
Chapter 16: Ji Changsheng, your thing has happened_1

Translator: 549690339

"I was in the 'illusory world' for at least a day, but only a second has passed in this world."

"The Merit Energy is real."

"The Hundred Souls Banner... can be used."

"The Demonic Qi from the Evil Buddha relic... it can also assist me in cultivating the 'Devil Lust Sutra' gifted by the Sect Leader's wife."

Ji Changsheng watched as the black mist on the Evil Buddha relic in his hand lessened.

The Devil Cultivation Technique 'Devil Lust Sutra' that he had got from the Sect Leader's wife began to operate on its own and quickly advanced.

"'Devil Lust Sutra,' the cultivation technique that the Sect Leader's wife gave me sounds a bit unconventional."

Earlier, Elder Chuanjing, under the order of the Sect Leader's wife, presented him with a jade tube.

The jade tube contained various secret manuals of devilish spells.

As well as methods and materials for concocting insidious magic artifacts.

It was clear that the Sect Leader's wife expected him to master all of these, binding his fate with the Sky Devil Sect, before she could trust and support him wholeheartedly.

Ji Changsheng wasn't averse to this.

He had always believed that whether it was cultivation techniques or magic artifacts, they were innocent.

As long as he maintained a heart of kindness, whatever devilish spell he practiced could be used to serve the people.

Although the 'Devil Lust Sutra' doesn't sound like a proper cultivation technique.

The effects after practice were to induce the hidden demonic thoughts and desires in others.

But out of fear of the Sect Leader's wife, Ji Changsheng dared not abstain from it.

However, Ji Changsheng originally planned to practice it later.

But the Evil Buddha relic left by Wu Xin contained too much Demonic Qi.

Without even formally cultivating, Ji Changsheng found that the 'Devil Lust Sutra' had started to operate automatically and immediately absorbed the Demonic Qi from the Evil Buddha relic left by Wu Xin and quickly made progress.

"Triggering others' demonic thoughts and desires? This technique is a bit unhelpful. For a person like me, who is full of righteousness and has dedicated himself to serving the public, a moral model, can completely resist this devil cultivation technique, it won't be of any use."

Ji Changsheng shook his head, didn't take it too seriously.

He'll find an opportunity to use it on Li Changxi and see if it works.

If it doesn't, then it's confirmed that this technique is unremarkable.

After all, he himself definitely won't be affected.

In his view, the pure-hearted and kind people should be able to resist this devil technique.

Discarding the 'Devil Lust Sutra' in his mind, Ji Changsheng began to check his cultivation base.

A moment later, Ji Changsheng felt relieved.


The Evil Blood Energy in his body was, once again, getting a bit hard to control. It had evolved from a blood river to a blood sea, indicating that he had at least personally slaughtered millions of creatures — indeed that was the case.

The soulless Demonic Beasts also counted as lives.

At the same time, his merit energy was also a bit overwhelming.

Now, without the Soul Drawing Array to help him condense the Merit Energy, Ji Changsheng couldn't make an accurate judgment, but through a crude estimate, he assumed that he should have enough merit to promote to the Core Formation Stage.

Although it may be the weakest Golden Core in history, it was still a Golden Core.

There should be no problem in crushing a little cultivator at the Foundation Establishment stage.

Ji Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the voice of Li Changxi came from outside.

"Junior brother, open the door."

Li Changxi was quite generous, leaving a portion of control of the Moon Palace to Ji Changsheng.

Unless Ji Changsheng actively granted access, Li Changxi couldn't enter.

The inner sect disciples of other pulses definitely didn't have this privilege.

Even Bai Guanlin, Ji Changsheng could freely enter and leave his room with the token of Elder Chuanjing.

Ji Changsheng opened the door and let Li Changxi in.

He was greeted by Li Changxi's peculiar gaze.

"Junior brother, I know you were a Heavenly Emperor Supreme Unity who fought in the Age of Gods, but your killing intent is too strong. You dared to kill so many people in the Mystic Temple, at least wait till you descend the mountain to act." Li Changxi commented.

Ji Changsheng wasn't flustered.

The killings couldn't possibly be concealed.

He knew this clear as day before he lifted his hand.

If Mystic Temple couldn't ascertain the life and death of its disciples, then what kind of number-one Immortal Sect would it be?

If someone wiped them out and they didn't even know about it, now that would be truly laughable.

If one dared to kill the disciples of Mystic Temple, they would be found out.

But what could he do when those people were forcing his hand?

He had no choice but to fight back.

Ji Changsheng knew before he took action that he couldn't deceive the wise, at least not the Master and Li Changxi, but he thought he could take the risk.

Once again, truth isn't important, only standpoint matters.

As long as he had value and reasons worth protecting, his patrons would come to his defense.

Facing Li Changxi, Ji Changsheng didn't try to wriggle out, instead, he said truthfully, "Senior Sister, these are trivial matters. You and I are different. You are a Quasi-Saint who achieved your Dao in the Ancient Primordial Era. There were plenty of Spiritual Energy and resources at that time, and not many living beings, so upgrading to the Great Emperor level wasn't too difficult. However, when I achieved my Dao, the order of the Primordial World had already taken shape, with the Saints positioned high above us. Inexplicably, the number of living beings started to explode. If I didn't kill people, they would kill me. I had no choice but to fight back."

Li Changxi acknowledged and nodded, "What you said is reasonable. All of you later Great Emperors are ruthless compared to me. When I achieved my Dao, becoming a Great Emperor was rather easy. By the time of the deification war, the Ancestor Dao and the Saints gloriously declared only six vacancies. Hao Tian directly took one. Disciples of Saints, Disciples at the Great Emperor level, under the command of the Humans' Emperor, the Witch Monsters survivors... More than a million cultivators fought for five Great Emperor positions, you have far more blood on your hands compared to me."

Ji Changsheng remained calm, thinking that it would be nice if the others from the Mystic Temple could genuinely converse with him like Li Changxi did.

"Now, we are indeed in an illusion. Junior Brother, you kill ruthlessly, and I worry about not being able to save you," said Li Changxi, with a slight headache.

Ji Changsheng didn't take it to heart.

Compared to the Bai Family, he's now more interested in the intelligence obtained in the Illusionary World.

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng took the initiative to speak: "Senior Sister, I'm quite desperate for a reason. The Primordial Immortal Realm might have gone through a tremendous change. We must urgently break away from this illusion and return to the Primordial Immortal Realm, or else the consequences would be unimaginable."

"Oh? Junior Brother, what did you discover?"

Li Changxi's countenance also became serious.

The Junior Brother is the South Pole's Great Emperor Changsheng, his power and background are not inferior to her own; the resources he can mobilise are even stronger than hers.

After all, her era has already passed.

However, the Junior Brother is currently one of the Six Emperors of the Heavenly Court.

Li Changxi highly valued the information provided by Ji Changsheng.

Ji Changsheng also started to sincerely exchange information with Li Changxi: "Senior Sister, I went to the Ilusionary World earlier and found that there is a subordinate, smaller world under the Three Thousand Buddha Kingdoms of the Western Religion. That Illusory World was struck by demon turmoil, with the danger of civilisation collapsing. I resolved the root cause of that world's doomsday, and then I discovered some earth-shattering secrets."

As he spoke, Ji Changsheng observed Li Changxi.

He found that Li Changxi wasn't surprised at all.

Ji Changsheng's eyes flashed for a moment, indeed, something is quite odd with Li Changxi.

"I tracked down the source of the demon turmoil in that small world and discovered that it was actually because of an internal strife in the Buddhist Kingdom above the subordinate small world. In that Buddhist Kingdom, the last words of an Arhat who perished were - Tell the Sect Hierarch and Saints, Tathagata is a traitor!"

When Ji Changsheng first learnt of this, he had a great reaction.

But when Li Changxi heard this news, she didn't show any shock at all.

"Not surprising."

The first sentence Li Changxi uttered left Ji Changsheng a little stunned.

"Not surprising? Senior Sister, unless I remember wrongly, Buddha Tathagata is the current Buddha of the Western Religion. Except for the two high-ranking Saints, the Western Religion basically listens to Tathagata, isn't it surprising that he betrays the Western Religion?"

Li Changxi said calmly, "Of course, it's not surprising. As you've said, without the two Saints of the Western Religion, it's Tathagata who calls the shots. Who would willingly have two Saints above them? Saints are but mighty Great Emperors; fundamentally they are at the same stage with Quasi-Saints. Those Quasi-Saints who don't want to become Saints are simply wasting their life, Tathagata obviously isn't a wasteful being. We want to become Saints, he definitely wishes to as well."

At this point, Li Changxi's eyes shone brightly, full of admiration for Tathagata: "Now the order of the Primordial Immortal Realm is established, with Ancestor Dao's unsurpassed supremacy, Saints who are immortal, and Quasi-Saints who are outside the worldly matters, the various heavenly immortals each carrying out their duties. Under this order, advancement at each step is arduous. The Ancestor Dao has set the order in stone; each role is strictly allotted. A Quasi-Saint wishing to rise to be a Saint requires a vacancy among the Saints. For a Saint to advance further requires a vacancy from the Ancestor Dao."

Ji Changsheng silently absorbed the information provided by Li Changxi.

No matter whether Li Changxi was mentally abnormal or not, everything she said seemed true to Ji Changsheng.

He even felt that Li Changxi might be mentally sound.

"I understand Senior Sister's point now, Tathagata wishes to advance further and replace the two Saints of the Western Religion. Having two Saint positions vacant is a good thing, at least for us it is a good thing, so Senior Sister has decided to help Tathagata?"

Li Changxi's eyes were filled with a look of pleasure and admiration for a kindred spirit.

"Junior Brother, you truly belong to our clan. As Great Emperors, which Quasi-Saint doesn't yearn to advance to the level of a Saint? For us to do that, we must kill several Saints first. No matter who wants to plot to become a Saint, they are all our allies."

Ji Changsheng nodded, "How can we help?"

Li Changxi decisively said: "All we need to do is break this illusion, Saint Cundi will naturally expose his weak points. If Tathagata has the courage to plot to become a Saint, he surely has the support of other Saints behind him. Junior Brother, as you said, the order of the Primordial Immortal Realm is about to be disrupted, and the battle for sainthood is about to ignite. If some Saints could die away in this turmoil, then we will have the opportunity to advance further."

Li Changxi got more and more excited as she spoke: "I control the Tai Yin Star, and you, Junior Brother, are one of the Six Emperors in the Heavenly Court. As long as we can return in time, joining forces, we would become a significant force influencing the situation in the Primordial Immortal Realm amid the major upheaval. We have every chance of becoming one of the final victors. Junior Brother, you simply can't die here, this time I must protect you."

Ji Changsheng: ".…Ah, right, Senior Sister is brilliant."

Ji Changsheng found that he liked Li Changxi more and more.

Not because Li Changxi was easy to deal with.

Mainly because Li Changxi was just as simple, kind, and sincere like him, really exchanging sincerity for sincerity.

Just when Ji Changsheng and Li Changxi reached a consensus, voices came from outside the Moon Palace:

"Ji Changsheng, come with us, your matter has been exposed."

It was the voice of the Enforcement Elder from the Discipline Hall.

Ji Changsheng was very familiar.

His own people, nothing to worry about.

Li Changxi also reacted immediately, reminding, "Junior Brother, don't panic, it's merely an illusion. Kill those who need to be killed, I'll take care of everything."

Ji Changsheng smiled, his attitude was relaxed: "Senior Sister, what kind of situations haven't I faced? How could I possibly panic?"

Li Changxi also laughed: "That's right. During the deification war back then, you, with a sword in hand, fought your way from the Southern Sky Gate all the way to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, cutting down half the Heavenly Court. Indeed, this small-scale situation is hardly worth mentioning."

Ji Changsheng: "…"