
Don’t never say never

Linda was caught between love and hate when she agreed to a contract marriage to a man who only wanted to prove to his mom that he was worthy of taking over his father's empire. He found himself falling for the woman whom he despised. Here lies love, hate, and regret.

DaoistUqyNaQ · Urban
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6 Chs

Reunion and Tragedy

In the aftermath of Linda's sudden departure, the Adams estate stood in eerie silence, an empty mansion echoing with the memories of a love lost and promises broken. The absence of Linda had left an indelible void, one that William was determined to fill, no matter the cost.

The realization of his love for Linda had struck William like a lightning bolt, illuminating the depths of his feelings and the magnitude of the mistakes he had made. The emptiness of the mansion and the solitude that enveloped him became a constant reminder of her absence. It was a loneliness he could no longer endure, and it spurred him to action.

News reached William that Linda had gone for an antenatal checkup, a revelation that left him both shocked and filled with a renewed sense of purpose.

William: "I need to find her, no matter what."

He now understood the significance of her pregnancy, and the weight of his love for her pressed heavily on his heart.Determined to find Linda and make amends, William embarked on a relentless search.

William : "I won't let her go."

He left no stone unturned, used every resource at his disposal, and hired a private investigator to locate the woman who had captured his heart. 

It was a journey that took him to unexpected places, as he combed through the city, seeking the one person he could no longer live without.

The search was fraught with anxiety, uncertainty, and the fear that he might never find Linda, that she might remain forever lost to him. But he was a man driven by love, a love he had been unable to acknowledge until it was almost too late.It was during his search that he stumbled upon a trail, a clue that led him to Linda. 

He found her, but the reunion was not the joyous embrace he had envisioned.

Linda: "I can't go back to that mansion, William."

Linda, haunted by the pain of betrayal and abandonment, was initially reluctant to return to the mansion that had once been her prison.

She had built a fragile new life for herself, away from the Adams estate, away from the man who had caused her so much heartache. It was a life marked by independence, resilience, and the hope of a future free from the constraints of their contract marriage. Linda was wary of returning to the source of her past pain, wary of the man who had once treated her with disdain.

William, however, was not willing to give up on their love. He pleaded with Linda, baring his soul and confessing the depth of his feelings.

William: "I love you, Linda. I can't live without you."

He acknowledged his mistakes, his arrogance, and the pain he had inflicted on her. 

He revealed the love he had been unable to express until it was almost too late.In the face of his genuine remorse and the revelation of their mutual feelings, Linda's heart began to thaw.

Linda: "Maybe there's a chance for us."

She saw the sincerity in William's eyes, the depth of his love, and the man he could become. The barriers that had once separated them began to crumble, and she agreed to return to the mansion, to the man who had captured her heart.

Their reunion was a moment of bittersweet joy, a love rekindled amidst the pain of the past. 

They embraced each other, their hearts finally aligned, ready to face the future together. It was a journey of redemption, a second chance at love against all odds.However, their happiness was short-lived, for Alison, the source of so much turmoil and anguish, could not bear to see William and Linda together. Consumed by fury and jealousy, she hatched a sinister plan that would forever change the course of their lives.Linda, carrying their child, was on her way to the hospital for an antenatal checkup when Alison struck.

Alison: "You will never have William, Linda."

She kidnapped Linda, subjecting her to unspeakable torture and torment. In the dark recesses of her mind, Alison believed that by erasing Linda from the equation, she could reclaim William's affections.The ordeal Linda endured was a nightmare beyond comprehension.

Linda: "Please, let me go."

The physical and emotional pain she suffered during her captivity was immeasurable, and the toll it took on her was profound. It was a tragedy that marred their reunion, a darkness that cast a shadow over their love.However, the story took a turn towards justice and closure when the police, acting on a tip, discovered Linda's location. 

 They rescued her from her captor and apprehended Alison, who was sent to prison for her heinous crimes. Justice was served, but it came at a heavy cost.Linda's tragic loss of her child was a heart-wrenching ordeal, a pain that would never truly heal. The child they had hoped for, the symbol of their love, was gone.

William: "I'm so sorry, Linda."

But amidst the darkness, there was a glimmer of hope.The reunion of Linda and William was a testament to the strength of their love. They had faced unimaginable challenges and had come through the other side with their love intact.

William: "We'll rebuild our lives together."

They renewed their wedding vows, ready to face the future together, expectant of another child, and finally able to embrace their love against all odds.