
Don't Deny

What happens if fate decided to play with the "Bad" popular boy and the "Innocent" Nerd of Estelle High? Will they tell everyone about their biggest secrets? With their trust issues, will they be able to fall for someone? Will they still be in denial? Or...

kaiicankillu_ · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
7 Chs

Chapter 3, Milk Spilled All Over His Uniform


//Xy's PoV//

Me, Heiden, and Jill were running to the cafeteria to get some cookies and milk. I filled up my tumbler with milk. Yes. In this school, the cafeteria actually fills your container with milk or juice. Whichever you prefer. We sat down and ate our cookies. I have one cookie left and while I was drinking my milk, Jill ate my last cookie.

"WTF Jill!? You little-"

"Come catch me if you can!" She said teasingly.

She ran through the hallway and I was trying to catch her while drinking my milk. Heiden was just behind me.

"You guys are so immature." He said while rolling his eyes.

I just ignored him and continued chasing Jill but I'm also looking and smiling at Heiden behind me. Suddenly, I bumped into someone. I was in fear. The person standing in front of me is no other than Dylan Jaden, drenched with milk. This will be another issue. F*ck I hate seeking attention although, it wasn't in purpose. Everyone gathered around me and Dylan. I can hear their whispers and I can see their glares. I looked at Dylan and he's still staring at me. I'm not really that scared of him hurting me physically but boy oh boy, I hate attention. This will be all over the campus.

"So, aren't you going to apologize?" He asked coldly.

"Oh uhm s-sorry. Also, I was just in fear so that's why I haven't apologized to you earlier. B-but again, I'm really r-really sorry about that."

Everyone is staring at me. I feel humiliated. Because of embarrassment, I quickly ran to the rooftop and decided to leave Dylan alone which will probably be a bad idea. I looked behind and I can't see where Heiden is. I'll just find him later when the crowd disappear.

"I'm really sincerely sorry for the trouble!" I apologized again.

"Hey! What's your name?" He asked shouting. Even though I'm really far away, I can still hear him.

"Secret!" I answered back. Damn. What am I gonna do now!?

I went to the rooftop and I just sat there. My face will be all over the campus. Tough luck, self.

//Heiden's PoV//

Everyone was still in shock about what happened. I swear, Xy is so clumsy. I can hear a few whispers saying:

"How dare she humiliate him in public!"

"I feel bad for Dylan. That b*tch deserves to go to hell for ruining Dylan's uniform."

"I heard that his uniform cost alot more than our actual uniform. They said it was tailored by one of the best tailors in the world."

"She's such an attention seeker."

Tsk. How dare them hate my bestfriend. It was an accident. Why does it bother them too much!? They're not even the ones who got milk spilled all over their uniforms.

"Can you please, STOP LOITERING AROUND!? i'm sick of getting too much attention!" Dylan yelled.

Everyone went to their designated classrooms. That's right! Mind your own damn business you little piece of sh*ts. I saw Dylan and Xander heading to the cafeteria while talking to someone through Dylan's phone. Since that curiosity is driving my own body, I decided to follow them. I overheard their conversation with the lunch lady.

"Miss. I demand you to sell milk and juice in cartons. I don't want the refill thing." Dylan said

"I'm sorry sir but the principal hasn't said anything about it yet."

"Dylan is talking with the principal through the phone. The principal also made the decision to sell milks and juices in cartons so don't you dare talk back to him. We want it to be sold in cartons as soon as possible." Xander is rude too? Well okay. I'm not even surprise.

"Y-yes sir." Why wouldn't they respect elders!? I don't care if she's just a lunch lady but damn. How disrespectful.

I head to the hallway without them noticing. Me eavesdropping, is that even right? It's not that personal anyways. Wait. I just realized...I'M LATE FOR CLASS!

//Xy's PoV//

Where is Heiden? He's 10 minutes late. Oh boy! He's going to be in big trouble.

"Hey Xy. Where's Heiden? He's late for class you know!~" Jill whispered.

"How am I supposed to know!?" I said.

Speaking of the devil, look who decided to show up. Too bad he's going to have detention.

"Look what the cat dragged in. Mr. Mendes! You're late! Detention after school! Okay class. Back to what I was saying, this is how you solve the square root of X. "

"Where were you?" I asked. He nervously laughed and said:

"I followed Dylan and Xander in the cafeteria and I 'accidentally' overheard their conversation." He answered.

"Mr. Mendes! You're already late for class and yet you still manage to talk to your seatmate!?"

"I am sorry Miss."

"What did you heard?" Jill asked. Heiden explained everything. Was it my fault that the school cafeteria now sell juice and milk in cartons!? There won't be any refills anymore! Whatever floats their boat I guess. Hmph! I just waited until class is over so that I can go and eat lunch later.


Finally! Lunch time. We went to the cafeteria and sat there. Heiden said that he's going to order food so he did. Just then, a girl with her friends stood beside our lunch table.

"Hey! Aren't you the girl who spilled milk all over Dylan!? Don't you ever do that again to my future boyfriend!" The girl said with blonde hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Oh why yes I am. It was an accident okay? And don't look at me like that! It wasn't on purpose and girl please, don't assume too much. You? Dylan's future girlfriend? Are you out of your mind!?" I said back at her.

"Pfft. Like you could do any better. With my looks, all boys would probably be head-over-heels over me. And how dare you talk back to me!"

"Isn't that what a conversation is supposed to be?"

"Tsk. Why are you giving me an attitude!? Talk back to me again. I'd like to see you try once more."

"Why of course. And b*tch please! Don't act like you're strong as hell! B*tch I go out without makeup! How about you? I bet you don't even go out if you don't even have makeup on. I feel bad for you. Even makeup can't cover your ugly face...Awwww~"


"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"Hey! Can I borrow your b*tchy friend over here?"

"U-Uhm" Say something Jill!

"Okay! Thanks! Let's take this outside!" This one is a crazy b*tch. We arrived at the courtyard and she decided to slap me.

"What the hell was that for!?" I asked. Seriously, this b*tch should calm the f*ck down before I beat her fat a**.

"Just teaching you a lesson. This is what you get for talking back to me. Girls, please beat this b*tch up."

"Our pleasure." Her slaves then pulled my hair and slapped me. One of them even held my hands together so that I can't move. I was beaten on the ground then that girl dug her heels through my leg. I was whimpering softly but I can't show them that I am weak.

"Is that enough, Miss Kate?" Her underlings asked.

"Yes. I am now satisfied."

"Wait. I wanna ask you a question. Who are you?" I asked.

"You don't even know who I am? Pathetic. I am everyone's top sensation. I'm Kate. A model for one of the best modelling agency in the entire world; Maicoex."

"Oh so you're Kate Jones."

"Yes I am. Glad that you know me."

"Wow. What a coincidence. I guess that Miss Jones is rude to the CEO's daughter of Maicoex. Want me to fire you?"

"Pfft. You're joking right? It's okay to dream I know but damn. You're too ambitious."

"Your father, Scott Jones also works there right?"

"How did you know!? Stalker much?"

"Like I said, I'm the daughter of Isabelle Maico. Since that you're so disrespectful, I might have to ruin your reputation and fire you as a model."

"Like you can, b*tch."

I called mom's secretary and tell my mom to fire Kate.

"Miss Xyren, miss Isabelle is asking why did you want to fire her."

"She beat the hell out of me. I'm just gonna go to the infirmary later."

"As you wish, Miss."

"Oh and by the way, please fire Scott Jones too."

"Got it miss."

She's getting in my nerves. This will serve as her punishment for beating the crap out of me.

"You paid actors huh? I still don't believe you."

"Check your email."

I stood up and tried to read the message.

Kate Jones,

This is to inform you that your employment with Maicoex Modelling Agency will end as of ** ** 2020.

You have been terminated for the following reason(s):

Assaulting Miss Xyren Maico; Miss Isabelle Maico's daughter formerly known as the CEO of this modelling agency.

This decision is not reversible.

You will receive:


You are requested to return all the company's property that needed to be returned.


Rose Martinez, CEO of Maicoex's Secretary

"Now do you believe me? Want me to file a lawsuit against you? Or do you want me to ruin your career and reputation in social media?" I said while watching her cry. I just torn her pride down. She deserves it. She then kneel down to me.

"I-I'm so so so s-sorry. I-I didn't know."

"Even though if I was not the daughter of the CEO, you should've not assaulted me. Don't judge a book by its cover. See? Told you that Karma's gonna come collect your debt."

"P-please.... take me back."

Just then she got a phone call. Probably her dad.

"Kate! What did you do? I was fired from the agency. What trouble did you got yourself into right now!?"

"I-I assaulted... M-miss Isabelle's d-daughter. Dad I-I'm sorry..." She mumbled.

"Kate... I teached you better than this. All my work and sacrifice has gone to waste. If we don't pay for the rent, we will be homeless."

I feel bad for her dad. I then grabbed her phone and talked to her dad.

"Hi this is Xyren Maico speaking. I decided that I won't fire you anymore but your salary will be less. I will still fire your daughter but you can keep your job since that I feel bad for you."

"T-thanks Miss Xyren Maico. I'm okay with the amount of my salary. I appreciate your kindness and forgiveness. Thank you so much Miss Xyren."

"It's not a big deal."

I then hang up and gave the phone to Kate.

"T-thank you for your kindness Miss. I'm sorry for hurting you. I've learned my lesson and from now on, I will stop bullying others."

"Glad to hear that."

"Do you want us to take you to the infirmary?"

"No I'm fine."

"Okay. See you around Miss."

"You too."

They ran back to the cafeteria. I tried to walk towards the infirmary but then I fainted...


I woke up and I found myself in the infirmary with my bestfriends sitting on the chairs.

"Xy! Thank God you're okay!" Heiden said.

"I was so worried about you!" Jill was relieved.

"Who brought me here?" I asked.

"They decided to keep their identity as a secret for some reason. Even the nurse won't tell us who it is." said Heiden.

Revealing their identity is a big deal? Weird...

*end of flashback*