
mr. roy

kate notice that i am crying while hugging my family photo...

yah i am crying... cause they are my life.... after my family am also gonna die... but why i should have to die... then i thought god keep me safe and live cause something is remains...

then i find god leave me live cause the revenge was remains..

from that day i am living my life to take revenge...and before revenge am not going to die... i even dont care what values i have to pay for this revenge... but what will happen i dont care i will pay everything for my revenge.

suddenly kate back huge me..

kate : yah bitch dont cry. i am here with you... she cupped my confused face..

kate :let me look how my door look when she did pretty dressing..

oh my baby doughter is shying...

i cover my face while laughing ,

me : enough kate....

kate :yah bitch why are you looking pretty then me.

me : why?

kate : cause your my doughter unnie.

me :ha ha ha kate enough now...ok now lets go my heart.

kate : wow am your heart.

me :yes, cutipie.

after that we leave towards Party.

driver opened the car dpor for us..

we both start leaving out from car.. while grabing each other hands.

kate :yah unnie look at there eyes.. i thought your the one who is todays heart of party..

me : no sweety they are starring at you...

after that we eneter into party...

and stand with peoples..

ah my sweety is busy to staring at boys... ans judging them between handsomeness. and looks

by i dont want any one cause my focus is on my dark prince .

i want him to take revenge..

after sometime...

he come with his mom and dad

whole people start screaming in happiness,

look at this two sided person how control peoples with good side...

he come and then start celebrating his birthday, after that i saw his friends giving him wishes.... (this is the time to use my best over charm to attract him.)

me :kate lets give him wishes.

kate :oh look my sister like someone. yah unnie not bad choice. yah now he was looking.. free lets go.

kate drag me towards him and she start giving him wishes...

roy :and who is this beauty.

kate :she was my sis.

roy : did you have sister.

kate : yes

roy : yah hi i am her friend roy..

me : hi am trupti.. am looking down(while keeping a light smile on face and while puting my hairs behind my ears..)

kate : ah can you take care of my sister am coming in few minutes

roy :(while looking at me head to toe) yeah of corse.

suddenly kate slightly push me on him. my eyes winded... i look towards kate she wink her eye towards me.

he catch me...( i am doning roll off shyed cute girl right now.)

i try to keep distance, but he come towards me...

roy : so your her real sister.

me : humm.

roy : what are you looking down

me : ahh. no nothing.

roy : then you can look towards me. i nodded my head and look towards him with cute puppy eyes. (i know what he will next do)

roy : your eyes are beautiful,

me : hum.

roy : did you drink.

me : no.

roy : oh then you should try once.

me : ah ok i will try next time

roy : why next time.. you can try right now.

me : ah i dont have

roy : excuse me wine please.

me : huh.

roy : take this and drink.

me : did it test good

roy : it will get know after testing

me : okey..

i drink it...

me : ahh mr. roy help me my head is paining. ahh..

after that i get fainted

he smrinked....

and take me bridal style and take me into room.

and put me on bed... suddenly his phone ring...

roy : hello ! yah your sister is fainted dont care i will take her care... yah. okey.. bye.

after that he throw his phone... and walk towards the door.

roy : no one will come here... okey that gard nodded himafter that he locked the door and come towards me while opening shirt... and start opening my dress, but before he open it... i grab his caller and hoverd on him..

he : hey are you fine..

me : humm. but were am i.

he :hey cool down.. your with me.

me : were is my sister...

while my dress was unbuttoned?

he : cause i like you... and then pull me towards him.

me : leave me ,

roy : no, not before what i want that you give me.

me : ah. i cant this.. mr. roy. i grab his phone and put it into pocket,am sorry mr. roy i push him and run out

(yah i know you all have question that why i dont kill him... but in my past story he kill my father mentally, by robing life savings.. so... am going to robe his all money and first kill him mentally slowly slowly and cause i love to play with preys first cause i love to eat slowly slowly mentally... and then destroy them completely so they did suside.) now am going to play with my prey first...