
Seeing her family again

The moment she entered the lobby came to a standstill. The lobby was filled with people of the high class dressed Fancy, like they were at the Grammys or a movie premier or something. Janet's professional suit seemed to be of the lowest for this people wear the trend makers and wore only the best .

And again the chatter box left her unguided in this cruel world .

" Hi " she waved her hands awkwardly as an icebreaker.

Some smiled forcefully at her and others gave dirty looks back . Janet had never felt so embarrassed, actually she had on the day she was fired three years ago that day still hunts her dreams . ' Thank God for Yeimy's help that faithful day ' she appreciated from within with folded hands looking more like a freak to the rich .

They all continued to whisper.

Janet felt their deadly gaze on her . She could not care less all she thought about in the Audi A4, was how is Naina now , she tried calling the hospital and doctor Brent unfortunately could not get through.

Another aching problem was Henry , how can Henry want to kill his wife , he clearly loves her very much and now . Why did Yeimy want to divorce Henry all of a sudden.

Finally, how is she going to get to the crime lab, when will she see her family and who is the mysterious person who messaged her and how did Yeimy's phone magically unlocked itself.

These thoughts kept her occupied until the elevator door opened at the ' First Class floor ' . The onlookers waited for the alarm to be set off but got nothing. It disgruntled them a little. Others continued shopping while some waited anxiously to see if she will buy anything. Only does with Black cards get the first floor, looking at her clothes they felt she was a social climber and now they think she surely has a weathly sugar daddy.

Charlie watched at a corner she had a glass of tequila in her hands . Her face turned urgly, in a fit of rage she came up with a malicious idea .


While in the next floor , Mrs Eva Hårt, Henry's mother had a meeting with some clients in a privately booked room . She was tall slender woman , she has a gap tooth and brown silky hair. She has cerulean blue eyes and gave up a threatening yet pleasant aura .

" Thanks Mrs Eva Hårt , it is a pleasure meeting you " a client said formally.

Eva waved her off " it's nothing don't be formal . Ok let's do this to celebrate the closing of this contact , i personally invite you to my mother's unveiling of her new portrait in the Red Mall" she said jovially.

The clients gave each other a reassuring look " It's our pleasure "

" Don't forget gifts , it is a must have " she joked once more . They all shared a laugh and parted ways.

On her way back Mrs. Hårt enters a different privately booked room.

The smile on Mrs. Eva faced fell she sat on a chair lazily " Thankfully that awful moment is over . I'm so tired of smiling my cheek bones hurt . I will get a massage today and maybe after that i will get my son married. "

" Do you have another son ". A lady with cucumber on her eye lids asked . It was Mrs . Mac Adams, Abigail Mac Adams's mother. She was a replica of her daughter, Abigail only difference was her darker complexion.

Eva shrugged a little, she thought for a long while " None that i know of " then she thought again before pouring a drink for herself.

' shameless ' Mrs . Mac Adams thought.

" Which son do you want to settle down , William that island . " She called him an island because he's the biggest play boy in Clifton.

" Hey that is offensive but .... No ?. My real son and only son Henry " she shivered as proud as a peacock.

Mrs . Adam jerked off in shock , making her cucumber slices to fall on the glass tile.

" Henry is married to that girl that leaches off my daughter ... Mitchell " Mrs . Mac Adams tried to recall the name ( Yeimy).

" It's ... Oh i forgotten her name " Eva tried to remember her daughter in-law name . " I got it .. Karka "

" No , i don't think so . Wait .. what type of mother does not know her daughter in-law name ". Mrs. Mac Adams yelled helplessly.

Unfortunately, she still could not believe a mother would not know her son's name . She always knew Eva was superficial and selfish but not to this extend .

" Don't pressure me it happened swiftly, i Did not get her name "? Eva did not feel embarrassed at all . She hated Yeimy and felt she will be jinx if she knew the name of that awful girl.

" Yet , you attended the wedding ".Mrs. Mac Adams scolded .

" I would not blame you, we all she is a gold digger " Eva Hårt replied , she's feeling extremely tired and her limps exhausted . " I will be leaving now , i have to supervise tomorrow event

. " Is Henry going to be there "

" If his wife allows him " Eva Hårt smiled at Mrs. Mac Admas . Then added sullenly " I have not seen my son in months " her face quavered , she felt like crying.

Through the dull pain , the coldness in her heart was excruciating. She was another mother who had only one son and does not get to see him often.