
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

Look alike

I got off work at around 10 pm and headed home. I live alone and always make sure my front door is locked before I leave for work, but when I got home the door was unlocked. I knew for a fact I locked it when I left because like I stated I always lock it. I also have severe OCD and would not have forgotten to lock my door as I am too obsessed with my routine to forget.

I was thoroughly unsettled by this and immediately retrieved my 9 mm pistol from the drawer next to my front door. I set the bag of fast food I had picked up down and looked around the dark living room fumbling for the light switch. Once the light flicked on,to my utter horror my apartment was in complete disserey. Paperwork strewn all over the floor that had been put away in my office and my social security card, and birth certificate were among the mess . I quickly made my way to my office and once I entered the room, I found all the drawers were open and my computer had been turned on and was on the lock screen as if someone had tried to get into my computer.

I checked the rest of my apartment, and didn't find anybody. I put my gun back, and immediately phoned the the police. They arrived fairly quickly, and took a report of the break in. They asked me if I had any enemies, or if I had made anyone mad recently to which I responded that I haven't. No such thing had occurred and furthermore I am not the type to have quarrels with people. I was quite dumb struck by what I had come home to. I cleaned up the mess and attempted to sleep but tossed and turned most of the night while laying with my gun under my pillow. I would like to add that I am also a very paranoid person so the whole thing naturally had me freaked out and every night I go to bed I have my gun under my pillow.

The next day I had off so I left to go hiking with my girlfriend (we started dating 6 months ago) I left around 9 am and stopped by the Starbucks next to my apartment. While I sat in the busy drive thru line I looked up and noticed a man staring at me from across the street on the same side as my apartment complex. The thing that was the most interesting about this man was how much of a resemblance to me he beared. This guy had the same hair as me, was about the same height and weight, wore glasses like me, and looked to be about the same age as me too.

He didn't appear to have any expression on his face and just stood there still as a statue staring at me. It was my turn to get my order so I grabbed my coffee and when I went to pull out of the drive thru the man was gone. The day went as planned, and my girlfriend and I had a great day together. I told her about the incident at my apartment and the man who looked like me and she joked that perhaps my doppelganger had broken into my apartment.

After I parted ways with my girlfriend I made my way home. I was a little bit nervous to reutun home fearing whoever had broken into my apartment might have returned. Whatever they were there for that night they seemed to be looking for something. I arrived back at my apartment and made my way to my apartment unit. I live upstairs and as I approached the stairs to my front door I heard someone coming down the stairs.

I was still a good distance from the stairwell and was alarmed as I didn't have a neighbor that lived upstairs therefore no one should have been coming down those stairs. I stopped to see who it was and to my shock it was none other than the same man I had seen earlier that morning. He walked quickly and looked down as he walked. I shouted at him to stop but as soon as he heard me he took off running and hopped the fence that separates the apartment complex from a large field and disappeared into the night.

I ran upstairs to my apartment and tried the door nob which was once again unlocked. I went inside and was horrified. All over the walls in my living room were pictures of me and my girlfriend from that day. Pictures that looked as if they had been taken right from the tree line next to the trail her and I were on. I once again called the police to report the break in. They came and searched the apartment as well as the entire complex. I told them about the man I had seen running into the field. They searched the field and returned with a pair of eyeglasses and a wig.

The police took the items they found into evidence and opened a case. They stationed two police cars outside my apartment and informed the apartment manager about what was going on. Its been almost a week since this all started and nothing else has happened since.

No more random break ins or creepy photos of me and my girlfriend. I've also been staying with a co worker of mine until things die down. I have no idea why whoever is doing this is targeting me. Based on the items the police found in the field my guess is this person is actually pretending to be me for some odd reason. I don't know what any of this means.

I'll be sure to give and update if anything else happens.