
Deaths 20th Anniversary

Olga and her two friends fled straight to the old cottage in the far woods of Reeds in hopes to find Miss Bulgaria La Fare and maybe rectify all of this considering she's a very powerful Witch 🧙‍♀️ to her sister. Upon reaching home Olga realizes that there's nobody home at the moment and so she lays her two friends down and attempts to look through her mother's most powerful remedies to help cure her friends. With no luck finding anything useful, she bumps into a small box 📦 which falls and opens up revealing broken glass inside of it. The shard's of glass looked very intricate to one another, they glowed slightly in the dark and also looked like the were coated in rainbow 🌈 colors as well, they were in many shapes and size's as well. Olga picks them up and places each shard back inside the 📦box. Both Katherine and Jinx were loosing a lot of blood 🩸 and didn't look very well either. Olga thought of a plan to help prevent them from completely dying from existence. On her Mary way was Miss Bulgaria La Fare from the Dark Lands as she would often go there to collect herb's and other artifacts to help in her Alchemy 🧪 practices. While still at home 🏡, Olga heard a large bang on her door 🚪 with which she first thought was probably her mother but switched and turned out to be The Bishop and a few of his crew members with a pinch of the town's people knocking violently on their door…

Bishop: Miss Bulgaria La Fare open this door 🚪 in the name of our lord and savior or else we will be forced to break an entery into this establishments.

Olga: that doesn't sound good at all, I better 🫣 hide somewhere with Jinx and Katherine…(find's a trap door 🚪 under the Alchemy mixing table and hide's there with the two friends…)

Bishop: counting 1 counting 2 and break the door 🚪 down!!!…

(They break down the door and violently trash the place in disappointment, as they scope the rooms of the building they find no one in sight but notices the blood 🩸 stains on the floor and assume someone got to her first. They leave the house to move on to a different residence. Miss Bulgaria La Fare immediately feel's a rush of uneasiness and fear with which she's never felt before in a long time until this very day, she rushes home to find her house 🏡 vandalized and completely trashed, she knew this day would come but not this soon, she call's out to Olga to make sure she's okay. Olga finally opens the hatch of the trap door 🚪 and runs to hug her mother in tear's…)

Olga: am scared mother, how did you know we were still here??

Bulgaria La fare: a witch 🧙‍♀️ always knows where and when her kin needs her help dear…

Olga: Both Jinx and Katherine are in grave danger ⚠️ mom, they need treatment fast mother…

Bulgaria La fare: tell me everything sweet ❤️heart…

Olga: I will mother…

Bulgaria La Fare: bring them to me quickly…

(As Miss Bulgaria La Fare works on both of them, Olga narrates to her everything that happened, in the process she manages to stop the bleeding 🩸 and plan's to make two 💍 rings for both Jinx and Katherine with which will help them make the transition of Human grace to Vampiric chaos. She tells Olga that she would need her help making the ring's and so both of them start chanting a ✨Hex spell✨ and with it explains to her everything she needs to know about their heritage and how they came to be here and even hands to her 3books of absolute 🤔knowledge and power✨…)

✨⚡️Negative Hex Magik Spell⚡️✨

✨Via Esporo✨

✨Via Esporolixus✨

✨Capru Capitus Versolum✨

✨Planto Oreons Perspicus✨

✨Luxlusus Via✨

✨Austendo Occultus✨


The spell was complete and everything went as intended but not for The House of 🧛‍♂️Dracula Verses…

Now at The House Of Verses…

Bishop: (knocking!!!) Mister Dracula Verses, you would be advised to open this door immediately and surrender yourself to be judge 👨‍⚖️ by our Lord and Savior right now…

(No response, they barge in and find Mrs. Ellenor Verses sitting 🪑 with a baby in her lap, the bishop notices this continues on with his command…)

Bishop: Mrs. Ellenor Verses, where is your husband Mr. Verses???

Ellenor Verses: he's gone out for a short errand and won't be back until tomorrow and sorry for not answering the door 🚪 as you can see I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment…

Bishop: we'll then, I guess you will do, Mrs. Ellenor Verses you are here accused of committing crimes against our dear town and to our Lord and Savior…

Ellenor Verses: I beg your pardon??

Bishop: you are hereby accused of indulging in the act of sorcery and witchcraft with Miss Bulgaria La Fare…

Ellenor Verses: what!!!!

Bishop: we have info that your husband is not who he says he is either and since he's not here to stand trial, you shall make the exception, take her away…

Ellenor Verses: what!!!! No!!!!…

(She ran!!!)


(They hunted her down to the core, she ran into the Twilight Forest 🌳 seeking for help from ⚡️🌞✨The Midnight Son's✨🌅⚡️ who are a group of powerful and strong individuals with supernatural abilities with which they use to help humanity or at least the good ones left of it. She finally made it there and happily met the leader of the the midnight Son's, Lilith, she pleads to her and finally…)

Ellenor Verses: please save my child, she has done nothing to deserve humanity's cruelty, please…

Lilith: of course human friend, you have done so much for us and so it is only fitting that we do the same to you, she will be cared for…

Ellenor Verses: 🙏 thank you…

(After that encounter she ran again to go see Bulgaria La Fare in the forest again, as she got there she found her two daughter's laying unconscious on the ground and Miss Bulgaria La Fare performing some chant's on them…)

Ellenor: are they alright what happened??

Bulgaria: they are fine my friend…

Ellenor: okay, I have to go but I want you to do something for me old friend…

Bulgaria: of course old friend, anything you want…

(Ellenor Verses kisses her two daughters gud bye and leave's again in order to lead the hunters away from the house. She finally got shot down by an arrow in front of town square and taken away by the men of the Bishop. They finally tied her up a wooden pole and set up firewood 🪵 under it as well as they prepare to burn 🔥 her alive…)

Bishop: Mrs. Ellenor Verses, you are here by trialed in the name of the one true God, confess your sin's or face the wrath of the church ⛪️…

Ellenor Verses: I have done nothing wrong to you or the church but please don't do this, my husband will not forgive you if you do this, so please don't do this…

Bishop: your curse threat's will not work on us or the church ⛪️ 🧙‍♀️witch…

(The Bishop refused to listen to her plead and commanded his men to lay waste to her body immediately, which is to say…)

Bishop: 🔥burn🔥 her down…

(As the order was given, Mrs. Ellenor Verses was burnt alive to a stake but before her crispy crust burning 🔥 she mustered the strength to utter…)

Ellenor Verses: please forgive them my love for they do not know what they do, I love you so much…

(And with that she passed on being burnt alive under false pretenses, but above the horizon and across the 🌊 sea there lied the vast open eyes of destruction and it was coming for you…

….As chaos lands swiftly underneath the ashy boney corpse of thy beloved, it lost face, it became red, it became, ‼️🧛‍♂️‼️Dracula‼️🧛‍♂️‼️

Dracula Verses: what have you done…

👿You will pay…

👿You will suffer…

Bishop: Count Dracula, you are hereby persecuted for going against God and the Church ⛪️ and will suffer death 💀 as punishment for…

Dracula Verses: you have no idea what death is Bishop, let me show you what's worst than death ☠️…

💥Chaos Hex Spell💥

💥I call upon the name of Satan🔥

💥All the force's of Hell and it's Spawn🔥

💥The embodiment of Torture and Pain🔥

💥Unleash yourself upon these people 🔥

💥Till they go sane…🔥

With this I bind my soul to thee, make it so…

(As all of this was happening, Miss Bulgaria La Fare packed a lot of stuff for Olga to carry along with her and flee the town to somewhere safe and to never look back as they stand between the end borders of Reeds Town and the Twilight Forest…)

Bulgaria La fare: (crying intensely…) go Olga, take them, remember everything I've thought you and never look back you hear me, go, I'll always be with you, when you need me, just say the letters M….O….M and I'll be there my child, now go, go…

Olga: (crying so intensely…) mommy!!!

✨Bulgaria La fare: (wipes away her tears)…now that that's settled, tell me why you did it, 🩸Damian Hellsink!!…

🩸Damian Hellsink: well well well, if it isn't Thee Most Powerful Witch in the land of Reeds, I wanted your daughter to know that she can't mess with me and get away with it…

✨Bulgaria La fare: then why hurt the Verses family??

🩸Damian Hellsink: both their daughter's messed with me and so they had to be punished you know how it is…

✨Bulgaria La fare: you won't get away with this 🩸Damian Hellsink…

🩸Damian Hellsink: I know, that's why I'm taking you all with me, to 🔥Hell🔥…

Bulgaria La fare: I send this feedback to La Elador Porfor ( she sends a message to her sister) Morgana if you can hear me, you are the MoM now…

(As she does this, Damian Hellsink goes for the kill and attack's Miss Bulgaria La fare but…)

⏳Back to present day⌛️...

Jinx: and I don't remember the rest of the story after that…

Lucifer: really, you have to remember something…

Mazakine: so when Dracula said that, until they go sane, he meant until they are no longer proven guilty…

Jinx: yeah…

Amenadiel: but he must know that they will never be sane after what they did, even heaven won't accept them…

Jinx: exactly…

Mazakine: wow, years upon year's of torment for them…

Jinx: what ever happened to you Lucifer, last I remember you were in the guest of Hellsink Mansion…

Lucifer: we'll now that's another story of it's own hunny, so there I was…

Mazakine: oh I'm sorry I gotta go throw up 🤮 I'll be back…

(As Mazakine goes to the bathroom 🚽 to throw up, a figure in the mirror 🪞 lurks from within and finally Mazakine was looking straight into its eyes in the mirror and there she was…)

Mazakine: who are you??, what are you??…

Unknown: I'm the💥 Mother of Souls☠️

✨The Eltriged Queen⚡️

🔥The Pale Lady🔥

⚡️I am Lilith...🩸

To be continued…..