
Don't Let This Be The Ending

“Can you hug me before I go…?” The sudden request caught Livan off guard. The sudden surge of emotions filled the void in his heart when he heard her words. ‘Do you even know how long I waited for you to come to me?’ His body trembled. He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh before taking the girl into his arms. When he felt her arms wraps around his back and responds to his embrace, he wished the time could stop. “H-how can… Ah, fuck…! How can I let you go just like this? You must stay alive so, I can at least hate you!” He held her closely into his chest and didn’t want to let go. Is this a curse? The last time he held the girl in his arms, the girl left him and break his heart. Now, his hugging her again and she’s about to leave… Forever. How can fate be so cruel? Is this how everything will just end? “Damn it!” What’s the point of enduring every battle and saving this forsaken world? He finally had the chance to be close to her. Are the few minutes with her the only compensation he can have after going through all the bullshit thrown at him? Livan refuses this kind of fate! *** Date started: 10/24/2023 Status: Ongoing

Northstar_muse · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Big Mama

Greg's stigma shine brightly while his huge stomach wiggled as if something inside wants to come out of it.

"Ugghhh!" His face turned into an over riped tomato and groans loudly.

The fatty's body grown double its original size. Sound of ripping shirt resonated inside the cave. A huge chunk of his flesh separated from his main body and drop on the soil.

As soon as it hit the ground, the flesh grew its hands and feet transforming into a peculiar entity leaving only the grease on the ground.


Heavy footsteps were created as soon as the huge creature lifted it's feet and took a step. Causing tremors that caught Lemon's attention.

She turned to look and almost drop the molotov in her feet.

"Shit!" Fortunately, she caught it in time and speedily thrown it out.

However, things are about to go unfortunate for her. She gulp nervously.

"B-big mama..."

The huge creature turn to her and cold flash of its eyes made Lemon's body shudder.

"Big mama, punish that kid who's trying to ruin herbs and ingredients!" Greg huffed and smirk. His countenance tired and body changed. He became slim--- more like a sickly man starved for months.

When the creature called Big mama heard it, his big body flickered and with just whoosh he disappeared before their eyes.

"Oh, no he's just joking I did not--- aaaahh!!!" Lemon screamed on top of her lungs when her body was suddenly tossed in the air and hit the roof of the cave.

She was repeatedly tossed by a huge trunk and so she also hit the roof making her body ache all over.

"Food is sacred, ingredients are holy. One shouldn't play and destroy precious materials that fuels one's body. Have you forgotten my teachings, lass?"

Lemon is already feeling dizzy from being tossed around but hearing the woman's voice she felt nauseous although it's for another reason.

"N-no! I'm sorry, ma'am! Please put me down. I will not do it again...!!"

How can she ever forget that terrible nightmare akin to torture while growing up? She can still feel the pain she experienced and nights of continuous vomiting is still vivid in her mind.

"I will repent! I promiseeee! Ouch!"

Big mama's movement came into a halt after hearing the girl's desperate cry. Her thick and long nose snake on Lemon's body and put her down abruptly creating a loud thud on the ground.

'Damn it!'

Lemon wanted to complain. Can't she be a little gentle?!

However, she kept mum when she saw a huge bi-pedal brown mammoth with a body of a bear looking at her intently. Arms folded like a supervisor while tapping its foot. Lemon cringe when she saw it wearing its signature white kitchen uniform.

She wasn't terrified because of its strength. She was terrified due to the trauma she had after being stuffed by it with countless gross foods!

"Now go and gather all the herbs in the area. If you do a good job, I will ask Big mama to reward you." Greg appeared from the corner walking like an oldman with a random stick he got from the ground.

Lemon was pissed off when she heard him order her after all the injuries and bruises she received from his stigma. But she managed to smile though it looks creepy. Beads of sweat appeared on the man's forehead when he saw her dark expression.

'Just you wait, fatty!'

Name: Greg (23)

Type: Conjurer

Stigma: Big Mama (Flesh)

Specialty: Cooking

Greg was born in Horos. Although he awakened a conjurer type stigma , it's a non-combatant creature and a production type at best. It's not enough to enter major cities and live a more peaceful life than in the outskirts.

Conjurers are different from the highly valued summoners who can perform contracts with magical creatures. Conjurers need a medium to create something which is the downside of this ability. It's a process that involves a huge amount of energy and resources but is limited to one type. He can only conjure Big Mama using his flesh that's why he had to eat a bunch and stay fat.

Greg decided to remain in the border to make a living instead of moving to the ninth or eighth city. He had no backer and his ability is not easy to wield. At least he can continue his merchant business in Horos by collecting precious materials from the outside. The higher the risk, the higher the profit.

It's just that, he has to hire people for the job because he doesn't have a combat ability to fend off the monster. That's the reason he's with Lemon.


"50 silver coins? Only this much?!" Lemon slammed the table after opening the coin bag Greg gave him.

"I-I mean... It's unfair, right? I almost got killed by that monster's illusion. How can you be so stingy?" Lemon gritted her teeth while showing her injuries. She forcefully tone down her voice when the human sized Big mama gave her a side look while cooking a meal.

'Patience... Patience, okay? You don't want to get poisoned.'

Greg on the other hand wanted to give her an earful and rebuke her claims.

'Kill my ass! You didn't even receive a damage from the illusion. You got trashed by Big Mama instead because of your stubbornness!'

He let out a long sigh. His soft and squishy body turned into a skeleton but he didn't even make a profit!

"Look at me and tell me it's unfair!" He feel resentful. "How much money do you think I spend to gain weight for the next exploration? I was saving my ability for the big one, Lemon! I took you with me for safety not to make me use my ability. You brat!"

"Just stuff yourself again. What's so hard about eating calories? Tsk!" She mumbled.

"Are you saying something?"

"Oh! I... I said it's natural to get a cut. Yes and it's good that Big Mama is here to help you. Hehe."

'Yeah, you have to be thankful she's here. If not I could have beaten you into a pulp now.'

Lemon smiled but Greg eyed her suspiciously. Big mama placed two huge bowls of noodles full of meat toppings and fatty salivating broth. The girl's eyes twinkled seeing the hearty food served for her. She immediately took a slurp and dig in.

This is one of the times that she likes the presence of that big bully. Her food is really good! Except for the intentional gross foods akin to a poison that she forcefully made her eat, everything is satisfying her palate. Aside from the taste, it also works wonders because of the buffs the food and ingredients give. Lemon is happily humming inside her head.

"Ahem! So... Have you prepared for the exploration?" Greg changed the topic and get her attention. He was the one looking malnourished but she was gobbling the food like she was starved for days.

"Of course. I heard that even the the elites from major cities will participate this time." She responded but her focus is on her food.

"Everyone just wants to get a piece of that treasure." Greg said in a serious note. "Are yiu sure, you're gonna come?" He was worried about this girl. Even though her physique is good for combat after training nonstop, the fact remains that she doesn't have a stigma.

Just thinking about her temper makes the man frown. She might escape from monsters but she'll definitely get into trouble if she gets into other people's bad side. Those prideful elites and nobles are not to be messed with.


Greg's attention return to reality when he heard her loud burping.

"Can't you act more like a lady? Gross!" Lemon shrugged.

She unhurriedly got up, prepared to go to her room. She just step outside the door when she heard Greg shouting from inside.

"You pig! Give me back my foooood!"

The girl slid the door shut and ran quickly through the corridor with a triumphant smile.

"That's what you get for reducing my salary!"