

I poured myself another whiskey.  I leaned against the counter, trying to collect my thoughts.  The last thing I need is a repeat of last night.  If that happened again, I know that I will lose Sara forever.  But then again, is she even mine to begin with?  

    "Hey man, you have a minute?" A husky voice came out of nowhere.  I look up and come face to face with Rob.  I sigh under my breath, trying to hide my annoyance.  

    "What's up?" I ask, taking a drink.  I'm going to need this to get through this conversation.  Liquid courage.  

    Rob shifts and looks extremely uncomfortable.  Almost as uncomfortable as I'm feeling.  "I know that Sara and I didn't end on the best of terms, but please take care of her." 

    I look at him, not hiding my confusion any longer.  My anger subsides. "What are you talking about?"  This was not what I was expecting to hear from him. 

    "She told me everything.  I just want her to be happy.  I will always regret what I did to her."  

    "I'm still not understanding.  What do you mean, told you everything?"  I need to know what he is talking about.  Did she say something about me to him?  My heart is racing, and my palms are starting to sweat.  

    "She told me she forgives me.  That everything wasn't my fault.  She said that I might've cheated physically but she's been having feelings for you for a while now.  To be honest, I don't know how I feel about that.  What I did was meaningless.  No feelings involved."  

    I swallow hard, trying to take in everything he just said.  

    "Everything cool?"  Rob asks, offering me a hand.  I shake it and give him a pat on his shoulder.  I nod, trying to hide the smile pulling at my lips.  So many thoughts are running through my head.  I need to find Sara.  

    I push through the crowd that is just lingering in the doorway.  Cup in hand, I make my way back to where I had left Sara and Mia.  Sara's elbow is on the arm of the couch, propping her head up.  She is no longer crying, which is good.  Mia must've helped her clean herself up because the black streaks are all gone now.  Mia scoots over when she sees me, making room for me to sit in between them.  Alex is now on the other side of her, messing with his phone.  I look over and see Lucas and some chick making out in the chair.  Tate, Josh, and some other girl are talking and laughing close by as well.  I notice Mia keeps looking over in their direction.  I know Alex thinks Mia is hot.  I know he thinks Sara is hotter, but I warned him that she is off limits.  Alex knows not to cross me.  I told him he probably would stand a chance with Mia.  Of course, he then asked me if she would put out.  I then regretted telling him anything at all.  Mia hasn't dated anyone seriously since I have known her.  I don't know why though, because she is one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen.  That is besides Sara of course.  Guys are always staring at her when we are out and about.  I don't know if she notices or not.  If she does, she doesn't point it out or anything.  

    "I just talked to Rob," I tell Sara, breaking the silence that lingers between us.  She looks over at me but doesn't speak.  "I'm sorry."  She gives me a faint smile and reaches for my hand.  She squeezes it gently. 

    When she still doesn't speak, I continue, "Is it true?"  

    A confused look crosses her face, "Is what true?"  

    I hesitate, debating continuing.  I decide to go for it.  "Rob said that you told him you've had feelings for me for a while now?"  I suck in a deep breath, hoping for the best from this conversation.  I look her in the eyes.  The electricity between us is unreal.  

    "It's true," She says almost instantly.  I smile and so does she.  I lean over and plant a kiss on her forehead.  She is still holding my hand; I interlock our fingers.  Everything about this feels right.  She leans her head against my shoulder.  

    "Want to go upstairs?" I hear Alex ask Mia in a low voice as I gloat over what just happened.  Holding Sara feels amazing.  I look over at them to see her reaction.  I would help her out, but I know that she can handle herself.  She has a mouth on her when needed, which is one of the reasons our friendship developed.  That and Sara.  I knew I had to get in good with her friend.  

    "No way!" Mia shrieks, a disgusted look on her face.  That just encourages Alex.  He likes a challenge.  He grins and tries to grab her by the waist.  

    "C'mon, let's go."  He continues to grab at her.  Mia is pulling away every time.  

    "Get off me!" Mia's voice grows louder.  I can tell she is starting to get irritated and I have a feeling this won't go well for Alex.  Josh takes a step back from Tate and the girl and his eyes lock on the couch.  On Mia.  As he watches them, I can see his brows scrunch together in anger.  He bites his lip, sucking on his lip ring.  

    "No one has to know," Alex taunts.  Out of our group, Alex is the man-whore.  I know he wants to settle down and have a girlfriend, but he also likes random hookups as well.  I met him last year when I got a job at the gym down the road.  I had seen him on campus a few times before that, but we had never spoke.  Tate is his roommate and Lucas and I go way back to before our college days.  Alex has the bad boy reputation going for him, which he is quite proud of for some reason.  I have only met Josh a few times before though.  Each time it was with Alex.  I don't know much about him, but he has the same rebel look that Alex flaunts.  Maybe not as bad though.  Alex gets told that he is a Billy Idol wannabe on a daily basis.

    "Stop!" Mia shoves him as hard as she can.  He falls back into the arm of the couch.  

    "Don't be a tease.  You've been flirting with me all night."  Alex needs to shut his mouth, before Mia smacks the crap out of him.  I can tell Alex's alcohol is finally getting to him.  He is a heavy drinker and has probably already put back a half dozen drinks.  

    I look over at Sara who has raised up off me and is watching her friend, her mouth gaping open.  

    "Ewwww, no I haven't!"  Mia attempts to get up off the couch, but Alex is too fast and wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her back down.  This time she lands on his lap.  She is flopping around like a fish, but he is too strong.  

    I look over at Josh, who places his cup on a nearby end table, never taking his eyes off of her.  I can already tell that this not going to be good. 

"Get the fuck off of her!" He reaches past Mia and grabs the collar of Alex's shirt.  He pulls him up, almost knocking Mia off onto the floor.  

    "What the hell, man?"  Alex shouts, face turning the brightest shade of red with anger.  

    "Touch her again and see what happens," Josh warns, through gritted teeth. 

    "I didn't realize you were that serious about her.  I thought it was just a joke like all the others," Alex hisses, jerking himself out of Josh's grasp.  I look over beside me at Mia who is watching them.  Lucas and the blonde have separated their faces long enough to turn and see what all the commotion was about.  Josh gives Alex one final shove and then turns around and walks off.