
Doomsday Supreme: I Have An SSS Grade Talent

[ Doomsday finally befalls the world, and a global announcement resounds throughout the earth, declaring that all humans from age 13 to 65 should participate in a Universal Survival Game to save the earth from being erased entirely. If all humans fail, their home planet will be turned into another hunting ground with all living beings on it degenerating into prey, like any other world and their inhabitants that failed before them. ] In a university dormitory, a 19-year-old young man, Jason Shemrite, also hears the announcement that rang directly in his ears. And before he could express his astonishment and discuss it with his roommates, he was dragged into a new space within a blink of an eye. When he re-opens his eyes, he finds himself in a small, simple and nearly empty room with only a door inserted into a wall. To his relief, he finds a metal axe at the corner of the room. Yet that is not all. Everyone awakens an initial Talent to help them survive the coming Doomsday, and Jason was one of the lucky few to obtain a high grade Talent. [ TING!! ] [ Congratulations to Player ****** for having awakened an SSS grade Talent - Infinite Extraction ] "What? SSS grade?" Join Jason as he explores the coming Doomsday with his SSS grade Talent, and watch how he uses it to the best of his abilities. To lengths no human mind, nor paranormal could imagine. Watch as he sets on a journey where he either becomes Supreme over Doomsday, or proves whether Doomsday is truly Supreme over All.

Enigmatic_Author · Spiele
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11 Chs

Tier 4 Zombie

[ You have activated the Level E Talent, Semi-Enhanced Speed - Your Speed has increased by two times ]

[ You have activated the Level F Talent, Weapon Reinforce - Your weapon's effects have been enhanced by 75% ]

[ You have activated the Level E Talent, Semi-Enhanced Endurance - Your Tissue density has increased by two times ]

[ You have activated the Level F Talent, Mighty Roar - Your opponent's index has decreased by 75% due to hearing the mighty roar of a lion ]

[ You have activated the Level E Talent, Bloodlust - All your statistic index has increased by two times, and your INT by half for the duration of the Talent ]

[ You have activated the Level F Talent, Dash - Your Speed has increased by 75% ]

[ Your two speed-type Talents have resonated. Your Speed has increased by three times ]

[ You have activated the Level D Talent, Strength Up - Your Speed has increased by three times ]

[ Your two strength-type Talents have resonated. Your Strength has increased by five times ]

[ You have activated the Level D Talent, Twin Thoughts - Your INT and perception has increased by two ]

[ You have activated the Level B Talent, Kingly Aura - Your statistic index has increased by five times ]

[ Your overall Strength has increased by ten times. Your overall Speed has increased by eight times. One ERG will be drained every second ]

[ You have activated the Level I Talent, Minimal Energy Consumption - Energy Consumption will be decreased by 10% ]

Jason ignored all of these notifications, and using his whole strength, he swung his axe and easily beheaded a Zombie that had yet to react to his fast speed.

'One down!!' His perception slowed down, and he could see everything at half their speed. But his movements were not one bit slow at all.

Just as he swung his axe, he later swung his spade and beheaded yet another Zombie that stood right next to the first one.

His STR was now above 110 points, and his AGI was at 96 points. Jason believed that this was not something that a Rank 1, or Rank 2 predator could handle!!

The other Zombies finally reacted, then charged at him and roared at him in anger.



But Jason was unphased. With Phantom like speed, he dashed towards the Zombies and beheaded one Zombie after another.

With every second, a Zombie or two Zombies would fall down like reaped cabbages. He was like a god of war, killing and butchering anyone that rushed towards him.

And worst of all, his rationale was still around 30 points. That was something that he still believed was beyond Rank 1. He was able to stay cool headed even with such levelsp of power.

And because of that, he survived a coming disaster.

"Haaaaa!!!" Jason raised his voice to boost his morale, and continued killing the Zombies as ten seconds had gone by.

By now, he had taken down twenty Zombies, which he was not aware what their levels were.

Meanwhile behind him, the remaining ten or so humans gawked at what he was doing. Some did not even believe Jason was a human, and feared him more than the Zombies.

The woman who had obtained the first kill held the young girl within her arms tightly, and became pale stricken.

She had almost been killed by such a man. Thoughts like this rushed within her head, yet more of them that told her to seek refuge from him dominated.

That was a safer option. She thought.

The young boy hidden behind everyone had a sharp glint flash through his eyes, when he saw Jason kill his way within the circle of Zombies.

Meanwhile, the two man were also surprised and left speechless as well. Adolf whispered, "What now?" He asked, and Joe was quiet at first.

The more he watched Jason, the more he felt like the boy was too mysterious and dangerous. Luckily, he was not against them... at least, not to the point of him turning against them.

He even wondered if Jason could kill them all, but held back because they were all humans. Hell, he was questioning if bullets could even do anything to a godlike being like that.

But one thing that made him sigh in relief was that, it seemed his strength was at the cost of having a time limit. Which was deduced from Jason's killing rush.

"...We will watch for now." He said, and Adolf briefly nodded his head.

Then something out of hand occurred during the thirteenth second. It had caught everyone, including Jason, off guard.


Jason swung his axe towards another Zombie, and this time, it swung its hand towards the axe and upon contact, Jason was pushed back, and the Zombie lost its arm.

"What..?!" Jason exclaimed as he felt his hand slightly tremble. 'What the fuck just happened? What's with that perverted strength?'

Joe also saw through the problem, and hurriedly reacted, showing why he was the leader.

He took this chance to place his hands on the ground and called out, "Shoot shoot shoot..!!" He commanded and cast his Level C Talent, Earth Manipulation. "Earth Barrier."

It was a powerful Talent, that could rival a few Level B Talents depending on who used it. And Joe, seemed to be a genius with this Talent.

Meanwhile, Jason hurriedly pulled back and felt a world splitting headache. It was so severe, he felt dizzy and his vision was temporarily blurry.

The Zombie that struck him, and lost its arm, roared at him and attempted to pounce on him. It was too fast.

But just as it pounced on him, a wall rose up below it, and took it up with it. The wall separated him from most of the Zombies.

"Damnit... Fuck, my head." Jason had the time to finally let out a breathe of relief.

Moments later, a chorus of bullets rang out, as the more than ten people also rushed out to deal damage, and to also obtain more Energy Essence.

Then other ten or so Zombies died.

Everyone sighed in relief, including Jason. Twenty or so seconds had gone by, and he was about to deactivate his form.

But suddenly, the powerful Zombie from before fell from above, and pinned him down, jump scaring everyone around him.



The women around him screamed in fright, and hurriedly ran away from him. Even Joe and Adolf were caught off guard.

Jason was shocked and caught off guard as well, but thanks to his many activated Talents, and his greater strength, he managed to grab the Zombie by its jaws, and turned it over.

He had no weapons, and only had his hands at this moment. He held down the Zombie by its jaws, and forcefully pressed it down.

The Zombie struggled and clawed at him, but Jason ignored the pain and just pounded the Zombie with his free hand, making sure to do nothing but punch, punch and punch.

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!' He punched and punched, resonating alongside every heart beat of his fast racing heart.

He was frightened and fearful at the moment, and was now just punching out for the sake of survival. He had no control of his body.

At some point, he even let go of the Zombie and punched with both hands.

Ywt his eyes calm and cold, with no words or sound either than the blunt sound of damage being heard.


The women watching felt scared. They felt a type of fear they never thought would be possibly coming from another human.


The man moved back as they felt the rage oozing out of Jason. It was just that. Pure rage, silent and calm. But rage nonetheless.


The kids hid their eyes and covered their ears from the scene before them. It was just gore. Blood and strange substances were flying out everywhere.

And Jason continued punching mechanically, until the Doomsday Supreme intervened.

[ TING!!! ]

[ An achievement made. You have killed a Tier 4 Zombie Lord. You have obtained forty-four Energy Essence ]

[ You have obtained 35 Hunting Points ]

[ TING!!! ]

[ You have obtained a lot of Energy Essence within a short span of time. Please hold on for a moment ]

[ Calculating the total Energy Essence you have obtained ]

[ You have obtained eight hundred and fourteen Energy Essence ]

[ TING!!! ]

[ You have obtained a lot of Hunting Points within a short span of time. Please hold on for a moment ]

[ Calculating the total Hunting Points you have obtained ]

[ You have obtained five hundred and fifty Hunting Points ]

Jason finally rested, and stepped away from the beat up Zombie. He stared at his hands, and was surprised at everything that took place.

Most importantly, he was surprised at how calm he was taking this. The only thing out of place, would be his chest heaving up and down.

But at this moment, dull sounds hit the the earthen wall created by Joe, and he roared out at the people within. "Get out of there!! I don't have enough energy to keep up the wall. Run run run!!"

Everyone who was shaken by Jason got back their senses, and rushed towards Joe. The wall fell behind them, and the fast Zombies gave chase, only to be met by rapids shots from Adolf and his gun.