
Domination: Limitless Growth

After an unexpected demise due to a spicy food mishap, Kasper finds himself standing before the divine presence of God. In a twist of fate, he's granted the extraordinary gift of wishes, opening the door to an exhilarating journey across the boundless realms of the multiverse. With his imagination as his compass and no limits to hold him back, Kasper sets out to explore worlds teeming with untold treasures and oceans, realms plagued by sinister demons, lands inhabited by skilled ninjas, and countless other extraordinary dimensions. Kasper's wildest dreams come to life, and the rules are nothing but figments of imagination! First Arc: Wishes and One Piece (currently) *WARNING: THE WORLDS EXPLORED WILL SEVERELY DEVIATE FROM CANON AND THERE IS WISH FULFILLMENT. THERE WILL BE CHANGES TO PERSONALITIES, POWERS AND CANON-EVENTS. IF YOU DISLIKE THIS, PLEASE, DONT READ, OR COME INTO THE COMMENTS COMPLAINING AFTER THIS WARNING.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your feedback is invaluable to the growth of the story. Please consider leaving a review, as understanding your likes and dislikes helps shape the narrative. If you've enjoyed your time reading, a power stone or review would be appreciated! Thank you for your support! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All rights to the characters and worlds, excluding the main character, belong to their respective owners. Any concerns regarding intellectual property rights should be directed to me for resolution. Cover Artist: NeuroPieCats @ DeviantArt

itsDhi · Anime und Comics
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32 Chs

Whiskey is a mans best friend


Kasper slumped onto the bed, his body a canvas of pain. Sweat and blood mingled on his face as he panted heavily. The assimilation process had been unlike anything he'd imagined, a brutal test of will that pushed him to his limits. Yet, beneath the pain, a faint thrumming pulsed - a newfound strength coursing through him.

With a shaky hand, he summoned the system interface. "System," he rasped, "show me my status." The information flooded his vision.


Name: Kasper

Race: Human

Age: 16

Devil Fruit: Kowasu Kowasu No Mi

Body, Mind, Soul: ∞ Unable to define due to in-born skill

In-born Talents: Limitless Evolution, Adaptation, Increased Training Speed (10,000% Boost), World Knowledge, 

Skills and Techniques:

Martial Arts: Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, Renewal Taekwondo, Taijutsu

Weapons Mastery: Swordsmanship

Techniques: Primal Instinct, Complete Breathing Styles, Armament Haki, Conquerors Haki, Regeneration]

"Hey, System, can you please tell me how the hell I unlocked Conqueror's Haki? I've never shown signs of it appearing before. I understand the regeneration, due to the bloodline integration though."

[Due to the pain involved in the integration, the host displayed sheer willpower that burst forth from within. Upon observation, the host may notice fractures within the wood of the surrounding walls. Additionally, any aquatic life within a 2-kilometer radius has been rendered unconscious.]

Kasper grinned maniacally as he surveyed the demolished cabin – a testament to his brutal evolution. Shredded bedclothes and splintered wood littered the floor, a chaotic aftermath of his transformation. "Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" he whooped.

Pushing himself off the ruined mattress, he eyed his tattered clothes with amusement. Time for an upgrade. With a thought, he equipped the new attire provided by the system. Stretching experimentally, he marveled at the freedom of movement the outfit offered.

"Not bad at all," he muttered, flexing a bicep that seemed to bulge with newfound power. "Maybe I could even give that big guy upstairs a run for his money now." A mischievous glint sparked in his eyes.

Sailing was the next order of business. The Reverse Mountain held no appeal for him right now. The Calm Belt, on the other hand, beckoned with the promise of adventure – and perhaps a taste of that Sea King tempura he'd been fantasizing about. 


The Calm Belt stretched out before Kasper like a vast, glassy expanse. His small boat skimmed the surface, a solitary speck adrift in the endless blue. Yet, aboard this unassuming vessel, a drama unfolded that had little to do with the tranquil surroundings.

Kasper, a picture of intense concentration, sat hunched over, sweat beading on his brow and soaking through his clothes. A strangled sound erupted from him, followed by a violent expulsion of stomach contents. The "man who lived" was, rather ignominiously, throwing up.

The culprit lay a few feet away – the decapitated head of a Sea King, its lifeless eyes seeming to mock him with their glassy stare. "Who knew Sea King tempura would taste like ass with a side of disappointment?!" Kasper groaned, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. This was his second failed attempt at preparing a celebratory meal, and his frustration was mounting.

He'd opted for the Calm Belt over the treacherous Reverse Mountain, hoping to satiate his hunger and hone his newfound skills during the journey. However, his culinary ventures had proven disastrous.

"Maybe Whiskey Peak next," he muttered, eyeing the horizon with a longing for a different kind of challenge. After dispatching his fourteenth Sea King, the thrill of aquatic combat had waned. He craved the edge-of-your-seat tension of a good pirate scrap, the clash of steel on steel, the dance of life and death.

Boredom gnawed at him, but it wouldn't be for long. Kasper turned his thoughts inward, assessing his progress since his island escape. "Martial arts and swordsmanship – hitting a plateau there," he concluded. "Same with regular Haki training. Gotta get creative."

A spark ignited in his eyes as he remembered a particular reward – the Gravity Ring. The ring, according to the system information, allowed him to mentally control the force of gravity within his vicinity, up to a staggering 100 times normal.

"Maybe I can combine this with Armament Haki," he mused, a plan forming in his mind. "Unorthodox, but worth a shot."

With newfound resolve, Kasper accessed his inventory and equipped the ring. A mental command sent a surge through the metal, activating its power. Gravity intensified around him ever so slightly, a subtle pressure on his body.

"Five times might be better," he thought, adjusting the setting. The world seemed to tilt on its axis as the weight of five times gravity slammed into him. The ship's timbers groaned in protest, the deck warping under the immense pressure.

"Hoo-hah! Now we're talking!" Kasper bellowed, his muscles straining to resist the crushing force. He gritted his teeth, using this artificial weight as a training tool. Now came the real test – applying Armament Haki while under such duress.

Focusing all his willpower on his fingertips, he willed the black aura to manifest. It coalesced slowly, a tendril of inky blackness clinging to his skin. Maintaining its integrity in this heightened gravity was a struggle, but slowly, painstakingly, he managed to stabilize it.

"Alright, let's spread it!" With renewed determination, he pushed the Haki further, centimeter by centimeter. It crept past his palms, climbed his wrists, and inched its way towards his elbows. The process was agonizingly slow, but his growth trait proved invaluable. What normally would have taken weeks or even months was progressing at an accelerated rate.

"Damn, this is awesome!" he roared in triumph. "By the time I reach Whiskey Peak, I'll have full-body coverage!" The night wore on as Kasper continued his unorthodox training. He finally achieved his goal – his entire body cloaked in a solid sheath of Armament Haki. Maintaining this normally taxing feat felt surprisingly effortless, thanks to his monstrous stamina and the unique synergy between his powers.

A satisfied grin stretched across his face. "Maybe Whiskey Peak by morning," he mused, gazing at the approaching dawn. "This seafaring life is getting a little dull. Time to spice things up a bit." With renewed zeal, Kasper steered his course towards the horizon, a force of nature yearning for a worthy challenge.


Dawn bled into day, painting the sky with vibrant hues, but Whiskey Peak remained stubbornly out of sight. Kasper, his gaze fixed on the endless horizon, released a weary sigh.

"Where the hell are you, Whiskey Peak?" he muttered, his voice laced with frustration. "My liver yearns for your sweet, sweet booze."

Turning away from the bow of the ship, Kasper slumped onto the deck, the rough wood offering little comfort. His mind churned with possibilities. He had no clear idea of the timeline, no way of knowing how far ahead of Luffy and his crew he might be.

'But one thing's for sure,' he thought, a glint of determination flickering in his eyes. 'Missing out on the chaos they create wouldn't be very 'Kasper' now, would it?'

A sudden screech tore him from his contemplation. He looked up, spotting a solitary bird soaring high above. A jolt of excitement surged through him. Birds meant land, and land meant… Whiskey Peak.

With renewed energy, he scrambled to his feet and charged towards the bow. The sight that greeted him brought a satisfied grin to his face. There, nestled amidst the vast expanse of the ocean, lay the town he'd been longing for.

Whiskey Peak wasn't exactly what one might call picturesque. A murky river bisected the town, dividing it into two equally dreary halves. Dilapidated houses, ramshackle bars, and dusty stalls sprawled across the barren landscape. Not exactly a tropical paradise, but compared to the monotony of the open sea, it was a welcome change.

"Maybe not a luxury resort," Kasper muttered, "but it'll do just fine. First order of business – find a damn dock." He steered the boat towards the town, a mischievous glint in his eyes.


Kasper sauntered off his ship, taking a slow, deliberate survey of Whiskey Peak's denizens. This town's grim atmosphere wasn't a mystery. Bounty hunters, their eyes gleaming with avarice, patrolled the streets, while others, less conspicuous but no less dangerous, likely belonged to Crocodile's nefarious Baroque Works.

As he delved deeper into the town, he couldn't help but notice the furtive glances thrown his way. Some hunters even tugged out bounty posters, their gazes lingering on him a beat too long. A twisted smile played on Kasper's lips. 'Bring it on,' he thought, relishing the anticipation of a good brawl.

Lost in daydream, his ears pricked up at a commotion near the docks. A collective gasp rippled through the crowd, turning their attention towards the river. There, slicing through the water, came a ship.

It wasn't a grand vessel, but it exuded a certain charm – small, sturdy, with a rustic appeal. A cheerful yellow paint job was accentuated by blue trimmings, and a grinning sheep's head adorned the figurehead. But the true giveaway was the flag fluttering proudly at the mast – a skull, unmistakably sporting a straw hat.

Kasper's eyes widened. 'Couldn't have asked for a better welcome,' he thought, a grin splitting his face. 'The Going Merry!