
Don't You Remember?

chuyukii · Teenager
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13 Chs


- Nighttime -

Yuki lays down on his bed. Recalling what had happened that afternoon. "She really did change, huh? she even forgot who I was. Did she actually? Meh.". Yuki gets up and sighs. He decides to go downstairs and prepare a meal for himself.

about 40 minutes later...

"I made too much-" He face palms and sighs. A thought pops up in his head. "Hm. Doesn't Hana live like few houses away from me? Why don't I visit her. Maybe I could even ask her about what happened. Wait no she'd be uncomfortable. Eh let's just see what happens." He says to himself as he starts packing the extra food he made "And I'll give this too. So it wouldn't go to waste.". He gets up, walks out of his house and locks the door. As he started to walk his way over there, another thought pops up "what did her house look like again?" he turns to look at the other houses "never mind... most of the houses look identical in this neighborhood- I forgot." he continues. He starts to feel hopeless and lost. "Welp, I'll just have to knock on every door then. It's not like I have a choice either way -^-". He walked over to a house, and as he was about to ring the doorbell, he hears a person call out his name. "Yuki!!!". Yuki looks around to see where the sound was coming from, and sees a person walking towards his way. It was Itsuki. His childhood best friend. "Itsuki?" Yuki replies. "Ah!! You still remember me! How's it going?" Itsuki says. "Oh... um nothing much to be honest. And uh... I'm kinda lost...?" Yuki says in a low tone. "Lost-? really? how come? you literally lived here since you were small-" Itsuki says with suspicion. "Well I mean, okay. Uhm... have you seen a girl with brown hair? She has brown eyes too, and semi-curled bangs. She also looks innocent." Yuki replies. Itsuki looks at him in confusion. "Yuki- your description is too common- how am I supposed to know? I encounter so many girls with the description you gave me every single day." he says bluntly. "I mean yeah, you have a point... but even if I told you her name, you would have 0 clue about her anyway." Yuki says. "How assuming of you to say." Itsuki says while laughing. "Hm what is her name? who knows maybe I know her? and I can probably help you." Itsuki continues his statement. "Her name is Hana, Hana Takahashi. And the only information I know about her is that she lives a few houses away from me." Both stared at each other with awkwardness. Itsuki starts laughing "WAIT, WAIT. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER AHAHAHAH!!". "Keep it down Itsuki- you're so loud -.-" Yuki whispers. "My, my Yuki. You literally should've told me earlier, you would've gotten there by now. She lives next to me." Itsuki says. "WAIT. WHAT-? How did you know her name though? How did you meet her?" Yuki asks while raising an eyebrow. "Oh. Simple. I was playing catch with my dog and I accidentally threw the ball directly to her garden while she was watering her plants. She got really mad and... violently threw the ball back at me. When I got the ball back, her cousin approached me afterwards and said something like: "Oh my! I apologize for what happened earlier! Hana has a really bad temper and can get really violent sometimes. My name's Takahashi Kirito, her cousin." " Itsuki says. "Well, at least she didn't hit your head hahaha." Yuki replies while giggling. "True true. Anyway, let's go." says Itsuki while signaling Yuki to follow him. Later on, Itsuki starts walking and leads Yuki to Hana's house.

A few minutes later...

They arrived at Hana's place. "We're here." Itsuki says. Yuki nods "Thank you, Itsuki. I'll see you around!". Itsuki nods back in acknowledgment and walks back to his house. "Well, here goes nothing.". Yuki gets himself together and rings the doorbell. He waits for a couple of seconds and gets no response. "Huh. no response." Yuki rings the doorbelll again and waits for another couple of seconds. Hana finally answers the door. "What do you want?" Hana says in a bitter tone. "Oh good evening, Hana-". Hana interrupts his statement and says "Oh it's you. Bye." she aggressively slams the door at his face. Yuki was able to stop the door from closing by placing his foot between the door and the door jamb. "Wait wait wait. Can we talk for a moment?" He says. "Talk about what? There's nothing to be talked about. I don't know you and you don't know me. That's all there is to it" Hana says in an antagonistc manner. "Please. Give me a chance. I promise, this will be quick." He yearns. "Ugh fine..." Hana says while opening the door. "What do you want? she adds. Yuki gets inside and closes the door. "Oh well, I'd like to talk to you about what happened earlier". "Tsk. I knew you'd bring it up." Hana mumbles. "I beg your pardon? Can you please repeat what you said?" Yuki asks. "It's nothing..." Hana says as she walks over to the couch to sit down. Yuki follows and take a seat. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot. I made myself a meal earlier and had extras. I packed it up and decided to give you some." Yuki takes the bento out and places it on the table right in front of him. "I'm not even hungry." Hana mumbles. "Hm?" Yuki looks at her. Both remained silent for a few seconds – forming an awkward silence. Hana glances at Yuki while he stared at the wall looking clueless. ~gRrRRr~ growls Hana's empty stomach. "What's that sound-?" Yuki says as he broke the silence. Hana remained silent, and started blushing in embarrassment. Yuki looks over to Hana. "H-hana...? are y-you okay...?" he asks worriedly. "I'M F-FINE. OKAY OKAY OKAY WHAT DO YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT? JUST GET STRAIGHT TO THE POINT." Hana shouts in embarrassment while looking away. Yuki giggles "Okay, okay. Fine. Well, I wanted to ask you something. I don't think it's related to what happened earlier but, do you remember me?" he adds. "R-remember you? W-what do you mean?" Hana replies anxiously. "Don't you remember me? Yuki Watanabe. The kid you see and talk to in every business gathering we go to? The kid you played with at the beach when you were 7?". "H-huh...? you're getting really creepy. What's up with you...? I don't know you... What are you talking about?" Hana says in complete confusion. Yuki gets crushed into pieces as he heard what she had just said. "W-what...? n-no..." he says in a low tone. "I'm sorry but... I don't know you? All I know is that you're my school mate and nothing else. Okay look, I have no idea on what you're talking about. So please, just leave." Hana says coldly. "Wait. But... no... it can't be... you're joking. You're kidding, right?" Yuki says in disbelief and doubt. "No. I'm not joking. Just please, leave. I told you. I don't know you. Just go home, stranger." Hana says aggressively.

[To be continued]