
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

You number

I was walking home from school one day when I was 11, and I notice a car following me. I didn't think much of it since roughly 80% of the school lives on the same street/surrounding streets so I thought it was just a parent driving their kid home. I couldn't shake the gut feeling so I decide to go to the corner store for a bit to let them go by. I run into my friend who was also going in the same direction as my , so we agree for us to walk together.

I walk to my apartment, and my friend continues walking to where she was going. The car then pulls into the parking lot, just after I thought I lost it. A 25-year-old guy comes out and stands right next to me in the lobby. I pull out my phone and start scrolling through my contacts as a "hey. I have people I can call. Leave me alone." type thing. After about 1 minute I decide to eat the chocolate bar my friend got me, since I was worried it'd melt.

He looks at the chocolate bar and asks "Arent you gonna save some for me?" I am obviously confused, and reply "no. I only share with friends and family." and I make sure my mom's contact is on the screen, with my thumb hovering over the "call" button. "Do you wanna come over?" He asks. "I'm 11 dude..." I respond. "I'm 15!" He almost shouts. "I'm still not comfortable with it." I respond. At this point I open the voice recorder on my phone, and hit record. If anything happens, I'm not going out without him as well. Looking back I should've called my mom or my friend, but they almost never accept calls, so I probably would get nowhere trying to call them.

"Would you like my number? It's ok if you say no." "No thanks. I'm not comfortable with that." "Why not?" "You don't look 15, and even if you were, no means no!" "So? That's not an excuse!" At this point, I decide I should just give him the number to my throwaway phone number which is what I use for things like my junk email, sites that ask for phone verification, etc etc. I decide against it, since that'd be giving him power. I call my mom, and put her on speaker. Thankfully she picked up. The moment she does I say "I have the human right to say no to creepy guys asking for my phone number, and on top of that, as a minor, I can also call the police. I'm pretty sure this counts as harassment." "Well, um, I, umm, I didn't force you to give me your phone number. I could've put a gun or a knife to you. You're lucky I didn't!" I live in Canada. Guns aren't even legal. My mom starts screaming about how wrong that was, and the weird guy just runs back into his car, never to be seen again.

A dream I had

I woke up at 5:19 am. It is currently 5:25 am. I just had a dream, and I need to tell of it before I forget it. I rarely have dreams, and when I do, I often forget them minutes after waking up. So, the dream goes like this:

There is a woman. She is older, probably around late 40s early 50s. Her children are nearly grown enough to be adults. But her first child, who I cannot recall the name of, is different. I only remember a few things of him: he has pale skin, almost albino, he's very tall and very thin, with spindly arms and legs, and he is mentally challenged. I do not know if he is autistic or something else, but he acts like a child.

His mother is sick of him. She is a very spiteful woman, the kind that gets married straight out of high school and then hates it for the rest of her life. She likes to go out and have sex with young men, but her oldest son keeps her from doing so.

On his 21 first birthday, she takes him drinking. All the people at the bar were very nice to him, and it's arguably the best birthday of his life. He's very drunk, but his mother doesn't drink at all. He passes out. When he wakes up, he's in the backseat of his moms minivan. He sees outside the window, and sees they are in a forested area. There is a shack nearby, but it's too dark to make out detail. He hears his mom talking to someone, but neither he nor I can make it out anymore. He passes out again. He is taken out of the car and is given to the person his mother was talking to, a very large man with a beard. His mother drives away. The man, with the son in tow. Very slowly walks up to the shack. I can now see that the front wall has many corpses on it, many dried and shriveled up, like mummies. They all have a spike going through their head, sticking them to the wall. The man places the son up to the wall, takes a spike- they're railroad spikes, very large and thick- and he takes a hammer,

And in it goes. It only takes one swing. The son wakes up screaming. He thrashes about and hollers like a devil. The man goes into the shack, as it is very late and he is tired. The son continues to cry, desperately trying to get the spike out of his forehead. Inside, the man is talking to another, who was woken by the sound. He is angry and wants the son to be silenced. So the previous man goes back out. And the son has still not stopped screaming. The man takes the spike out, and the son drops to the floor. He is delirious but thankful. The man takes him, and lays him on an old rug. He rolls up the rug, so the son is trapped. He takes an old rag, and stickers it in the sons mouth. He then takes the rolled up rug, son inside it, and once more spikes it to the wall. I do not remember anything else, besides another scene, just as I was waking up: there is a man from a helicopter, speaking to the mother. She looks distraught.

This was a strange dream for me. This dream was almost exclusively in 3rd person, as I wasn't any character in it. I felt almost like it was a movie, which is weird since I've never had a dream that wasn't first person. I also was never afraid in the dream. I've had nightmares before, and this didn't feel like one. More like a story.