
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

The day they made a contract

It was what I thought would be a normal day, in Toronto where I was born and raised, I had partied too hard at a local club the night before and I was sleeping off a hangover when I awoke in the late afternoon in my tenth floor luxury condo bedroom, I had left the window open the night before probably to let some fresh air in during my drunken haze. I awoke to a blinding light, that creeped in through my window lighting up my entire bedroom, it was as if someone had threw a flashbang into my room, the migraine it instantly gave me was worse than anything I have ever experienced and I had partied harder than last night, many times before. Even in my half awake half asleep stupor I knew something abnormal was causing this unnatural bright golden white light that filled my room, after ten seconds or so the light in my room died down and I could see semi-clearly again, as I was gathering my thoughts, I checked my digital clock beside my bed, the numbers on the clock were going absolutely haywire, constantly switching numbers, I assumed my clock was broken and took a mental note to fix it, and I checked my phone, no notifications as per usual, the time said 3:36pm, and it was May 21st of 2020, as I was looking at my phone and trying to take in some fresh air in efforts to calm my immense migraine. I noticed a smell, that had grown overpowering in the past few moments since I had awoke, all the air I could breathe in smelt absolutely rancid, it smelt like pennies and rotten meat with a hint of the scent that comes from rubbing alcohol, it was absolutely overwhelming and also like nothing I have ever experienced before, I looked around my bedroom and other than it being an absolute mess as per usual, I couldn't find any culprits of the stink, no rotten food laying around, or unclean clothes, or any empty takeout containers at all, that's when I remembered I cleaned my entire condo two nights before. So the smell couldn't have been coming from inside my place, that's when I remembered the window that was open, the window that had let in the blinding light a few minutes before, I walked over to it and I looked out, expecting to see the normal beautiful skyline I see every morning, but it seemed and felt unusual, there was a beautiful sunset like nothing I had ever seen, the clouds were dark, like the worst of storm clouds, but barren, and there were few against the beautiful sky, which completely had a magenta tinge to it with hints of red, orange and yellow scattered throughout, it confused me because the time was 3pm, and I can't remember ever seeing a sunset this early, matter of fact I couldn't see the sun at all, I looked all over the sky but no sun to be found, as I was scanning for the sun I started noticing things, silhouettes, hovering above or near the clouds, I couldn't make them out properly but as my eyes adjusted more I could see they looked human, and they had beautiful wings like nothing I had ever seen or envisioned before except in books or movies, branching out from behind their shoulders, reaching at least two feet above and behind some of them, a few even had bigger and broader wings, I fell back when I put two and two together, they were angels. Tens of them, some peering over the dark clouds they were standing on, some hovering close to it, and I could see a few of them flying. I moved back up to the window and I could see the ones that were flying were lightning quick and their gorgeous wings raised up and down alongside them as they moved in and around the clouds, as they looked down and flew around the city faster than any flying animal I had ever seen, I caught eye of a certain one, one that was even more abnormally fast than the others, I could barely keep track of it as it flew above highrises and past the CN tower, let alone make it out properly other than a blur, I could see it better as it circled back toward my building, and slowed down, it's wings were gigantic, bigger than all of the others, and it's silhouette was huge too, it must have been at least eight feet tall, it's size and build from what I could make out as it slowed was extremely intimidating to me but also comforting at the same time, the feeling I felt while watching it was like nothing I had ever felt. I was terrified but I felt so safe at the same time, I was absolutely entranced to that one angel. Then during my stare, a bolt of completely purple lightning struck the top of the CN tower, at the same time the bolt hit, the lights in my condo went out completely and the sky darkened in a matter of seconds, it went from a beautiful mix of colors to a black color, nearly void of light, it distracted me completely from the huge angel but when I looked back to where I last saw it, it was gone, and I looked around the skyline and saw no sign of it, as I was searching for it, and looking at all the buildings is when I realized there were no lights on, in any building, not even in the streets below, the entire city was blanketed in darkness like I had never seen before. As I was looking for light, I peered over to the CN tower, I saw what looked like the sky opening above it, and I watched as a beam of light stretched down from the very top of the opening as high as I could see, reaching down flooding light directly onto the tower. That's when I noticed, standing on the top of it in the golden spotlight was the humongous angel I had been watching before, it's wings outstretched, it was definitely male, and possibly even bigger than what I guessed it to be before, it must have been nine feet tall, it was like no one or nothing I had ever seen before. It was wearing some sort of chest piece that looked to be gold by how it shimmered in the light, and that's all I could make out from my window, he looked breathtaking, I couldn't stop staring at him as I watched his head turn left and right as he scanned the streets below him. Then all of a sudden my TV in my room turned on with a sound of loud static, it scared the shit out of me and immediately broke my concentration and stare on the angel, I looked to my TV and watched, as I saw a man's face appear in the middle of the screen, he looked perfect, literally perfect, every feature of his was well pronounced, his arctic blue eyes pierced into my soul, his slightly curly hair on the top of his head was a medium brown, I could see part of his wings behind him, their beautiful white feathers glimmered in whatever light was being shined upon them, that's when he opened his mouth and began to speak, his voice pierced into my head, it was booming and overpowering, deep and very masculine, unlike anything I had ever heard before, it was magnificent, he uttered one sentence, before the TV switched to static, and it began replaying the sentence over and over. He said

"Come to the CN tower, my beautiful children, He has sent us here, it is time for you all to be judged, and for the worthy to be accepted into His loving arms, and into Heaven."

He didn't even need to say anything beyond "CN tower" he was so convincing, and sounded so trustworthy it felt like I didn't even have a choice even if I wasn't so compelled to go to the tower, it was like I needed to go, not even that I wanted to, I had lost my faith years ago and have been rejecting heaven and god for decades, but I knew I had to go see this angel. As I threw on last nights outfit and grabbed my house keys, I took one final look outside, the spotlight on the beautiful one was still shining brightly upon him and the tower, and the sky had lightened a bit, I looked to the dark clouds and saw as more angels had gathered to watch the one, there were hundreds of angels in all shapes and sizes standing atop the clouds, as far as I could see, all over the top of the city, it was absolutely breathtaking. Some of them were looking to the streets but the majority were staring at the almighty one on the tower, I looked down to get an idea of what the distracted angels were looking at, the streetlights were on now, and I could make out mobs of hundreds of people flooding the streets all headed towards the CN tower, there wasn't even room for cars on the roads. My entire street was completely swarmed with hundreds, no, thousands of people practically running, pushing past each other to get to the tower, in a huge tightly packed crowd. That's when I had enough of watching and knew I had to make it there myself. I ran out of my condo and didn't even take time to lock the door behind me, I ran down the stairs pushing past the many people in my building who had the same idea of skipping waiting for the elevator as I did, I felt so claustrophobic pushed against everyone in the staircase and by the time I had reached the bottom floor I was very relieved, hoping it wouldn't be so tightly packed, I stepped out of the stairwell only to end up in a even bigger crowd than the one I was stuck in before, I didn't even have to try and run, everyone around me was pushing and running so fast I was practically swept along, out of my building and into the streets and before I could even gain my footing, within a matter of minutes I was pushed, I don't know how many blocks down, I was only a few hundred metres away from the tower, everyone around me was staring up at the tower as they ran toward it, and within a matter of minutes I had made it to the crowd of thousands that were gathered in the streets around the tower, directly below it. Everyone had come to a stop because the crowd was packed so tightly with people it was next to impossible to move forward, but because of my smaller and frailer build I was able to push thru the crowd a bit to get to the bridge close to the tower to get a better look, the railway pedestrian crossing bridge, and by the time I made it to the walkway and edge of the bridge, facing the tower and peered up, was when everyone started oohing and making noises in awe, we watched as the magnificent angel started raising into the sky, his wings raising up and down beside him, making a loud noise that nearly broke the sound barrier everytime they flapped down, when he was about forty feet above the tower and nearly everyone could see him, he spoke, in that booming voice that was so clear it sounded like it came from inside my head.

"I am Gabriel, I have been chosen to come here to what you all call Toronto, to help decide who is worthy to join Him in Heaven, to join the majority of your deserving loved ones who are already awaiting your arrival anxiously, many of you here do not deserve eternal happiness and to spend eternity in Heaven, and I regret to inform you, but you will stay here as the world envelops itself into further, and more horrific, ruin, likes of which none of you have ever seen or experienced, a suffering unimaginable, and pain unfathomable until your sad existence ends, and your souls with it, those of you whom do not deserve Heaven are the reason we have made contact after thousands upon thousands of years of staying silent, He is sick of your disgustingness and vileness, and what mankind has become. He is SICK of your sinning. And He would like to offer a second chance to those of you who are pure, and of kind nature and good souls, Those who do not sin, and those who have been forgiven for their sins. The rapture will begin momentarily, and you will join the angels and I, and Him in heaven as we leave, and never return again, to earth."

He took a break from speaking to let us take that all in.

Then he resumed speaking.

"It is too late to ask for forgiveness if you have not already, it is too late to repent, to pray, any prayers you make today, will fall upon deaf ears, your voices will no longer be heard. Now please, everyone remain calm as we begin the rapture, and take those of you who are deserving of Heaven."

The second he stopped speaking, I watched as the same colored spotlight that enveloped him, began appearing from the sky, hundreds of them, the sky would open up and the beams would reach down, engulfing some people around me, and people all over the crowds, I watched as the sinners who were not accepted realized they were not chosen, some began weeping immediately, some were in denial, screaming, yelling some at Gabriel, others toward the sky, some even began cursing out and yelling at those who were chosen, I watched as a group of young men beside me, none of which had been chosen, surrounded an elderly woman who had been, she was distracted, staring up into the spotlight, with a smile on her kind looking, wrinkled face, she was wearing a white nightgown, and she still had her shower cap on, the look on her face before the boys surrounded her and began getting violent was something I could only describe as pure ecstasy and happiness, joy, love, excitement, she had no fear in the world. I watched at those sick fucks around her began clawing at her, assaulting her, some even hitting her, I watched as her feet began to lift off the ground, she wouldn't even look away from the top of the spotlight, she refused to, the sinners couldn't distract her from what she was anticipating, probably what she was hoping and wishing for her entire life, an eternity in heaven. She wouldn't let them ruin this moment for her, I watched as one of the boys latched himself onto her, holding on for dear life, she ascended metre by metre toward the heavens, and he managed to hold on, until about forty or so metres in the sky when his grip started loosening, I watched as his left hand let go of her, and then all he had was his right hand clamped onto her back, she yelped out and started screaming out in pain as he began slipping down, with what I could only assume was his nails digged deeply into her back, she shook just a little bit, and then he lost his grip completely. It took about four seconds before he reached the ground, the tightly packed crowd had managed to disperse just enough so nobody was in the way where he would land. I watched as he landed on the concrete bridge with a sickening and wet crunch, I thought he would have died instantly, but he didn't, a puddle of blood grew around him rather quick, his mangled arm had bone jutting out of where his elbow used to be, and his legs were absolutely shattered, he screamed and screamed as blood poured out of his nose and began pouring out of his mouth, the last noise he made was gurgling as he choked on his own blood, then he stopped twitching or making any noises. The people who were paying attention to what happened with the boy, screamed even louder than they were before he landed, the orchestra of sounds and noises coming from people around me was deafening, screams of terror, yells of anguish, cries out in pain, and sadness, I looked to my left when I heard whispering and saw the rest of the group of young men who had attacked the elderly woman, they had all dropped to their knees and began praying, one of whom who didn't join his friends was staring, into nothing, somewhere beyond the bridge past me, he wasn't looking at anything in specific, just staring into nothingness, I believe he was thinking, I watched as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a handgun, I immediately ducked thinking he would begin killing people but was almost relieved in a way when I watched him turn the gun upon himself, I screamed out

"No! Please!"

As he put the barrel of the gun in his mouth but it was too late, the gunshot rang off as a puff of red mist, and fragments of his skull, parts of his brain and head washed everyone behind him, more screams filled the air. I looked back up to the sky to see the hundreds of people who had almost reached as far as I could see, right before they reached the clouds they stopped ascending, and were stuck in the air, in the beams of light, they were completely frozen.

And that's when the laughing rang out.

It was gabriel, his voice still booming, deafening, his laugh was nothing short of evil and maniacal, he was laughing in pure enjoyment and ecstasy, I looked to the old lady as I watched her body begin convulsing, and those in beams beside her too, everyone in a beam of light was convulsing, most of them began screaming, louder than anyone on the ground, it sounded like they were in horrific pain, I watched as their convulsing became faster and their bodies twitched all over, and I looked in absolute horror as I watched the elderly woman's legs fold behind her unnaturally, I could almost hear the snaps and crunches the bones of the people in the beams made as their bodies began folding in on themselves, crunching up into cubes, their screams and cries grew louder, some were screaming for help I think, it was hard to make out. Then their bodies shaked faster and quicker until Gabriel stopped laughing.

And then all of their bodies exploded into a red mist, blood rained down onto me and the people beside me, the blood that once belonged to the eldery woman, I was covered in her blood and it got into my eyes and I was momentarily blinded as I heard gabriels once beautiful, comforting, and calming voice twist into something that sent shivers down my spine, something else I had never heard before, something that sounded of pure evil, something that absolutely terrified me, it was so distorted.

"You fooolllllssssss…"

He began chuckling, laughing maniacally, it sounded so inhuman, that's when I heard the first explosion, I wiped the blood from my eyes and looked toward where I heard it, catching the tail end of a gigantic explosion that blew an entire building to nothing.


The unholy voice laughed as explosions began going off all around me, I looked to Gabriel one last time and watched as his wings disappeared from behind him, I watched as what was once a silhouette of what looked to be the most trustworthy person I had ever seen turn and stretch into something incomprehensible, it's body morphed into something I can't even put into words, it's outer layer of its body turned to to a jetblack color, darker than any form of darkness I had ever seen, it grew even bigger but kept to it's almost humanoid shape, it outstretched it's jet black arms, with its claws that reached out two inches from each finger it had, it outstretched its arms to the left and right of it as it looked to the biggest mass of the crowd near the tower. It brought its hands together so quickly and loudly it broke the sound barrier and released a deafening noise, as if I was standing directly beside a gigantic explosion, I instantly lost my hearing in both ears, there was no ringing or anything, just no sound whatsoever, I felt as warm liquid poured out of my ears onto my neck, I reached back and touched it and looked to my fingers, it was blood. I watched as the crowd that once stood in front of him was completely leveled, the hundreds of people that stood there before staring up at him were reduced to nothing but a cloud of crimson mist, within a moment the cloud settled and there was nothing left there, not even any piece of flesh or bone or anything, just a gigantic puddle of blood on the ground where those people once stood. I was in absolute shock, I couldn't move, I was paralyzed in fear. I couldn't run or anything all I could do was look up at what was Gabriel as it slowly reached out it's right arm and pointed at the rest of the crowd to the right of it that had already began running away, and I watched, as a beam of blinding purple light appeared out of the tip of it's finger that grew bigger the farther it went on, toward the crowd in a reverse cone shape, it pointed to the people closest first, and turned them into nothing, one second they were there and then the blinding purple light engulfed them entirely and after it moved on they weren't there anymore, they didn't turn to dust or burn up or anything they just disappeared out of thin air, I watched as its finger pointed onward past to where I couldn't see, I assumed it killed the rest of the runners too, I looked up to the sky as I saw more of whatever gabriel really was, flying around at impossible speeds, beams of light of all different colors, coming from their hands as they pointed around the city and toward people, destroying anything and everything they pointed at, the monstrosities were all in different shapes and sizes, I looked to a large one that resembled what would be a male, as he stopped moving in the sky and peered toward the rogers centre, a bit ahead and to the right of me, which I had watched many people run into, for cover, I watched as he brought what would have been his arms out in front of him, outstretched what would be his hands and began raising his arms up, I watched as the entire building began lifting off the ground, breaking off from the foundation it was once attached to, he brought it about forty metres into the sky. I looked back to him from the building and noticed two more, smaller creatures like him joined by his side, also floating, they outstretched their arms similar to how Gabriel had, and all at once all three of them quickly brought their hands to a close, clapping them together, and I watched as the entire building completely imploded in on itself in a matter of seconds, condensing what was once a humongous building into a block the size of a storage container. Then the two that had joined the large one's side, flew off to go cause havoc somewhere else, I watched as the large one turned what would be it's head to the side, like a curious dog would, it had no facial expression as it had no face, it looked as if it was surveying the dense block it had created, then it opened up what would be it's hand, and closed it, then the block disappeared into thin air, no dust or debris came out of it, it was just there one second and gone the next. That was when I felt strength return back to my legs and I, -I felt myself regaining control of my body, I immediately turned in the opposite direction of the CN tower and began running, I ran and ran along the road, John St, as explosions went off to the left and right of me in buildings and all over, as chaos occurred everywhere and havoc enveloped everything, I just stared at the ground a few feet ahead of me and ran, I was too scared to look, I ran and ran until my legs gave out on me and I tripped, my hearing still hadn't returned and I was still completely deaf. I turned around to see what was going on behind me as I laid on the ground, defenseless, weak, and out of energy and fight, my once beautiful city was in ruin, buildings were aflame everywhere if they weren't already reduced to or nearly reduced to rubble, people were running for their lives as creatures caught up to and either beamed them, removed them from existence by using their hand tricks, or picked them up, flew hundreds of feet into the sky in a matter of seconds and dropped them from insanely high heights onto the ground. I noticed the ground began rumbling intensely even more so than before with the explosions, every five seconds what felt like a earthquake would occur, with the ground shaking, I looked around to see where it was coming from, when I looked back to the CN tower and saw it was no longer where it once was, but looked like it was floating horizontally hundreds of feet in the sky a few blocks between me and where it used to be, I watched the tower sway and drop down out of sight behind a highrise that was on fire but I didn't feel it crash, that's when I noticed, a gigantic silhouette of one of the creatures, hundreds of feet tall, still absolutely incomprehensible, it's skin was made up of what I can only describe as TV static if TV static was beyond jet black, the darkness was so immense it was darker than the black sky that was void of light behind it, I don't know how I managed to miss it before but now it's absolutely unmissable, I looked to the top of what it's head would be and saw stretching out above the top of it's skull was something unique to it, I had only seen on Gabriel when he morphed from the angel into it's true self, it looked like a crown that was the same color of it's skin, part of it's skull, like he was born with it. It was part of it. That's when I realized it was Gabriel, it must have been the leader of whatever these creatures are and it can change size at will and that's what he was doing as the rest of the creatures began their assault. He was becoming bigger and bigger by the moment, and he must've ripped the CN tower from the ground, I then watched in terror as he brought his right arm up, and clutched in it was the CN tower, he smashed it against a building leveling the building, halfway from the top, and nearly destroying the CN tower. I watched helplessly, as it closed the distance between my paralyzed self and it within a matter of seconds, and then when I realized how close I was to being destroyed by either it, or the debris of the building's it was destroying, I began running again, I ran and ran and didn't look back, until I felt the earthquakes it's footfalls were causing become nearly unbearable, everytime I felt it's foot strike the ground I would trip, and eventually I tripped and couldn't get back up, I looked back. Only to see, the giant creature as it reached it's right arm back above it's shoulder with what was left of the CN tower clutched in it, like it was holding a javelin, and I watched as it's entire silhouette froze, and as the CN tower became covered in the same lightning that struck it earlier before Gabriel landed on it, purple lightning surrounded the CN tower branching off striking onto the ground below it. Once the purple lighting had completely circled and engulfed the tower and grew too bright to the point it became blinding I watched as it moved it's arm forward very quickly, and it threw the tower toward me, I watched in pure fear, and all I could feel was helpless, I felt scared, I wasn't ready to die, but it seemed like I didn't have a choice, because before I knew it the mass of bright purple light surrounding the debris was half a block away from me. And all I could do was close my eyes and brace myself for the worst.
