
Doomsday comes: 100 times explosive rate of knife and knife explosive

Lin Ziluo, who experienced the last ten years, was reborn back to the day when the end game came. When he woke up, the first thing he did was to kill his school girl for ten years. As a result, it accidentally activates a system capable of holding countless golden fingers. The first golden finger: absolute explosion rate, which increases the 1% explosion rate of killing zombies to 100%. Yes, 100 times explosion rate, directly full! Second golden finger: Yin and Yang twins, the host can have two occupations! Sorry, there are more than two, I want them all!!

DaoistKD0tTI · sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 Doomsday Game Goldfinger System

To be honest, Lin Ziluo didn't intend to believe it at first.

However, he gave too much!

As we all know, the game of doom is a very difficult game.

The difficulty is that the total probability of killing the props, equipment, materials, skill books and so on exploded by zombies is only 1%.

This is not Lin Ziluo's own speculation.

But after the apocalypse, a bunch of researchers tested it with massive data.

1% explosion rate, and the high probability will be food, water and other survival supplies.

Just thinking about it makes your scalp tingle.

People with dark faces are even more miserable.

If it weren't for participating in various copies to obtain equipment, materials, gold coins and other items in a large number of copy transmission arrays in every city, few people would really survive.

Now, the Goldfinger system tells Lin Ziluo.

The burst rate of 1% is directly pulled full to 100%.

Equivalent to killing a zombie, one item must be revealed.

Lin Ziluo himself can't imagine such a picture.

"Are you sure your golden finger can do it?" Lin Ziluo tentatively inquired.

Ding, the absolute explosion rate has taken effect. Please use it with confidence.

A golden panel appeared in front of Lin Ziluo.

[Doom Game Goldfinger System]

Name: Lin Ziluo

Current level: level 0 (one golden finger attribute can be activated every ten levels)

Super Goldfinger: 1. Absolute explosion rate: increase the explosion rate of all zombies killed in the game from 1% to 100%.

Goldfinger Task: None

Ordinary golden finger: not available


"Ding, the host level matches the level in the game. Every ten levels can draw a super golden finger. When completing the tasks issued by the golden finger system, you can get rewards such as ordinary golden fingers, equipment and props."

Surprise, surprise beyond measure.

Lin Ziluo, who had been sitting on the ground, stood up.

He never thought that he could get such a plug-in system.

At the same time, an idea popped up.

That is -- to tear down the Li family.

Originally, Lin Ziluo is going to take revenge on Li Haobo, and hide it for the time being.

Be a loner quietly first, and then be strong and consider eating away at the Li family bit by bit.

After being hunted for ten years, he deeply understood that becoming stronger is the most important thing.

As for the Li family who have been covering for Li Haobo and Yao Jinghan.

Such a giant that sat on a large population and eventually built "Lee City".

You can imagine the difficulty of destroying the Li family.

But the appearance of the golden finger system, let Lin Ziluo see hope.

The Lee family?

Please wait and see.

Lin Ziluo just revenge the feeling of relief, in the acquisition of the golden finger system is more obvious.

He lifted Yao Jinghan's head on the ground, and pulled up the headless and tortured body sitting on the chair.

The two "garbage" are stuffed directly into a garbage bucket in the corner of the warehouse.

And threw his bloodstained clothes in with him.

Then I took out clean clothes from the backpack in the back and put them on me.

Less than an hour before the end game.

I still need to prepare some things myself.

Then, Lin Ziluo put his hands in his pockets, a face as if nothing had happened, leisurely expression walked out of the warehouse.

Who would have thought.

The beauty of Mordor University is in a state of separation, and she was left in this abandoned warehouse?


A lot of people gathered on the playground.

The reason is that the whole sky is now painted blood red.

This "strange scene", let the little lovers feel very romantic.

One after another, under the blood-red sky, they hugged each other with their loved ones and told their love words.

Lin Ziluo came to the small shop beside the playground with a small bag on his back.

"Aunt, give me three bottles of water and five pieces of bread." Lin Ziluo said.

After paying the money to the canteen aunt, Lin Ziluo stuffed these things into his backpack.

Although the materials can be exploded from zombies.

With 100% explosion rate now, I don't have to worry about not exploding anything at all.

However, I bought these to guard against whether this golden finger system is really reliable.

What if you can't explode the goods?

However, the most important thing now is to think about how to make the perfect start.

After buying supplies, Lin Ziluo walked straight out of the school.

As we all know, college is a dangerous place when the end comes.

After all, the population is large, and they are all young people.

After they become zombies with good physical quality, the threat to others is big enough.

Because the level is not the key in the doomsday game, but the personal basic attributes are the key.

A professional trained special soldier, even if he is level zero, has no problem with ordinary players playing level five or six.

So Lin Ziluo walked out of the school and went to a very lonely hotel two streets away from the school.

Walking quickly into the inn, he saw the boss lying in a chair.

"Boss, open a room by the hour." Linzlo knocked on the bar and attracted the boss's attention.

"Forty an hour in a single room." The boss did not get up, leisurely said.

"I know, call me No.3 by the way." Lin Ziluo said, sweeping the only 300 yuan left.

The boss who was originally in the rocking chair sat up and looked at him and said, "Hey, I haven't seen you, but 300 is 300. I don't want your room price. Go up by yourself. The third will arrive soon."

After that, the boss threw a room key of 209.

Lin Ziluo took the key, didn't speak, and went upstairs by himself.

"Have come to play with women, still so drag?" The boss looked at Lin Ziluo who went upstairs and grunted.

Yes, this small hotel is mainly in the pink business.

You have to ask Lin Ziluo how he knows?

Ahem, don't get it wrong. He came here after the end.

The purpose of Lin Ziluo's coming here is also very simple, to complete his achievements.

According to Lin Ziluo's memory, Technician 3 of this small hotel eventually grew into a pre-BOSS in this area.

That's the first BOSS Lin Ziluo killed.

Since it is BOSS, after the end of the world, it must be changed into zombies, not infections.

Lin Ziluo is to find a place with few people, and finish the task of killing a zombie in the fastest time.

Technician 3 is definitely the first choice.

He went into room 209.

The space is small and the smell is bad.

The only good thing about it is the shower.

After all, ahem, you know.

Lin Ziluo went straight into the bathroom and took a shower.

After taking a bath, Linziluo came out of the bathroom refreshed.

He put on all his clothes again.

I looked at my phone at the same time, 6:55.

There are still five minutes left before the end game.

As it happened, the door was knocked at this moment.

"Knock, knock, knock."

"Hello, the technician you called No.3 has arrived."

"Come in, the door is unlocked," Lin Ziluo replied.

The door was pushed open.

A scantily clad, heavily made-up woman with black silk feet walked in with a cigarette in her mouth.

As soon as I saw Lin Ziluo, the woman's eyes lit up.

Hey yo, I didn't expect to be a handsome guy, no loss.

However, seeing Lin Ziluo lying in bed, dressed neatly, the woman frowned again.

She spoke impatiently and said, "What's wrong with you? You don't know how to take off your clothes. Hurry up. There is a guest waiting behind my mother."