
Don't Be Damned

A tomb of a great ruler unearthed and the rise of a legendary incarnation. Magic was unleashed and throughout the world, hunters emerged to fight the denizens of the underworld. War is imminent, will we win or become one of the Damned?

Azmirka · Fantasie
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23 Chs

The Power of a King

Inside the hall was the wounded Isabella, she had finally reached her limit. Her energy and mana all exhausted but there were still two Malevolents standing strong in front of her.

She was tired, she was in pain, but she could not give up. Never in her life would she give up. Betting everything in her final attack, she grabs her crimson turned rapier and tries to channel everything she has left.

But before she could do, the double doors were destroyed sending debris flying to the hall. She did not need to look back who did it for his presence was overwhelming and hostile. Even the two malevolents subconsciously took a step back.

"Sorry, I'm late." Liam said in a casual friendly tone.

After hearing Liam's words, Isabella turned her back from the Malevolents and simply walked out of the hall.

"It's not your fault Isabella. You did well." Liam whispered to her ear as Isabella passes him.

Isabella had no reaction to Liam's words and still had her ice-cold demeanor. As she walks in the hallway, she sees the wounded and deceased hunters who were covered in white cloth.

Seeing Isabella walking outside, Victoria quickly hugged her subconsciously. Isabella flinched and her expression changed for a second, but no one noticed it.

"Victoria, call a healer. I'm a bit tired from the fight."

"Ahh yes, I'm sorry." Victoria said in and embarrassed voice.

Two healers rushed towards Isabella and healed her. Apparently, she took so much damage from the battle that the healers ran out of mana before they can full heal her. Seeing the situation, Isabella simply thanks them for healing her and leaves.

In the hall, Liam took of his black Bironi suit and rolled up his sleeves. He took out a pistol and a dagger which were different from the ones he used in Siberia. It was both a custom-made silver pistol and a Vantablack Dagger which were forged from durable and high-grade materials that were extracted and mined from the gates.

Liam also named these two weapons, Rosaria for the silver pistol and Dawson for the Vantablack Dagger.

He points his silver pistol to one of the Malevolents. As he pressed the trigger, a powerful gust of wind was generated by the pistol and completely destroys the Malevolents body when the bullet hits it.

"What did you do?" Dillios said in a surprised manner.

"I just shot him with Rosaria."

Seeing his last comrade fall, Dillios was silent for a moment to pay respects to his fallen friend who was finally freed.

Without hesitation as if he was charging to his death, Dillios lunged towards Liam with all of his might, but he was met by a vicious kick that sent him flying to the ruined throne. Liam quickly followed Dillios and pinned him by stepping on its chest.

"Now tell me, where is the dimensional crystal so we can all be over with this."

"There is no dimensional crystal. Bring me the king or end my life to get out of this gate."

"King? You mean the President? That's quite a hassle so I'll just kill you."

As Liam was about to stab Dillios in the chest. Kit shouted loudly to stop.

"I am the King that you have been waiting for."

Hearing those words, Dillios' eyes perked up. With all of his remaining might it freed himself from Liam Brooks and immediately went towards Kit. Liam quickly followed it and was about to shoot it, but he didn't do so as Dillios kneeled in front of Kit.

"My King, I and the other fallen Spartans have been waiting for your return."

"I need my power back." Kit said in a serious tone.

"Very well my King."

Dillios stood up and walks towards the ruined throne. He completely destroys it and beneath it was a crimson orb and a golden intricate Greek bracer.

Seeing what Dillios has in hand, Liam felt an extremely powerful energy in the orb, the thought of the energy in the orb being more powerful than his crossed his mind. The golden Greek bracer also caught his attention because the materials used were of a higher-grade than his Rosaria and Dawson.

Dillios knelt down again presenting the two items he has in hand to Kit.

"What should I do with the orb?"

"Place the orb in your chest and you shall absorb it my King."

Kit followed Dillios' instructions and took the Crimson orb from his hand. He was quite nervous, his heart beating like crazy but he has to do it. Slowly he puts the orb in his chest and as soon as the orb touches the skin, it phases through until the whole orb is in his chest.

At first, Kit felt nothing but then he felt a burning sensation inside him. He was hot, extremely hot to the point that Liam could feel the immense heat he was emitting. He then fell to the ground in excruciating pain. He wanted to scream but there was no voice coming out of his mouth.

"What did you do to him?" Liam said as he pointed Dawson towards Dillios

"It's normal, he's absorbing the energy of the Great King Leonidas."

"Leonidas? Don't tell me this guy's an Incarnation."

"Yes, but not quite. He's a special case compared to the others."

"What do you mean special case?"

"In time you shall know."

The heat from Kit's body gradually disappeared until he's back to normal. He felt refreshed, like he was reborn. The white star on the back of Kit's hand and his birthmark disappeared. The back of his hand emitted red light that blinded the three. As soon as it settles down, the symbol of Sparta appeared in the back of his hand.

"My birthmark was the symbol of an Incarnation." Kit thought to himself as he realized it.

Dillios presented the golden Greek bracer to him. He instructed kit to put it on his left arm and that if he wants to use it, he should just simply close his hand.

Doing what Dillios said, Kit wore the bracer on his left arm and closed his hand. To his surprise a circular golden shield with the spartan symbol appeared instantly. Seeing this, Liam was a bit envious, but he also wanted to confirm something.

"Why don't we test your new shield, Kit?" Liam said.

"No! You might kill me. You're one of the strongest hunters."

"Don't worry my King, the shield will protect you."

Hearing this, Kit agreed but to the condition that Liam should only use his weakest attack.

Delighted to hear this, Liam wasted no time and quickly took out Rosaria. He prepares an extremely powerful magic. As he pulls the trigger, his hand that held the pistol was knocked far back due to the powerful recoil.

As the bullet hits the shield, Kit was pushed back far but the bullet didn't pierce or even leave a dent in the shield.

Liam was absolutely dumbfounded, he at least expected to damage the shield, but it didn't even leave a dent.

"To block one of my weaker spells without even taking damage. you have a good shield, Kit." Liam straight up lied to Kit and even used threatening gestures to keep Dillios quiet.

Kit was pretty happy when he heard Liam's words but after that the two left the hall.

Apparently, most of the hunters inside the gate were already out. Isabella greeted them and explained to them that the invisible barrier disappeared when Kit entered the hall.

"Why are you still here if that barrier already disappeared?

"I'm the expedition leader, it is my duty to be the last one to leave the gate."

"You should cut yourself some slack next time." Liam said as walks towards the exit leaving Isabella.

As soon as Isabella exits, the gate finally closes. As she was walking, the hunters even those who were severely wounded stood up and clapped their hands as a sign of respect and thanks to Isabella, but she just maintains her Ice-cold demeanor as she finds her car.

Maddie and Donna quickly hugged Kit as soon as they see him. The three were very happy and excited. Kit even promised the two that he will treat them to a fantastic and expensive dinner tonight.

Chad who was unexpectedly part of the expedition, went to the three of them. Surprisingly, Chad apologized to Kit and Donna for all of his immature behavior and his bullying of Kit in the university. As soon as he said everything, he quickly runs away before the two could even say something.

Before they could leave the area, Liam Brooks approached Kit and asked to meet him as soon as he can and gives his business card.

"Are you getting scouted brother?" Maddie said in an excited tone.


"In that night, alone in the darkness of her room with only the moonlight comforting her, Isabella Beaumont, a person who rarely shows emotion, fell down on her knees and cried her heart out for failing to save his subordinates from the ball of fire.