
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs


So this all started when my son started school. It was going to be his first day of 1st grade and we took him school shopping and let him get whatever he wanted. We just moved to the area and wanted him to make some friends with his own personality. So we let him pick his own cloths and everything. He was really excited about getting these light up shoes. You know, the ones that light up when you take a step. I hadn't seen them since i was a kid, didn't think they still made them. We got them and he was happy. They had some strange lightning bolt designs on the sides and had blue lights when he took a step. Hell, i wanted a pair. Anyway, it was also are first night in the new house. We still had boxes everywhere to unpack. After we got back from school shopping we had dinner and put our son to bed. He had a big day the next day. After we put him to bed we watched some old dvds we had. We didn't have internet or cable yet. Everything was perfect. Then out of the corner of my eye i saw a blue light streak across the doorway of the next room. Thought to myself that i was just seeing things like normal people do. I said nothing about it to my wife and after watching a few movies we went to bed ourselves. After being asleep for a few hours i woke up to use the bathroom. It was about 3 a.m. when I opened the door to the bathroom to go back to bed I saw that blue light again, running in the next room. I thought my son was up playing in the dark with his shoes. I went to check on him and...he was still in his bed sound asleep. I wrote it off as me seeing stuff again and went back to bed. When i laid back down i heard, not saw but heard running down the hallway towards our room. I looked at the door way and saw my son's blue light up shoes step into my room and walk over to my bed and stop. No one was in them. They walked over to my bed like someone was taking steps but the whole time no one was in them. I knew I wasn't seeing stuff this time. It's been two months in this house and the same thing happens every night. If i don't see anything or wake up in the middle of the night, I'll wake up in the morning with my sons shoes sitting at my side of the bed pointing at me like someone stood there and watched me all night. I've learned to live with it at this point.