
Don’t Look Him in the Eyes

Annah_Rose · Fantasie
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Great Day?

Out of all days I just had to push stop on my alarm. Cursed dream for salivating me! I have no time for coffee or to relish in my comics. I must hurry if I want to make that interview...

Taxi!!! Taxi!!! (Jumping up and down waving to get their attention) Taxi!!! Uggghh (i let out a deep sigh) I guess I'll run and try to catch the bus. Today is just not my day but at least I caught this bus and I'm confident that I'll get this job. After all its my dream job and I've been studying for it forever I even got top in my class. I must admit to myself that I am a bit nervous even though I'm confident. I mean who wouldn't be nervous in getting their dream job?... Oh here's my stop... Thank you sir, have a great day!

Wow! I made it on time im so relieved now lets find the front desk... Next in line!!! Oh...Um... Hello, I'm here for my interview at 9am for the jewelry design department (I stated to the lady at the front desk). Can you wait in line until they call your name? Absolutely, thank you so much.

All of these people look like they are applying to work at a night club while I look like a teacher (I said to myself). If I didn't make sure I walked into the right building I would think that I was in the wrong place haha. I should ask this lady how long she's been waiting here for... Excuse me miss may I ask how long you've been waiting in line? 2 hours (she replied before turning around and seeing me). Are you here to pick up a kid haha you'll never get hired looking like that dressed in rags. Do you think you can compare to us who are dressed in luxurious clothing? (Jeez i just wanted to know how long she's been waiting in line not be ridiculed for my choice of clothing) What your so poor that you can't talk? Perhaps you should go elsewhere beggars don't belong here (She's drawing everyone's attention but I don't want to respond to nonsense it'll only make me look worse) Isn't she the 2nd miss from the Fu Family? Wasn't she disowned because she was trying to steal her sister's fiancé? (The group of girls started whispering and spreading gossip) (I just need to hold my composure and not respond) She's just like her slut of a mother dressing modest but with evil intentions. That's it I've had enough! You may say what you will about me but you leave my mother out of this. If you want to talk about evil intentions look at you and how all of you dressed and how your spreading gossip/rumors as if your in High School. Shouldn't you guys be ashamed of stating false accusations without knowing the actual back story. Just because the media writes it, it doesn't mean it's true, just because it comes out of somebodies mouth it doesn't make it true. Grow up and prepare for the interview instead of harassing me to make yourselves feel better. How dare you...(interrupted but president's assistant)...Miss Mei Fu you are up.

As I followed the Assistant I felt the murderous intent of these girls as I walked away. I can tell it's not gonna be easy working here but it's my dream job and sometimes you have to work with people you don't like. Miss the President doesn't think it's necessary to interview you... (What?!?!) Did I do something wrong? Is it the way I dressed? (I said out loud accidentally due to being nervous) haha no Miss thats not it, He's familiar with your work already and knows of your achievements and would like to hire you on the spot starting tomorrow. Oh my, I got the job!!!! (Jumping up and down hugging the assistant) I apologize for my unprofessionalism just a second ago, this is my dream job and I thought I would screw it up somehow. Thank you so much, you won't regret it! What time tomorrow should I come in? 9am sharp and as for what you are wearing we ask for black slacks or a black skirt with a white shirt and accessories are acceptable.

I must call Ying and celebrate! Hey girl I got the job! Yay... How was the interview was it hard? No, because I didn't need to do the interview I was hired on the spot since the President is familiar with my work and achievements. We need to celebrate do you want to go get hot pot and drinks? Lets do it!!! By the way Mei what are you doing on... (I interrupt her because I hear a child yelling) hold on Ying theres a child screaming Im gonna check it out. Mei don't go leave it for the police! But the police may not be on time and I brought backup for these situations(toy gun) I'll call you back. Mei! Don't Hang Up! (I hung up)

Help! Someone Help me!!! Let me go, unhand me do you know who I am? Of course we do why do you think we are doing this. Now shut up and behave before we gag you!!! Let him go! And who might you be? I'm his mother how dare you kidnap my son do you have any idea who we are? (I don't know why I always have to butt in on these things) You are his mother? Yes, I am now release him, I've already called the police. (Guys whispering) Here's the thing I don't believe that you called the police and I don't believe your his mother, President Zhang's wife died. So how about i just shoot you for butting in and trying to play hero?! (Oh so he's President Zhang's son) No you are wrong, I am his wife! That's what we told the media so we could live a normal life out of the public view. Since you are interfering and we cant make sure that you are who you say you are how about I just kill you? If you kill me that'll be a mistake since I'm pregnant with Zhang's 2nd child and he would do anything for me. If it's money you want I am better off taking to use against the President than my child. Very well how about we just take you both? If you do that I will shoot my self drawing attention to you and you lose your best leverage. Grab the child (he told his men) and lets see if she's telling the truth. Let me go! My father will be furious release me and perhaps he will allow you to live. (The men threw him to the ground and I run over to him) Are you okay honey? (I asked as I whispered in his ear to get him to play along) Mommy!!! You found me these guys where trying to take me to use me against daddy. I know honey but everything will be ok (I slide him my phone as I stand up in front of him to protect him and put the gun to my head) Now I won't say this again you let my son go and take me instead or you lose your best bargaining chip. No, mommy you can't go with them just let them take me and you go. I bend down to wipe his tears and I tell him its gonna be okay. (The guys started whispering) Deal but put the gun down. I cant do that until you release my son and allow him to walk away. They untie him and I hand him my gun and I whispered in his ear as I hugged him that its a toy guy and to run fast as he can and to get help and if any of the guys try to recapture him to pretend the toy gun is real and point it at them till help arrives. As the boy ran away the guys grabbed me as I struggled and tried to fight them off but they had the advantage and grabbed me before I could fight my way out. They covered my face with a cloth and I started becoming light headed as I started fading I heard them say to throw me in the trunk and in that moment I thought to myself is this the end? Did the kid make it? What will happen to me? (I pass out)