
Don’t You Dare

Ilecce_Venegas · Teenager
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1 Chs


Saturday, November 28

Driving and moving into the new house today. We finally finished packing. It took us a whole week, now we have to unpack everything.

I let out a deep breath. Headphones in as we pull up to the house. It's the middle of the school year and this is when my parents decided to move us to a different city.

Staring out the car window; I notice the new house is smaller than our old one back in the suburbs. That's something I'll have to get used to. I let out an exaggerated sigh, when my brother, Jason, shocks me by slamming his hand down on the window. Forcing his way into the car he shouts.

"Hurry up and get out!" He walks off in the direction of the trunk, "help us unload the boxes"

"I know you didn't want to move, Ava but your dad got a new and better job." My mom lightly grabs my shoulder and I'm closing the car door.

"I know, mom." I sigh, dragging my feet to the back of the car. Grabbing one of my more important boxes. I don't feel like unpacking everything tonight.

When I walk up the steps and enter the house, it does look nicer than our old home. Moving up the stairs towards my room. The moving company already brought and assembled all of our furniture and bigger items. I just have to put all my things away. I toss the box on the bed. Taking out my lamp I place it on my nightstand. Turning it on as soon as I plug it in.

I notice a shadow in the window across from mine. The light in the room goes out. The feeling I'm being watched fills my body sending shivers throughout my body. Shrugging it off, I throw myself on the bed.

I have no energy to unpack a single thing. Scrolling on my phone I ignore my brother constantly crossing my room into his. Unloading all of most of his things. Mindlessly scrolling, looking at old posts with my best friend.

"Ava! Aren't you getting your stuff from the trunk? My brother stopped at the door. Looking over to him, his slender body leaning on the door frame. His hooded brown eyes watching me. Impatiently waiting for me to respond.

"Hurry up! You're making dad feel worse about having to move" he storms off.

Getting out of bed I slowly chase behind, "you don't understand because you didn't have any friends" I mutter loud enough for him to hear.

"I have friends" he bites back

"Your computer friends are real"

"Shut up, they are real people I game with" pausing he rubs the back of his neck. "Whatever" he storms outside.

My dad approaches me before I head out. He pushes his glasses up back into place. Patting the top of my head, "I know this is hard on you but try not to take it out on your brother."

"I'm not taking it out on him. He started it" I purse my lips, grabbing the doorknob, I softly say, "sure, dad" Seeing the sun is beginning to set when I step out. Walking down the steps towards the car, I notice someone in the corner of my eye. Pushing my curly hair to the back of my ear, I turn my head to see a guy sitting at the top of the next door neighbor's stairs.

He has middle length hair that slightly covers his downturned eyes. There's a dark feeling about him. My stomach drops, and I get this nervous feeling when we make eye contact. Not realizing how long I've been standing there on the last step.

When Jason passes by me. Carrying one of my boxes. I can tell it's mine by the label, "teddies" he stops in front of me and shoves it onto me. My face turns red, feeling completely embarrassed.

"Don't talk to that guy, Ava. He looks like an asshole" Jason gives him a dirty look and walks back inside. Turning back around to rush my box of teddy bears inside. Catching another glimpse of the dark mysterious boy.

He bites his lower lips and gives me half smile before standing up and heading inside as well. We both step in at the same time. Slamming my door shut behind me. I race upstairs to my room.

My heart racing, as I throw my box of teddies in the closet and close the door. I go back to the first box I bought in earlier. My box of essentials for tonight, a pillow and blanket. My skin care, toothpaste and brush. Phone charger and pjs. Unpacking it Jason appears at my door again with another one of my boxes.

"Here" he places it down on the floor next to my twin bed.

"I have everything I need for tonight but thanks" I mumble.

"And the rest of your stuff?"

"I'll get it tomorrow"

"Sure" he walks off. Closing the door behind him. I begin changing into my pjs. After taking care of my hygiene, I head towards my night stand to turn off the light. Wanting to have a late night call with Bree, my best friend before bed.

Looking out the window one last time before turning the light off. This time I see the other rooms light go on. Giving me a clear view inside. The guy from outside is standing at the window watching me. His dark sulking eyes wander up and down my body. I can see half of his. He takes his shirt off causing my heart to stop.

His expressions are unreadable. Pushing his hair back, he walks out of view. Completely shocked, my jaw drops at what just happened. I rush to click the light off and jump on my bed. Hiding from the window's view.

Assuming that's his room, across from mine. My heart races when I remember his shirt draping off. His toned torso. Pale skin, a distinct mole on his pec near his collar bone. Shoving the pillow on my head I let out a muffled scream before calling my friend.