

She dug her teeth on the fleshy part of the meat and took a huge bite.

"Poor chicken.."she sniffed.

"She was killed for the happiness of men. Hahaha. Just to make their Christmas rosy,they always kill you and your sisters and brothers..I will fight for you..in my stomach tho."she laughed.

Carlos shook his head and sat down on the couch.

No way a vibrant lady like this would kill a person.

This isn't an ordinary case and he must be very careful.

He watched as she ate the chicken hurriedly.

She keeps pouting her oily mouth.

And then,he saw a tear slids out of her eye.




Lisa descended the stairs,still dressed up in her red night gown robe.

She had her flip flops on.

She sat down on the sofa in the living room and crossed her legs.

The door opened and Bryan stepped in.

He bowed immediately he saw her.

"Good morning,Bryan. You came just at the right time."she chuckled.

"Well,you did superb last night,though I was a bit vexed with your approach but..I still give it to you."she gave him a thumbs up.

"Thank you, ma'am. I will improve."he bowed again.

"Take your seat."she nudged her head to the couch next to her's.

He sat down and rubbed his hands together nervously.

"Since the morning is so beautiful, I thought giving you an interesting show would be good. The show is to teach you a lesson too."

A maid came around with a tray.

On the tray was a glass of red wine and an object wrapped with a white handkerchief.

The entrance door was whacked open and two well - built men brought a man...no..

Bryan leaned out of his seat.

"Jared?"the words rolled out of his mouth unconsciously,in shock.

What is he doing here and why are the men holding him up?

They made him kneel in front of her and she twirled the glass of wine in her hand.

"Lisa?"Jared called with a scoff.

He turned around and shook his head at Bryan.

"You too?"he scoffed.

Lisa pressed her gaze on the glass in her hand carefully.

She took a sip and crunched on the ice cube angrily.

"I told you to watch your back, Prosecutor Jared."she looked over at him.

"Are you attempting to kill a current investigator, Lisa?. You know better never to do that."he smirks, trying to act brave but deep down, he's scared as fvck!

"Nice..I love it. You've still got words in your mouth?"she placed her glass down on the tray.

"I was going to let it slide but my conscience wouldn't let me."she took the wrapped object and unwrap it, revealing a gun.

Bryan jerks back in his seat.

Jared's eyes widened out in horror.

She cleaned the body of the gun with the cloth gently.

She raised it up and points it at Jared.

"Lisa! What are you doing?!"

"Nothing. Just testing out my new toy."she shot him in the head.

An evil smile was glued to her lips.

He gasps and fell face flat on the floor.

Bryan stared out in fear.

Sh..she killed him..?.

His breathing seized and he placed his hand over his mouth.

"Hope you've learn from this, Bryan. I don't tolerate nonsense."

He swallowed a thick saliva.

"You.. did not have to kill him.."he cried out.

She bursted into hysterical laughter and turned to her men.

"He is a first timer. Don't worry, you will get use to this pretty soon cause I like the smell of blood and there's no way you would be around me without getting infected.That would be all. Have a bloody morning."

She sprang up from her seat.

"Clean up the mess."she ordered her men.