
Already discharged

Abigail rubbed her nose aggressively " Is she gets into any trouble, i will withdraw the money I gave the hospital for your brother's treatment. "

Charlie knew how impulsive Abigail was and was aware,she is actually capable of doing the unspeakable.

She went on her knees ,begging and crying.

In truth, Abigail was not a fool , she could tell that this girl had a bone to pick with her friend and was no good . Therefore she promised to humilate her anytime she find suitable and wherever possible.


Janet hugged her brother and cried a lot. She missed him a lot and his playful bullying.

Still scared Sally Austen stood saying nothing, immediately her pupils dilated . " Yeimy Hårt " she said in shocked . ' I am in the same room with Yeimy Hårt the famous doctor and wife of the biggest CEO '.

Janet let go of brother , she could not stop herself from kissing him all over the cheeks like how she did when he was a baby , toddler .

Ellice Austen was slightly agitated and pushed her away lightly

She could not stop crying she hug her mother tightly " How is grandma, i hope she is taking her meds on time "

Hearing this he glanced at her and ignored her coldy.

He chuckled lightly " Ma'am are you alright " . He knew rich folks are likely to get into drugs and begin to utter rubbish.

Janet instantly flew in rage of embarrassment, she snorted and continued to cry on her mother's shoulders.

Well , Sally was immensely great full she took out a selfie stick regardless of Janet's crying and took a picture. She added the caption " When Yeimy Hårt finds a mother figure in you " .

" Beep " it was posted on Ifamous.

In the underground basement , the figure in the dark sipped his coffee silently . The notification of the phone came in he smiled wickedly following seeing the post . " Mother and daughter reunite " he mutters underneath his breathe softly. Followed by a dark deep chuckle.


The light from camera sprang Janet from her feets. Ellice Austen stared at her suspiciously.

Thus , he managed to ask " Who are you ".

Sally slapped her forehead lightly, completely embarrassed . " Yeimy Hårt, the famous doctor who is researching the cure for Cancer " seeing that the boy's confused look did not change. " Aha , Her husband Henry Hart is the generous person who gave us a cheque of five million dollars " she whispered softly dragging the last statement.

Janet eyes dilated " Five million dollars "

" Yes ma'am, our late daughter Janet Austen died in the same plane crash you survived from and your husband despite being her boss three years ago he helped us with so a Bugatti amount " Sally said with her face full of smiles with no grief or sense of loss. " He even personally organized her funeral which is in three days , please come " Sally Austen could not help but think about highly her neighbors will think of her when Yeimy Hårt attends a gathering at her place. Further than " Let Henry tag along, he did some much anyway. Now i can finally treat my mother " Sally added the last part to gain pity..

Janet who had never seen any flaw in her mother smiled kindly " i will be there so will be Henry. I promised ".

Sally forced a tear out of eye " Thank you miss "

She gave Janet and side hug and they parted ways.

Sally had to admit she was greatly moved by her own words , she almost believed that she cared about her mother . " This money is mine " she shrugged her shoulders.

Thinking about what she said carefully , Janet heart warmed up with love for Henry .

" He helped my family and now my family will get a better life and grandma will soon recover. She carries out the activity of the sign of the cross .

Moreover, she still had to thank Henry . In fact she had a lot on her plate and her mind was in dilemma.

" Should I really believe an anonymous message or follow my guts " she whispered softly.

Therefore after considering for a while, she nodded repeatedly " Follow my guts ".

She took out her phone and dialed a number " Greetings, auntie Sofia . How is Naina doing now "

Miss Sofai smiled faintly " Young madam, she has been discharged today. The Carolina Pepper thankfully did not kill her " she added a sigh.

" Carolina..what " Janet screamed on the phone in shock . She knew that pepper was banned from 99 out of 100 countries . It was highly deathly and illegal in the country. Only black markets sold it and you will have to know someone in the higher ranking to lay your hands on it . Why was it in the kitchen for God sake.

" Yes the Carolina reaper . The doctor wanted to inform the police as it's a case of attempted murder . Unbelievably, Niana refused to get involved . So suspicious "

" Really sus auntie Sofia." She felt guilty.

" Don't worry i will passed by the grocery store to restock. " Janet felt extremely happy.

Sofia smiled again " Ok , If you insist " Sofia was very tired and felt warmness in her heart about young madam helping out in the house . It was strange but in a good way.

On the other line Janet giggled childishly " I insist ".

" Ok take care "

" Always aunt " she hang the call .

Aunt Sofia turned to Naina who laid on the bed with a swollen tongue " Guess who that was " after getting no response. She sighed heavily " It was Mrs . Yeimy Hårt , she wanted to check upon you "

Naina snorted and pretended to sleep.

Lost in thoughts again, cold big hands grabbed her aggressively.