
Chapter 17: The scene was quite awkward for a moment (Added for Alliance Hierarch 'Chu Ci')_2

Translator: 549690339

Li Changxi naturally took the fourth seat to the right of the Master.

The others glanced at Li Changxi. Although they all knew she was currently under house arrest by the Master, no one came forward to accuse her of violating the sect's rules.

The protagonist today was Ji Changsheng.

Before the Master could speak, someone jumped in: "Ji Changsheng, do you know your crime?"

Ji Changsheng glanced at the person who spoke but didn't respond. Instead, he took the initiative to pay his respect to the Master, "Disciple Ji Changsheng pays his respect to the Master, and all the other lineage masters."

Remember who you are.

I am here to fight for the Master.

Master, you have to back me up.

The gaze that the Master cast on Ji Changsheng was somewhat complex.

Indeed, he never thought that this young man, whom he quite admired, could be so ruthless when he went crazy.

Killing those few people was one thing.

But he even dared to go after Bai Guanlin.

The Master was dumbfounded when he learned about it.

"Ji Changsheng, where were you tonight?"

The Master asked directly.

Of course, Ji Changsheng had to tell the truth.

"As per the Master's command, I was practicing the Illusory Light lineage's Various Illusions all this time."

Li Changxi soon added, "I can vouch for that, I have been helping him in his practice."

The Master rubbed his temples.

The same person who spoke earlier coldly laughed again: "You never shed a tear until you see the coffin, Ji Changsheng. Do you know that all those disciples who were with Bai Guanlin bothering you during the day are dead, and Bai Guanlin was attacked as well?"

Ji Changsheng was taken aback: "How can this be? How could this happen within the Mystic Temple?"

"Do you not have an idea why this could happen? All the victims had disputes with you, Ji Changsheng, how will you explain this?"

Ji Changsheng quickly defended himself: "Master, be the arbiter, this must be an attempt to frame me. I suspect that it was Bai Guanlin's doing."

Honesty leads to leniency, persistence to tough measures.

Resist and face strict consequences, go home with a lighter sentence.

Blame the other party, receive rewards for meritorious service.

Twist truth with lies, justice will prevail.

As a disciple of the Master, Ji Changsheng profoundly understood that the Master represented justice within the Mystic Temple.

Roughly speaking, he represented justice himself.

The logic was very reasonable.

Justice always prevails.

Because victory always lies on the side of justice.

So Ji Changsheng calmly shifted the blame: "Master, I dare not withhold anything. I come from a humble background, lonely and helpless. When I first joined the Mystic Temple I tried to keep a low profile, not daring to make enemies, let alone killing to eliminate potential issues. There is another matter I need to report, Bai Guanlin had publicly bullied me during the daytime, witnessed by the Discipline Hall's Enforcement Elder. Thanks to the Law Enforcement Elder's impartiality, I was able to preserve my innocence. I believe it's Bai Guanlin who bears a grudge, that's why he chose such a clumsy scheme to frame me."

Li Changxi nodded approvingly, "I see, those with the surname Bai are indeed bad news. My junior brother is so pitiful."

Law Enforcement Elder: "..."

Master: "..."

Others: "..."

Everyone was looking at Ji Changsheng with shocked expressions.

Li Changxi was an exception, they were used to her craziness.

What's the deal with Ji Changsheng?

In such an obvious situation, Ji Changsheng dared to turn black and white before their eyes.

What a talent.

This is the first time they found that the Mystic Temple has such an amazing talent.

Ji Changsheng courageously continued to speak: "Master, I boldly guess, is Bai Guanlin not dead?"

The Master nodded.

He's really not dead.

So, Ji Changsheng got angry.

"The one who had a conflict with me during the day was Bai Guanlin, but the one who died was Bai Guanlin's follower, yet Bai Guanlin is perfectly fine. Why would anyone believe that I committed such a crude trick? If I wanted revenge, it would be against Bai Guanlin, what does it have to do with those followers? The hidden murderer not only insulted my character, but also insulted my intelligence, it's unbearable."

Ji Changsheng got more and more furious: "What is this place? This is the Mystic Temple, the World's Best Immortal Sect. Who has the audacity to commit murder here? Have I gone mad? Do I have such courage? Plus, after I returned, my senior sister lectured me, telling me that I shouldn't mess with the Bai Family, even the Master doesn't take them lightly, what am I compared to them. I was already planning to bear it, does the Bai family not even tolerate me?"

Li Changxi sighed deeply: "Junior brother, this is where you're wrong, how could you think that the Bai Family would let you go because you backed down. They want to kill you because you're in Bai Guanlin's way, what does it have to do with what you did?"

Ji Changsheng's eyes started to tear up: "Does a honest person deserve to be bullied? Just because Bai Guanlin is from the Bai family, should I willingly die to make way for him? I just want to quietly cultivate, why can't even this be tolerated? This obvious framing, and you all pretend not to see it, and even organize a three-court trial. Haha, how ironic. Does the Mystic Temple still have laws? In the Mystic Temple, can whoever has the better background frame and blame others indiscriminately?"

Ji Changsheng's furious defense echoed all around, even outside the main hall with the help of an unnamed Li surname master's help, waking up numerous people.

The other masters in the main hall looked more shocked.

The Master felt dumbfounded.

These two senior and junior are just too astounding.

"Ji Changsheng, you're allowed to defend yourself, but don't take it too far." The Master reminded.

Ji Changsheng took a deep breath, and once again saluted the Master.

He might have gone a little too far just now.

He couldn't involve the Master.

This was his own side.

Ji Changsheng quickly retracted his grand move's scope and continued to ask: "Master be the judge, I'm just a poor kid from a common family. I have no relatives or friends at the Mystic Temple, and no connections. I don't even know Bai Guanlin and his followers, let alone kill them without alerting others, do I have that power? By the way, may I ask Master, where were those people killed?"

The Master: " ... They were killed in Bai Guanlin's cave."

Hearing this, Ji Changsheng started to get angry again: "How did they die then?"

The Master: " ... They drank the Spiritual Wine in Bai Guanlin's cave, there was poison in the wine."

Ji Changsheng laughed out of anger, his laughter filled with despair: "They drank Bai Guanlin's wine, died in Bai Guanlin's room, and you said the murderer was me. Does the Mystic Temple still have any justice? Just because I come from humble origins, just because I didn't bow to Bai Guanlin, should I be slandered like this? I won't accept this!"

Enough, no tolerance anymore, continue to use his grand move - mapblast.

The Master will surely understand.

Li Changxi would understand even more.

Li Changxi consoled: "Junior brother, just let it go, it's your honor to be bullied by the Bai family, just bear it, how can you not accept it?"

With tears streaming down his face, Ji Changsheng, a tough man, was trembling: "I thought the Mystic Temple was different from other places, there should be at least some justice here!"

Burnt offerings at the Mystic Temple tonight kept everyone awake.

Many disciples who didn't know the inside story, at this moment they were all clenching their fists, feeling a wave of resentment from their hearts.

They couldn't do anything, but at least at this moment, they were spiritually with Ji Changsheng.

Inside the main hall, everyone, including the Master, looked at Ji Changsheng with shock.

This guy, he sure knows how to put on a show.

How can he be so righteous?

The Law Enforcement Elder whispered a reminder: "Mount Misty Cloud has a replica of the Demon Mirror, which captured you disguising yourself as Bai Guanlin coming in and out."

Ji Changsheng: " ... "