
Chapter 14

after going for a rest I said to the system

Lin: System buy me an AI which can hack and gather information

[ you want AI which can gather information by hacking but if the government does not know then what will you do ]

Lin: then tell me your idea

[ buy tease three things A Seattleite that can gather information, A vehicle that can connect to the Seattleite always, and An Ai for controlling the situation ]

Lin: okay then what the price

[ 30,000 points ]

Lin: that can take my 60% points, well anyway but it

[ All in your inventory tell me when placing them ]

After going outside and taking out a car which is very big as a big dish on top of that

Lin: how I can place the satellite in the space

[ tell me to do that in the future when placing things far, the satellite is placed and it will remain safe in there unless attack happens ]

Lin: well that's fine, Install then AI

[ Installed in the Vehicle and Settalite ]

As I go inside and see five people area of space inside and on the backside whole screen are there with their control but the screen is connecting with satellite as it saw soon voice come

Pixie: [ Hello Sir, Pixie is in your service ]

Lin: hello Pixie, so the connection has been stabilized

as I said sit in front of the screen

Pixie: [ connection has been made and only in the future, Me and given permission user can connect ]

Lin: then let's see what in the world both the human and zombie side

Pixie: [ Sir, give me some time I will see everything ]

after some minutes, Pixie's voice comes

Pixie: [ Sir right now the source of heat signature on the whole earth is 3 billion, and zombie also is the same near this ratio ]

Lin: how many level 7 zombies are there

Pixie: [ level 7 right now has reached 400 and level also 3 can be there ]

Lin: I see then tell me about diamond mines named Jwaneng Mine what is there now

Pixie: [ Jwaneng mine is the near the city of Gaborone where level 7 is also ]

Lin: what about humans and the government doing right now

Pixie: [the government is gone and the military has closed the area where zombies are and the military and some survivors are also seen fighting ]

Lin: I see then, what about japan

Pixie: [ japan government was able to handle the situation when American forces are here but America called all the forces back and the government lost control very fast as thus military took over them now trying to save those areas where zombies are less as the manpower of military is low so the new weapon is going on which will be done by tomorrow day at the speed is going on ]

Lin: what is the project

Pixie: [ project name is a new light in which a robot type armor is made which can fight the close level fight with zombies but it can only do to level 5 without his talent by I seen, ]

Lin: it will waste of resources in the future when humans awakened they will waste what other countries doing now they have the same plan

Pixie: [ yes most of the countries have the same plan and in two days all of these will be complete ]

Lin: countries can connect now

Pixie: [ yes they are connected except for small countries which are now gone ]

Lin: then what the plan of making Japan does not have so many resources so they will sell

Pixie: [ next week UN Council will be held by all the countries and the topic is how to fight back ]

Lin I see then keep eye on the world now