
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs


This happened a few years back. I went to Walmart alone during the day. (I always go everywhere with my husband, other than work, of course). I was looking through the chips (junk food) aisle. I noticed that as I was exiting that aisle to go to the next one, a man followed me. I thought, "Ehh, he's just grocery shopping, too."

From my peripheral vision, I was able to see that he kept glancing at me. I started to feel uncomfortable at this. I decided to brush it off until I got to the end of the food section aisle (before getting to the household stuff like toilet paper etc.). He followed me through every aisle and made sure to let it be known that he was following me. At this point, I'm getting frustrated so I decide to go across the store and go to the makeup section. He surely won't follow me there, right? Wrong. He ended up following me to the makeup aisle and was pretending to be looking at BLUSH. Like the f**k? Okay, so I move towards the baby section of Walmart (I don't have any babies) but I thought at this point, if he follows, its just ridiculous and if not, I can get away from him by going to the baby aisle. Well, surely he followed me there and was looking through the baby bottles.

I was getting fed up and was about to call him out, but decided to just go to the women's clothes to look at bikinis. I made my way there and then he appeared shortly behind me and was also looking at bikinis.

At this point, I let out a loud sigh and looked at him to ask him what his problem was and when he heard me sigh and direct my body towards him (I guess he didn't think I would say anything), he walked away very fast out the store. I was shocked but grateful that he left me alone. I made sure to lollygag and stayed an extra hour or so in Walmart so that I didn't have to bump into him outside in the parking lot. I'm a very confrontational person, so it would not have ended well for him, thankfully he left before I opened my mouth.

If I could do what you think of me

If I could do what you think of me,

I could have fun,

I could have emotions,

I could feel,

I could do anything,

I could even love.

Stalked at Beach

hello, I thought I'd share my story of me and my friend. Sorry if it's formatted bad :/

My friend (22F) and I (20F) went to the beach one day and were laying out getting some sun when we noticed this older man staring at us from the water. My friend ended up noticing that he kept "playing" with himself while looking at us.

Seeing this we got uncomfortable and started packing our things up to leave. When he noticed that we were getting ready to leave, he walked to his truck. (Parking is on side of road RIGHT NEXT to beach). My friend and I walked up to the sidewalk to make our way to the hotel which was in walking distance. HE LITERALLY CREPT BEHIND US IN HIS TRUCK. Like he couldn't have been going faster than 5 mph. Slow enough to stay behind us WALKING.

At this point, my friend and I didn't want him knowing which hotel we were headed to so we decided to walk back to the water. The creep in the truck STOPPED and it sounded like he put it into park again!!

COMPLETELY CREEPED OUT, we decided to walk up to a husband, wife and son (probably around age 15-16) that we saw getting ready to go back to their room which happened to be at the same hotel as us. As soon as the guy in the truck saw us approaching someone he literally FLOORED IT.. like took off in his truck.

We told the family what had just happened, and they gladly walked with us to the hotel. I'm glad they were there, and nothing tooo crazy happened.