
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

Room 27

This story takes place in 2011 in a boarding school in Belgium, this story is 100% true it happened to me when I was about 16 years old, as my parents worked a lot, they put me in a boarding school for young girls, we were about fifty students spread over several floors according to age.

The first months everything went very well, in my room my bed is placed just in front of a big mirror which is so big that I can see the rest of the room in the mirror, one evening I fall asleep and there around 2am I am woken up by some kind of bounces on my bed, as if my bed was moving by itself, I open my eyes, I look in the mirror in front of me and see a little girl of about ten years old jumping on my bed in her panties and shirt, afraid I hide under my blanket and close my eyes as hard as I can so that everything I just saw disappears, I think that the fear made me fall asleep again very quickly.

The next morning at breakfast I talk about it directly to my friends who tell me that I must have had a nightmare that seems real and that when I woke up I probably had a vision, but one of my friends tells me tomorrow before going to sleep read the Koran if it's really supernatural it will help you.

The evening arrives so that's what I do, I read some suras and put the Koran on the bedside table before going to sleep, that night I didn't hear any noise, I slept like a baby, but when my alarm clock rings and I open my eyes I see the Koran that I had put on my bedside table before sleeping is at the other end of the room on the floor near the front door but the worst thing is that when I turn my eyes to my desk I see that my chair is no longer there, I raise my eyes to the ceiling and what I see, my chair, With my feet stuck in the pipes that are stuck to the wall, I call directly my teacher who believes at first a joke, but she sees in my eyes and my tone of voice that I am not laughing at all and that it is out of the question that I spend one more night in this room, She promises to talk to the director and see what she can do, the director who was not at all understanding, who threatened to send me to the psych center for my comments, but I was able to change rooms anyway, everything is back to normal.

1 month after this story nothing happened and one day my friends and I decided to go and explore the basement of the boarding school because I confess that we were looking for a quiet place to smoke without being seen, we then fall on a room with a hundred and hundred archives more exactly of the hiding place that the educators held to relate their days with the pupils, at 16 years old for us it was the cave of alibaba, one asce then to read and one falls on a file where in 1996 a young girl complained about exactly the same things done in exactly the same thing as me but worse still, She would have seen traces of children's hands appearing on the window, drops of blood appeared in her sink and she contrary to me to change school, I obviously took these files to be able to annotate them more in depth, except that in the meantime somebody denounced us and the educators and the directors looking for us found the files in my room and sent me back at once, so I never knew what else had happened in this famous room, but one thing is sure is that they knew very well what was going on in this room n°27.