
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

Man in my room

I was 11 so we are going back 17 years but the memories are as clear as day.

I had travelled to the Canary Islands with my mum and grandmother for a week long holiday. We were staying in a pretty basic holiday resort, not too shitty but not too fancy either.

We had no trouble whatsoever until our last night. The area we were in had a bit of a problem about stray cats so we were always careful to close our balcony doors at night. Even though we were on the 4th floor and there probably wasn't much need to worry. But yeah, our biggest worry was cats.

On our last night there it was the beginning of a heatwave and it was just so, so hot so my mum or gran decided to leave the balcony door open. We went to bed not thinking much of it. It was our last night of holiday and we were making the most of that relaxed holiday feeling.

Come around 4am in the morning, we've all been sleeping for a couple of hours and suddenly I wake up hearing my mum shouting something. At first I can't really make sense of what is going on, I can hear her shouting but I'm too groggy. Next thing I look up and I see the face of an unknown man staring at me. At this point I can finally make sense of what my mum is shouting, she's shouting, "there's a man in the room, there's a man in the room". I think it was at this point my granny woke up too, my mum was shouting and my granny and I were staring this man in the face.

When we all made eye contact and realised what was going on the unknown man made a run for the balcony. For some unknown reason, me as an 11 year old child and my 60 year old grandmother ran after him screaming. My mum stayed on the bed also screaming. We chased the guy out into the balcony and he jumped over, down four floors and ran around the pool and towards the beach. It was like he knew the route like the back of his hand.

After this happened and we composed ourselves we all walked down to the hotel reception. The reception was completely glass and overlooked our apartment and the pool perfectly. We went down and the manager was just chilling on the sofas watching out towards where our apartment was. We told him what had happened and he nonchalantly claimed he hadn't witnessed anything while looking out of the window. He told us he would phone the police. The police never came.

Once the sun came up I noticed a huge footprint on one of the chairs on the balcony and the next door neighbour noticed footprints on hers too. The next door neighbour had a 6ft 5 husband who was ex military so can only imagine this break in guy went to their apartment first and saw the huge dude so decided to try to apartment of the three vulnerable females.

End of the story, the next day and the sun comes up and the pool cleaner is there. Can only see the back of his head and it looks exactly like the back of the head I watched run away around the pool the night before after he hopped the balcony.

100% think it was an inside job and the pool cleaner tried to rob us in the holiday resort.