
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

Small group

Gare Bear and I get a small group of us to visit the Bayless house. It's Gare Bear, Pretty Boy, Fake ID McGee, Red, and myself. We head down to the Bayless House around 1:30am. Gare and I go over rules with everyone including no stealing shit, no vandalism, don't antagonize anything that's residing there. We first head into the cellar. Looks more like a concrete bunker from Normandy. There's a giant hole in the ceiling looking up into the kitchen. Now the cellar isn't really special and there's been lots of rumors of an old Alaskan Native man freezing to death in the winter down there but from all the people I've asked they said it wasn't true. I started to do that shave and a haircut knock to see if I'd get a response and course nothing. We finally head into the house and make a salt circle in the middle of the living room. There's a fire place to our right with two plaid and paisley couches facing the opposite wall. There's a giant hole in the room looking into the main bedroom on the first floor. There's stories and reports of people being raped and abused in that room from the previous owners and across from the bedroom is the kitchen with the gaping hole in the floor and in between the kitchen and the room is a really steep staircase. The entire time we're walking around and searching Pretty Boy is talking shit the entire time about this shit ain't real and if this shit was real then the spirits better stop being a bitch and prove him wrong. The rest of us ignore him or tell him to knock it off. We finally head upstairs and as the group is making its way through the narrow doorway when I I shined my flashlight to a corner just before the doorway and see a latch on the wall but it's very low to the ground so I pull the latch back and a small crawl space is on the other side. I go through it and it's just big enough for me to stand up in( I'm 5'6 and the passage was roughly about 6ft tall?) I'm walking down this passage when I come to a corner and see a door so I open it and go through and it leads out into the closet of the child's room and as I open the closet door I scare the hell out of everyone. After letting our pants dry from pissing in them and I'm able to pull my sides out if orbit and regain myself we find the scrape marks from the crib and dresser and while everyone is looking at the scrapes and scratches and exploring the secret passage I start to hear a distant sound of a baby crying. Now this could be wildlife since we are in the wild but it sounds almost humanlike. After a couple minutes of everyone going back and fourth through passage we noticed Pretty Boy isn't with us. We start searching the house and calling out for him and no response. After searching the downstairs we check the cellar and he's not there. Gare decides to check the the garage and about 2 minutes go by without any sign of anyone coming out. I get out the car and head over to the garage and find Gare shining his light on Pretty Boy and Pretty Boy is standing in a corner holding something saying,"They won't let me leave. They won't let me leave. They won't stop screaming. They won't let me leave". Gare gets closer to try and see if he can help him to the car but Pretty Boy jumps back and starts shouting, "I CANT LEAVE! WHY WONT YOU LISTEN!? THEYRE SHOWING ME WHAT I DID TO HER!? I CANT LEAVE!" After calming Pretty Boy down we get him to let go of what he's holding and it's a vintage 1970s Scooby Doo lunchbox. When Pretty Boy let's go we usher him back to the car when he shoves us and bolts into the house. Gare and I run in after him as we run insides Pretty Boy throws us into the salt circle and demands we stay there. Gare and I sit there dazed and confused and possibly shitting our pants to the brim when Pretty Boy walks into the bedroom with a hole in the wall and starts speaking to something. He starts having a s conversation that went like this along with his voice changing to a woman's and really deep almost not human and back to his voice. "Okay I came in here like you said now please stop showing me this! Why are you doing this?! Please! It wasn't my fault! Oh God please get away from me! Why would you do that to her! She was just a child! Fucking please stop I'm sorry!" Gare and I finally went out of the salt circle and pulled Pretty Boy into the salt circle and held him and started calming him down. Fake ID McGee and Red came him and helped us get PB to the car. While we were driving back Gare and Red start checking PBs eyes and see if he took any drugs that would cause him to hallucinate but apparently he didn't take anything that night or the night before and that's when Gare Bear asked PB what he meant by, "I didn't mean to do that to her". He told us that when he was in college he was fooling around with a girl when they were drunk but she passed out and he continued to have his way with her and he ended up hurting her really bad.

When we get back to employee housing we agree to not talk about what happened. Unfortunately Gare Bear's sister(GBS) and her boyfriend(DJ Phuckhead)caught wind of what happened and decided to ask PB to take them to the house when PB snapped and grabbed DJ Phuckhead by the scruff of his shirt and lifted him off the ground and told him to fuck off.

The following day I ask PB if he's alright and he politely but firmly tells me to go fuck myself. Later that night roughly 1am a red truck comes speeding into employee housing when GBS, PB, DJ Phuckhead, Fake ID McGee, and another employee who we'll call Girl1 jumped out of the truck screaming and crying so GB, Red, Sanchez, and myself go over to see what's wrong. GBS and DJ Phuckhead start to tell us what happened. DJ Phuckhead and GBS were talking about the Bayless House when PB was in ear shot when something in him snapped and he grabbed DJ Phuckhead by his shirt again and demanded that Phuckhead drives him back Phuckhead explained that his eyes were almost completely black and his face seemed to morph a little into someone else's like an older mans face. Phuckhead agreed to take him as long as GBS and Girl1 could go and PB told him more the merrier before smiling sinisterly and walking off. Fake ID McGee tagged along because he was worried and figured if PB snapped he could help Phuckhead take him down.

So they went to the Bayless House and PB hopped out if the moving car and ran inside yelling, "I'm back!". Fake ID and Phuckhead told Girl1 and GBS to stay in the truck when they go get PB. When Fake ID and Phuckhead ran in PB yelled from the bedroom to stay the fuck in the salt circle and don't fucking leave. While they were in the salt circle they felt the room getting ice cold then they heard what sounded like class on the hardwood floor circling the salt circle and they saw breathe start to appear where they heard the claws and started to hear a growl then they heard PBs voice start to change from a woman's to a man's to a very deep demonic voice. All of a sudden they heard the girls in the truck start to scream and then the truck peeling out. Fake ID and Phuckhead ran out the house and down the road to the gas station where they found the girls screaming and crying. Once GBS regained herself she explained that she heard something knocking the shave and a haircut on the truck then a laugh and when she looked up in the review mirror she saw an emaciated face start to grin at her then the lips peeled back to where all you seen was jagged decaying teeth and dark red/purple gums then the face started to get black holes where black smoke poured out if and then it began to laugh them and knock louder and harder then they sped down to the gas station and when they jumped out that a gust of wind blew out from inside the truck then a demonic laugh could be heard. PB came walking out towards the truck with a smug look on his face and didn't say a word while they drove back.

After we heard their story we noticed PB was missing and so was Girl1. Luckily someone spotted them by the smoke shack so GB and I ran over confronting PB and got Girl1 away from him. PB had something in his hand and started naming off a bunch of people and included one if my aunt's, uncle's, and my grandmother and a few of their friends. People I never mentioned to him. I flashed PB my .38 and told him to hand over whatever it is he had.

PB threw a booklet at me and he almost instantly collapsed and passed out once it left his hand.

While GB and Girl1 were checking PB I opened the booklet and saw every person he named off including my family members. I checked each picture back and front to see if they had names written on them and some surprise nothing was written on them. We get PB to his room and we show our small group what he had and that most if not all these people had some ties to the Bayless House.

Hockey Stick thought we were just fucking with him and that we were all on drugs. So I grab the booklet and tell Hockey Stick GB and I will take him to the Bayless House and let him take it back and so Hockey Stick agrees. We park at the gas station and tell Hockey Stick to put it back in the child's room in the second floor and he agrees. 30 seconds later Hockey Stick comes running out the woods yelling for us to start the fucking car. He slides across the hood of the Honda Civic and Duke's of Hazard style jumps in through his window and explains that he was walking to the stairs when a black figure slid from out of the bedroom towards him then another one appeared out of the kitchen and they chased him out the door laughing. He also told us looked for the salt circle but there was no sign of any salt circle.

I have some other stories I'll post another time including some haunted WW2 artifacts and a possible Windego encounter. Thank you for your time and patience.