
Don’t you remember

This is a story in every chapter is not the same horror is the main plot of the story’s but sometimes it will be a little different and don’t forgot I know what you did

animegirl1111 · Urban
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283 Chs

Almost kidnapped

So I just found this subreddit! And reading all these stories gave me courage to post this story I kind of kept hidden from people, as an attempt to repress this memory.

My hometown is a very small town, with not much to do. We have your typical shopping centers, fast food restaurants, but really only stretched out for a couple of miles. Anyway, my parents still live there and I visit occasionally when I get the chance. Just quick background on myself, This was back when I was around 22 years old and graduated from nursing school.

I planned to stay the night during the week, and drove to my old hometown earlier then expected. My parents were both still working considering it was the weekday and instead of heading over to the house, I decided to shop in some stores to kill time. I went to Homegoods because I'm a sucker for that store, and I recently just moved to an apartment.

As I'm browsing at things I most likely don't need, I come to an aisle where an elderly woman is shopping as well. I don't think anything thing of this. What I'm thinking quickly is that it's during the day and I'm sure she was retired. I noticed she was looking in my direction, which caused me to observe her as well. She had an unsteady gait, hence her cane and I smiled at her to be polite and apologetic for staring.

Continuing my shopping, I must of been oblivious to my surroundings because the elderly woman who was originally to my far left was now on my right side but much closer. Again I raised no concern for this. She was just peering at the same items I was, perhaps having interest in them. However, considering it was just us two alone in the aisle, I heard some sort noise of...grunting? I question it because I truly don't know how to explain it. It almost seemed as if a small growl wanted to escape her lips, or she wanted to begin a conversation but words weren't forming.

This of course caught my attention. I didn't move immediately to her direction, because I didn't want to be caught staring again. So instead I peeked in the corner of my eye and noticed she was staring right at me. Not only that, but coming closer with each grunt. She attempted to be incognito and carefully take small steps closer which made the situation more creepy, because the moment I turned my immediate direction to her, she completely stopped in her track. I asked if she was okay. Perhaps she was cognitively impaired and was with someone originally, but somehow was able to sneak away.

She began speaking about how beautiful I was and dodged my question. I thanked her and figured she was a lonely individual who just wanted to talk to someone. I remember so vividly the moment she told me I had skin "as white as snow." And to be careful that "no one damages that." I tried to sound as sincere as I could, I never want to be rude to anyone especially the elderly, so I thanked her and tried to rationalize the strange compliments. Before I could say my goodbye, something happened very quickly. Immediately taking out her cellphone, she snapped a picture of me that was very close to my face and observed her photo right after. Trying to recollect my thoughts, she had an eerie smile on her face as she observed the photo she just took of me. She had one tooth to the right of her mouth, and her smile began to turn into a smirk as if she just hit the lottery. As if she did a very good deed, and had to report it immediately. It was a very strange occurrence.

Again, I did my best to be kind and polite. As a new nurse, I really wanted to show how compassionate and patient I was with people. As I studied her smile, I began to notice a few other strange details. How she didn't have a shopping cart, how her hair appeared to be a wig, and how she had a ton of makeup on as if trying to enhance her wrinkles on her face. The only reason I point this out, is because years later I wonder if this individual was truly an elderly woman or a woman attempting to dress as one.

At this point I'm uneasy. I don't like the idea of a stranger taking a picture of my face so close, so I put away my items I'm about to buy in front of me and told the woman thank you for the compliments, but I have an appointment to get too (lie). Her smile immediately vanished and asked if I would be willing to walk her to her car. That she has problems getting in her car and was hoping I could assist her.

I know this is stupid of me, and with every part of my gut yelling at me to deny this request, I remember just simply saying "sure." Please don't yell at me. I was younger and barely had an idea how the real world worked. I was always raised to be helpful to individuals and elderly if need be. And doing my clinical sites at nursing homes, I just had a special place for the geriatric population.

I figured we would be in a public parking lot. I figured If something happened, someone would help me. It was a stupid thought process, but it reassured me as I walked the elderly woman out the store. She bought nothing, which raised my suspicion. And as my adrenaline began to raise, I also had noticed that as she walked.....she wasn't truly unsteady with her balance. I remember as if a lightbulb when off in my head. That her cane was barely touching the ground as her gait walked nearly perfect. She hurried as if in a rush as I followed quietly behind her, rushing most likely to get whatever she wanted to do with me as quickly as possible so no one could see it.

Once I heard the voice in my head to get the fk out ASAP, we made it to her car. It was a red beat up Volkswagen. I stood in the front of the vehicle. She turned and had that crooked eerie smile once again, and asked for help to the passenger seat. "But won't you be driving?" Is what I asked. She shook her head and said her son would be driving. Confused I looked at the drivers seat and noticed that the seat was elevated all way back with a male. Almost on cue he returned his seat to normal, and waved/smiled at me from the front window. I don't even remember what he looked like. Because the moment I was about to turn around, the elderly woman had her hand gently on my shoulder stating I looked like the blood drained my face and chuckled.

I shrugged her hand off my shoulder so quick and immediately began to run towards the store. I didn't want to run to my car so they knew Incase they followed? I wasn't even sure at that point. I just thought so quickly and ran to the store where people were. The entire time I ran, I remember hearing the elderly woman yelling "get the fuck back here!" In pure anger, and in a deeper voice that was different from her original.

I told the store manager, and they called the cops. I refused to go outside, but by the time the police arrived they were gone. I should of at least wrote down their license number, but I didn't even think of that in the moment. Apparently this has happened before. The police had stated that there has been a case where elderly are used to lure girls, and they kidnapped or sold them for trafficking. I remember I had my mom come and pick me up as my dad drove my car home. It still gives me the creeps man.