
Don't Compare me to a Hero

Reincarnation is a good thing for everyone as it gives people a second chance, I hoped for such a thing. Being Bullied has it's limits 16 and Above I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well

MrWriter · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 3: I am not a Damn Hero

Kaito arrived at the scene only to find Lotus in his arms asking him to save her and she pointed at a rat and Kaito crushed the rat in the instant.

"Thank you, you're my hero," Lotus said getting down from his arms but Kaito pointed at his cheek indicating that a thank you isn't enough and Lotus blushed and gave a peck to his cheek and covered her face while blushing.

Kaito was not fazed and continued looking for clues that could or would lead them to the hydra and where did all the girls disappear to.

He thought the word inventory and my inventory menu popped up in front of me but he ducked into cover to look at the inventory for something with more focus.


Kaito took out a compass enchanted to find anything input in the compass and he closed his inventory and typed in the word hydra and it showed him where he should head.

"Oi, Lotus, The Hydra's lair is that way" Kaito shouted while looking at the compass and Lotus dashed towards him

"Great, Let's go," Lotus said cheerfully and dashing to a random direction before going back forgetting that Kaito has the compass.

"We will be back," Kaito said while leaving the ruined town hall and almost heard a smirk coming from the trees.

Kaito and Lotus were faced with many perils and much stupid stuff such as the man-eating flower that licks its enemies instead of eating them and peril of theirs.

A Demonic Wolf that has already become Adult stage but Lotus and Kaito slain the wolf within minutes and continued their journey.

Lotus was about to collapse from exhaustion in the snowy mountains they were climbing but Kaito luckily saw her about to collapse and stopped and went inside if a cave.

"We will rest here for the night," Kaito said putting down his equipment and his tent allowing Lotus to fall onto his sleeping bag immediately passed out.

Kaito started a fire inside of the cave and looked behind him to see lotus peacefully sleeping, Kaito wanted to smile or chuckle at the scene but couldn't as those we're locked away with his emotions.

Kaito suddenly heard something come from outside of the cave and saw a person walk into the cave but Kaito didn't draw his weapon as he saw that he was exhausted.

The Person saw the food over the fire and took the food and gave it a big bite satisfying his hunger but the person soon fell asleep after finishing the food and Kaito just tilted his head and cooked more if the two ever woke up.

He decided to sleep as well making sure to put an enchantment on the foo so it does not rot or get eaten by monsters or bugs and sealed the cave with an enchantment that kills monsters and stuns humans and those known to Kaito.


Kaito opened his eyes to find out that he was back in his world but he was still the same age but he suddenly felt a tug on his jacket and looked down.

"Big Brother, Can you help me go to school," A Small kid that looked similar to him asked him still tugging his jacket

Kaito could feel himself smile and nod holding his hand and walking across the street but a car sped up towards them and Kaito could feel scared and fear and pushed his little brother out of the way as the car hit him.


Kaito woke up emotionless but he was sweating profusely and saw that the others were about to wake up and tidied himself up.

Lotus awoke smelling the food and immediately dashing towards the food and grabbing a huge chunk of the food, The person also woke up and took one of the chunks of the food.

Lotus and the person looked at each other before bringing out their weapons while they were still eating their foods.

Kaito wanted to sigh at the scene but couldn't and just smacked both of their heads and told them to sit down or else in an emotionless tone.

The two sat down listening to Kaito and started eating their food since they were very hungry but Lotus felt unsure about the stranger that was eating with her.

"Mind giving us an introduction," Kaito asked where the stranger raised his head and swallowed the large chunk of food he was still chewing

"My name is Sinbad, I'm a first-class singularity and a world innovator," Sinbad said taking his hood off to show a young man in his twenties with purple hair and Kaito saw that he was wearing a type of hat.

"Do you have any djinn on you right now?" Kaito said raising his head and staring at Sinbad that terrified Sinbad

"No, not now at least, I think I left them on my boat," Sinbad said scratching his head awkwardly

Kaito looked at his watch and announced that they would be going already and weirdly so bad tagged along after hearing about there being girls to rescue.

The trio went on their way to find the hydra's lair but they managed to succeed in locating the lair but they found out there was something fishy about the lair.

Kaito threw a atone into the entrance and saw it got turned into dust within seconds shocking Sinbad but not Kaito and Lotus.

Kaito thought of the word inventory and his inventory menu appeared in front of his face once more and he clicked on a mask and wore it while closing the inventory.

Kaito got into a running position and dashed to the other side in just a millisecond shocking Sinbad a lot but it didn't have any effect in Lotus as he had used this against her before.

He Smashed a button and the trap ex9loded breaking the trap but while Lotus and Sinbad were trying to get across, Kaito was a thing on how did a hydra do such a thing.

He realised that the others managed to get past the rubble and met up with Kaito who snapped out of his Dreamlike state and continued his fantasy reality.

They continued into a giant room and saw girls in cages attached to the ceiling and saw the hydra with a blue girl beside it but this girl was not wearing any clothes weirdly.

"Who are you Djinn" Sinbad showed causing the hydra to stir awake and cause it to break out different types of fires but suddenly it stopped and looked at Lotus

"I'm Paimon, A wind Djinn and the Djinn of Maniacal Love and Chaos," Paimon said while checking out the two boys but focused her attention on Kaito mostly

The Hydra roared and charged at Lotus to try and cage her but Kaito stopped the Hydra and could hear Paimon laugh.

"He has already fed on years worth of heartbreak, you can't stop him" Paimon laughed but felt weird and decided to use her powers to attack the hydra

Paimon stood beside Kaito smirking asking him what she should do to the Hydra and Kaito said two words.


"Yes, My Hero Master," Paimon said before crushing the Hydra within and letting the girls out of their Cages.

All of the girls ran towards him and hugged him as if their life depended on it and managed to push the other two away.

However, The Hydra managed to regenerate itself instantly and looked stronger with his golden lightning dashing around and he was charging it's attacked.

Kaito took out his sword and dashed at the hydra ducking the massive attack that barely missed the girls and Kaito took out something and inserted it into his blade.


He dashed towards the Hydra and Sliced it in half causing it to catch on fire and burn to death instantly.

Kaito kept his sword and walked back to the girls who surrounded him again this time squeezing him more.

"Our Hero," The girls said at the same time which caused Kaito to break out of their Attack and levitate in the air.

"I'M NOT A DAMN HERO" Kaito shouted at the girls teleporting him, Sinbad and Paimon out of the cage and teleporting the girls back to their villages.

"What shall I do for you, master" Paimon said seductively while grasping Kaito's arm and Kaito could see Lotus clenching her fists and walking to Paimon

Kaito ran away from the fight hoping that they would forget all of the stuff that happened that day but he didn't.


Kaito used a Permanent spell called Existence bonding and is a spell only God type Adventurers could use and the spell forces them to be obedient to the Caster permanently unless broken by something stronger

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

MrWritercreators' thoughts