
chapter 259-- safety is the most important

Finally, they arrive at the exit. Tang Ningshan suddenly says "Going out from this door, we will arrive at the desert island. There are many cells built under the slopes. Everyone must be vigilant after going out. I have seen five people on this island. I don't know if they are still there. After all, we have left this desert island for many days. If those guards go to the cell where Shao Ruihan was locked, they will know that he has run away, so... they may take some actions."

Shao Ruihan looks at Tang Ningshan, the expression in his eyes are getting softer and softer. He feels that Tang Ningshan and he seem to be closer. If it was before, Tang Ningshan will not make such a reminder at such a time.

"After we go out, everyone please be careful. If it is not an emergency, it is best not to shoot. If possible, try not to hurt people." Shao Ruihan says this when they are about to go out. After that, he asks Tang Ningshan to open the door.

Tang Ningshan opens the wooden door and several people go out from the house. Tang Ningshan locks the door. Anyway, they are already about to leave this place. She feels that it is safer to lock the door and just in case that someone would come out following them.

"Let's go to check those cells first. After that, send a signal to the helicopters and let them find a place to land. We will find a place to gather." Shao Ruihan says to Shen Quan.

Shen Quan nods immediately, taking out a signal flare-like thing from the bag behind him and sending a list of signals to the sky. Of course, Tang Ningshan does not understand what these signals mean. However, Shen Quan is now very seriously signaling the pilots.

After seeing the pilots responding to these signals, Shao Ruihan then leads them to walk toward the nearest cell, which is also the cell where the cheekbones were found. After all, there is still a person inside. If Shao Ruihan is not wrong, that person they found that day should be his father's former comrades-in-arms. He remembers that he has seen his father's all comrades-in-arms in his teacher's house, but he doesn't know why this person would appear here.

Shao Ruihan walks in front, holding the gun that Shen Quan brought to him. Tang Ningshan follows Shao Ruihan, holding a pistol in her hand, which is the one that used by Shao Ruihan very often. Behind them is Shen Quan, who carries a medicine chest on his shoulder and holds a pistol in his hand. The three people in the back are moving backward. They look around with vigilance all the time. This makes Tang Ningshan, who had no feeling at all, suddenly become nervous.

Soon, they arrive at the cell. Shao Ruihan pulls the door open and Shen Quan follows him and Tang Ningshan into the cell. The remaining three are on guard at the door.

"You see what happened to him." Seeing that the person lying on the ground has no signs of moving, Tang Ningshan immediately says to Shen Quan. After that, she also glances at the cheekbones next to the man. She couldn't understand who these two people who have become cheekbones are? Why are they locked here even if they have died?

After listening to Tang Ningshan's words, Shen Quan immediately squats on the side of the man and begins to check his physical condition. Shao Ruihan walks to the pile of bones. Looking at the cheekbones on the stone bed, and the broken fabric covered on them, he couldn't help but frown. If this place only belongs to Shao Xingsheng, how deep is Shao Xingsheng hiding? If this place was built by Shao Xingsheng and others, such as the so-called Kent, then is the disappearance of his parents also related to those foreigners? Shao Ruihan suddenly finds that his investigation direction seems to deviate from the correct track. He only suspected the Shao's family before, never thought that there would be other people involved in this matter, mainly because the Shao's family is the most suspect, especially his uncles. As long as his father is gone, the Shao's company will naturally be taken over by one of his uncles. After all, his grandfather and grandmother only have a biological son, who is his father.

Now, he finds that Shao Xingsheng is working with foreigners, is there anything else he doesn't know? Thinking so, Shao Ruihan feels that things seem to be more difficult to check. There are all kinds of ideas in his heart. However, what he wants to do most now is to bring all these people on the island back, no matter whether they are insiders or not. He feels that as long as he interrogates these people, he would definitely get some clues. He suddenly thinks of that the man in the tower that day told him that one of them has been with Kent for a long time, so that means he should know more or less about Kent and even that person might know something important related to that matter.

"Ruihan, this person has also been injected with a banned drug, and the dose is very large. I don't know if I can wake him up. And, it seems that he has been injected with that for a long time. Even if I wake him up, he is also unconscious." Shen Quan stands up from the side of the man and says seriously to Shao Ruihan.

Shao Ruihan turns around and raises his hand to rub his own forehead and says slowly "Bring him back, let's go to other places to see."

Tang Ningshan does not understand why Shao Ruihan would show such a sad expression. However, on the second thought, he is a soldier and there must be patriotic feelings. Although he does not know this person, this person is also a member of the country; he may feel that he fails to protect everyone, so he is derelict in his duty. Of course, Tang Ningshan does not know that Shao Ruihan knows this person.

"Well, let's go to other places to check. I just want to know if these five people have found out that you ran away. If they find out, then it will be troublesome." Tang Ningshan really doesn't want to see Shao Ruihan showing such expression, she immediately says.

Shao Ruihan comes back to his sense and says "We will go to other places of the island, but must be careful. As for the other cells, let them go and check it one by one after landing. Gou Zi, you will give them the order after a while. Let's go somewhere else."

After Gou Zi hears it, he nods quite seriously. The meticulous movement of him makes Tang Ningshan sigh that soldiers are really different from ordinary people. Look at his action, his expression, you can see that he is very concerned about this matter, and his attitude is very serious. After Gou Zi nods, he pulls out three pens from his pocket, each of which is thick. He begins to paint on his face to do the camouflage. Shen Quan also does the same disguise as they do. Tang Ningshan looks at the pens in their hands and shakes her head helplessly. She doesn't want to paint these things on her face at all.

Gou Zi stays in place, waiting for the plane to land. Tang Ningshan and Shao Ruihan take those three to go to other places. While walking, Tang Ningshan also says "The five of them seem to have weapons. Every one of us needs to be careful. They usually live in a straw house built of plastic sheets. When Shao Ruihan arrived on the island, he was also brought to that place. Their living conditions are a bit hard, but according to their states, they should be energetic and strong. I feel that their strength may be similar to yours. After all, there is no entertainment in this place; their way of entertainment should be related to sports." After Tang Ningshan's explanation, Shen Quan and them all agree with Tang Ningshan's point of view. It seems that the seriousness of this matter has increased, and their vigilance has become stronger and stronger. When they walk for a while, Tang Ningshan motions them to hide. They begin to look around and watch the current terrain and conditions. Niu Er watches here carefully and wants to see if there are any suitable places for shooting around.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I think those people are not bad guys. They just have been offered bribes to work for someone. I heard them say that they can't leave here. The money they get will be directly given to their families by their boss. Moreover, they have not returned home for several years." Tang Ningshan wants to ease the tension and says.

Shen Quan looks at Shao Ruihan, who is very relaxed next to him, and he is relieved. After all, they are in a state of high tension every time when they go out for the task. If there is carelessness, there will be things that they can't control happen. Especially, after the occurrence of Miao Yu, they have been training harder. Even Shen Quan has already strengthened his training task, and he is afraid of that the same thing as last time will happen.

"Ruihan, you should arrange the combat missions quickly. If we continue to walk forward like this, I think both of them will die of nervousness." When Shen Quan speaks, he looks at Niu Er and Shi Shaohui behind him.

Shao Ruihan glances at them and sees that Niu Er is ready to climb the tree and Shi Shaohui is looking around warily. For their vigilance, Shao Ruihan does not feel that there is anything wrong with it. However, when he hears Shen Quan's words, he could only say "Okay, start acting now. You all pay attention to the front and try to catch the hostages and keep them alive as much as possible, meaning that we don't need to find a suitable shooting location because we don't need to shoot. The mainly test this time is close combat. I don't know how well you practiced during this time? If you can't reach the standard, I will give you more training tasks after going back."

After Niu Er and Shi Shaohui listen to Shao Ruihan's words, their faces immediately show a painful expression. Shen Quan is gloating now, Tang Ningshan immediately says "Shao Ruihan, Shen Quan also has to pass this test, right?" When Tang Ningshan speaks, her eyes shine with happiness, which makes Shao Ruihan's mood immediately become better. He says seriously "Of course. As a military doctor, he must have good military attainment. If he dies first on the battlefield, then a team of people will lose the protective film. So if he is not qualified, then his training tasks will be doubled."

Shen Quan hears this and the smile on his face disappears immediately. He looks at Tang Ningshan with sorrow. If it wasn't because that Shao Ruihan is always standing on the side of Tang Ningshan, he is going to rush to punch Tang Ningshan up. However, he still dare not do this. He gives Shao Ruihan a military salute and says that he gets it.

"Let's close to them slowly, and we'd better try to do sneak attack. However, we still have to check the situation first. I think we are about 1 560 meters away from their residence." Tang Ningshan says.

Shao Ruihan says "Remember, safety is the most important, if the situation is really dangerous, you can shoot."

After Shao Ruihan finishes speaking, he sees that Tang Ningshan has already begun to move forward. Shao Ruihan follows her closely. The other three of them also begin to spread out and approach from different places, because they already know where the target location is. They also will not waste too much time and they start the action directly. Everyone's rate of progress is almost similar.