
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

He stares

For context: I work at a pretty popular retail chain (don't feel comfortable sharing which one on here though) as a cashier. This happened not even an hour ago. Also obligatory "I'm on mobile" line here.

So, I'm just doing my cashier thing, ringing people up yadda yadda you get the idea. Then I get to the next person in line Poor Lady. I ask her how her day is going and she answers "Honestly? Disturbing."

That is far from the usual answer I get, and I get a good look at her and see all the hair on her arms is standing on end. So I ask her what's going on.

She proceeds to tell me this Creepy Guy in a Maroon V-neck and jeans has been following her all around the store. She asks me if that's our security's uniform (it isn't) and as I'm telling her no she kinda immediately turns away and says "Oh God there he is!"

I turn and see an older man (late 60s or early 70s) in the clothes she described standing at the end of a checklane looking at DVD kiosk a couple checklanes from the one we're on. As soon as he sees me looking at him he takes off.

Luckily our real security lady was in and happened to be walking up front at the time. So I flag her down, have the lady explain her story (apparently this isn't the first time this has happened) and security goes off to look for him.

I finish ringing up the lady and I walk her out to her car for safety. Then I get back inside the store and reopen my lane. Almost immediately I get this odd sense of being watched and my gut telling me to run.

As an older woman asks if my lane is open I turn to see the creepy guy from earlier! I glare at him and ring him and the older lady with him (probably his wife). The wife goes off to the bathroom and when she leaves the Creepy starts trying to talk to me. Making a show of taking off his mask and smiling at me. I just keep glaring at him.

He loiters around when I'm done ringing him up but when he finally leaves I let security know. A while later she comes up and tells me she saw the guy walking around with the older lady and asked again what I knew and I told her.

I hope I don't see him again, but I get the feeling I just might