
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs


It started off a pretty normal day everyone was excited to go out to the river and float and have some beer while I stayed home with my friend and watched my brothers. My mom told me she would be back by 10pm because they will go out drinking later I agreed as long as she paid me and then the were off. Everything was going great watching the kids then all of a sudden at 6 pm I received a text from my mom saying "we just saw someone drown oh my god" my heart instantly sank, I panicked not knowing if it was someone we knew or not or if the person was ok so I asked if they were she just replied "no" and didn't text me after that. Me and my friend decided to calm down by watching animated horror on YouTube. After about an hour I heard pounding on the door I thought someone was trying to break in cause they were juggling the knob but it turned out to be my moms friend (I'll call her stacie) so I open the door stacie bursts in. I can tell she is drunk and upset she's talking about what she just witnessed down at the river she jumped in to save the guy but she couldn't find him. She starts talking about how she has to get to my sisters place to meet up with my mom but she left her keys in the place they started floating. She's yelling and screaming and drinking even more I tell her to calm down and that I'll get my mom on the phone I set her up with my phone and take the kids to my moms room and set them up with a show so that they don't hear what's happening. She's yelling into the phone at my mom and sister and then hung up. It started getting weird cause she was acting really crazy like trying to smash stuff and this was probably a normal reaction to what happened on the river but then it grew more intense and she made me scared, scared for my life then my sister gets on the phone with her after sometime stacie hands my phone back and I say sorry then stacie rips my phone out of my hands frantically typing not even asking to use it. I read the texts she was sending my sister she was calling her all these names and asking someone to pick her to take her to get her keys. My sister and mom told her they couldn't cause they were dealing with police and they have been drinking so no one was available. Finally my step dad arrives and try's to calm her down but she gets more angry and starts calling my mom and sister wh*res and b*tches. I flipped out I told her she can't speak about my family that way and also told her to stop saying those things because my little brothers were just down the hall she finds her set of house keys in our cupboard and takes a cab then leaves. My step dad explains the situation at the river. He told me that while they were floating a guy who looked he was drunk started getting on his floaty he was on for a few minutes then fell off my called 911 whilst stacie jumps in to save the man but she couldn't find him they explain while talking to the cops stacie just left and freaked out when she couldn't find the group and drove to my house. This just happened today they are still looking for the mans body in the river because he was pulled down by the current. I feel so bad for stacie. I feel so bad for the man. I feel so bad to anyone that had to witness that. I just can't get it out of my head. What if stacie has managed to save the man things would be so much different.