
Domination: Limitless Growth

After an unexpected demise due to a spicy food mishap, Kasper finds himself standing before the divine presence of God. In a twist of fate, he's granted the extraordinary gift of wishes, opening the door to an exhilarating journey across the boundless realms of the multiverse. With his imagination as his compass and no limits to hold him back, Kasper sets out to explore worlds teeming with untold treasures and oceans, realms plagued by sinister demons, lands inhabited by skilled ninjas, and countless other extraordinary dimensions. Kasper's wildest dreams come to life, and the rules are nothing but figments of imagination! First Arc: Wishes and One Piece (currently) *WARNING: THE WORLDS EXPLORED WILL SEVERELY DEVIATE FROM CANON AND THERE IS WISH FULFILLMENT. THERE WILL BE CHANGES TO PERSONALITIES, POWERS AND CANON-EVENTS. IF YOU DISLIKE THIS, PLEASE, DONT READ, OR COME INTO THE COMMENTS COMPLAINING AFTER THIS WARNING.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your feedback is invaluable to the growth of the story. Please consider leaving a review, as understanding your likes and dislikes helps shape the narrative. If you've enjoyed your time reading, a power stone or review would be appreciated! Thank you for your support! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All rights to the characters and worlds, excluding the main character, belong to their respective owners. Any concerns regarding intellectual property rights should be directed to me for resolution. Cover Artist: NeuroPieCats @ DeviantArt

itsDhi · Anime und Comics
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32 Chs

Crocodile, I've come to bargain!

 ♫ Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy ♫

A ship sailed smoothly through the endless sea, its sails billowing in the wind as curious sea creatures glide beneath. On deck, a man was seen, doing handstand push-ups, balanced on his fingertips, humming a melody that reminded him of a distant worlds. 

 ♫ But here's my number, so call me, maybe ♫


"Oof, 20,000 done!" Kasper gasped, wiping sweat from his brow and surveying the wreckage of the ship's deck. His training regimen, inspired by the legendary "Saitama workout," was brutal, even with his enhanced physique. But the results were undeniable. With each grueling session, he felt a surge in raw power coursing through him. The constant 10x gravity added another layer of challenge, turning every movement into a Herculean feat.

He lumbered towards his bedroom, his steps echoing heavily on the deck. Passing the kitchen, Kasper winced as his foot caught on a splintered floorboard. His intense training sessions were taking their toll on the ship. Just a few days ago, he'd demolished his bed in a moment of forgetfulness, his newfound density proving too much for the rickety wooden frame. Sleeping on the floor hadn't exactly been kind to the decking either.

'Maybe it's time to purchase a new, more solid ship. System, is there any type of ship I can acquire from the store for free?'.

[Yes, Host. There is a beginner vessel available to purchase for free to aid in you in travels in this world.]

[Shop: Ships

Small Caravel (System intergated navigation and security, made of 'Treasure Tree Adam wood. Kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom and training room. Seastone lined bottom and customisable flag)]

"Ugh, should've thought of this before," Kasper groaned, slapping his forehead. "Complete dumbass move." He sighed, then addressed the empty air. "Alright, System, purchase that ship next to mine. Dock it right here, and let me know when it's ready to board."

Light swirled around Kasper's current ship, coalescing into shimmering nodes that materialized into a smaller vessel. This one lacked the Going Merry's whimsical charm, its dark gray wood adorned with a blank flag. Kasper hopped onto the deck, the impact a muted thud compared to the groaning timbers of his old ship.

"Now this is more like it!" he grinned, taking in the quieter surroundings. "Sturdier wood, less creaking - perfect." He turned and headed towards the heart of the ship, his steps lighter on the more solid deck.

The kitchen exceeded anything he'd encountered in this world. Gleaming marble countertops replaced chipped wood, a sleek, modern fridge stood sentinel in one corner, and an elegant seating area hinted at a luxurious dining experience. Kasper whistled appreciatively, impressed by the upgrade.

Moving on to the bedroom, he braced himself for a transformation. Pushing open the door, he was met with the sight of a plush king-sized bed, crafted from the same dark wood as the ship's hull. No need to adjust his gravity ring here.

"Finally! A king deserves a proper castle!" Kasper declared, throwing himself onto the luxurious mattress with a groan of satisfaction. He reveled in the plush comfort, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Forget getting stronger," he mumbled into the soft pillows. "This bed is begging for some serious goblin mode!"

'System, can you explain the navigation and security features to me?'

[The ship has been integrated with the System's navigation function. Upon the Host's command to move towards a location, the System will assume control of the ship. This is analogous to an automatic driving car in your previous world.]

[The security function operates similarly. If the ship is targeted by pirates, marines, or sea kings, it will promptly notify the host. Additionally, there exists a 'lock/unlock' feature; if the Host departs the ship unattended, a spatial barrier will encase the vessel for protection.]

'I should of purchased this a long time ago! Fuck, okay. System, please navigate towards Alabasta Kingdom. I'm going to go to sleep, wake me up before arrival.'

[Alabasta Kingdom coordinates confirmed. Navigation sequence activated.]


[Host, wake up. We have arrived at your destination.]

Kasper stretched with a satisfied yawn, the notification from the System still echoing faintly in his mind. "Man, that was the best sleep I've ever had! This bed even heats itself – fancy!" He rose from the luxurious king-sized haven and padded towards the deck.

Sunlight glinted off the polished wood as Kasper surveyed their new location. Alabasta. An ancient land of stark contrasts, boasting vibrant oases teeming with life amidst a harsh, unforgiving desert. Scattered ruins spoke of a bygone era, while newer settlements hummed with activity. The vast Sandora Desert, a sea of unforgiving sand, carved a path through the island, with the life-giving Sandora River acting as a natural border.

As the ship docked itself automatically, Kasper disembarked, eager to explore. However, a glance around quickly shattered his initial excitement. Downtrodden faces painted a grim picture, the air thick with oppressive heat and the omnipresent specter of thirst. Exhausted citizens lined the streets, their bodies etched with hardship.

His gaze drifted across the desolate landscape, eventually landing on a cluster of imposing buildings bathed in the artificial glow of floodlights – Rain Base, the notorious headquarters of Crocodile, the man Kasper had come to find.

"Well, that's convenient," he smirked, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Couldn't have asked for a closer delivery of my next batch of… leather goods." With a powerful push from his leg, he propelled himself towards the glittering city in the distance. He moved like a blur, a sonic boom echoing in his wake as dust and sand churned behind him.

As he hurtled forward, a mischievous glint flickered in his eyes. Should he simply leave, or perhaps stir the pot a bit? No, a more elaborate plan was forming. He'd goad Crocodile into a fight, then utterly destroy him. A slow, agonizing burn would be far more satisfying than a swift defeat.

Fifteen minutes later, Kasper landed at the gates of Rain Base. Here, life throbbed with a feverish intensity. Luxury casinos and opulent restaurants lined the streets, their garish lights a stark contrast to the suffering he'd witnessed outside the city walls. People here wore wide smiles, oblivious or willfully ignorant of the slow decay consuming their nation.

With a predatory glint in his eyes, Kasper ambled towards the main casino, visions of a delectable meal and a well-lined purse dancing in his head. 'Wonder how much Crocodile keeps stashed away in his little office?' he mused with a sly smirk. He sidled up to a slot machine, a casual facade masking his true intentions. Slipping a few coins into the slot, he spun the reels, the rhythmic whirring blending into the symphony of vice that permeated the air.


Looking up at the panel he saw flashing lights, trumpets were sounded and the words 'You've won! 1,000,000 Beri!' illuminated his face. 'Guess my luck is pretty high? Thanks Big Guys.'


*2 hours later*

A tense silence hung heavy as Kasper cleared his throat. "Right, now that I've had my fill," he said, pushing himself away from the table, "guess it's time to face the music."

Nico Robin, who had watched him devour the extravagant meal with amusement, chuckled softly. "Indeed," she replied, rising fluidly from her chair. "Mr. Crocodile is expecting you." Without waiting for a confirmation, she turned and headed towards a discreetly placed rear exit.

Kasper, momentarily captivated by Robin's swaying hips as she walked ahead, quickly tore his gaze away, a blush creeping up his neck. 'Get a grip,' he chided himself internally. 'She's the enemy, or at least works for him.' He followed Robin with a newfound determination, his earlier nonchalance replaced by a simmering focus.

As they entered a dimly lit corridor, Robin spoke, her voice barely a whisper. "Strong as you may be," she murmured, a hint of something akin to longing flickering in her eyes, "you're still the same kid from back then."

Kasper, momentarily thrown off guard by her cryptic remark, simply grunted in response. The weight of her words, however, lingered in the air between them.

They reached a pair of imposing double doors and Robin pushed them open with a flourish. Inside, bathed in the cool glow of strategically placed lamps, stood Crocodile. Towering over the intruders, his broad frame and muscular build commanded attention. His pale skin contrasted sharply with his slicked-back black hair, but it was the long, jagged scar bisecting his face and the menacing gold hook replacing his left hand that truly drew the eye. His dark brown eyes, set beneath heavy lids, held a predator's glint.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Mr...?" Crocodile inquired, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Kasper," the newcomer replied, his voice devoid of warmth. He met Crocodile's gaze head-on, a smirk dancing across his own lips. "Though I must say," he added, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "this place is awfully nice for a country on the brink of collapse."

Crocodile's smile faltered for a brief moment before returning, albeit a touch less genuine. "Ah yes," he drawled, "unfortunate circumstances, indeed. A real shame the current leadership lacks the vision – or perhaps the competence – to properly care for its people."

Kasper sauntered towards a plush armchair and settled himself in with a nonchalant air. "And who," he mused, "do you think would be a better leader? Someone with, say, near-unlimited resources and control over a significant portion of the population?"

Crocodile's eyes narrowed as the unspoken challenge hung in the air. The smile vanished from his face, replaced by a scowl of dawning realization. "So you are aware, huh?" he growled. "Speaking of awareness... a few of my 'associates' seem to have gone missing lately. Developed a sudden fear of fighting, perhaps? You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

Kasper shrugged casually. "Oh, just a few wannabe secret agents and some oversized rats who couldn't catch a cold," he remarked flippantly, his gaze flickering to Crocodile's face. He had successfully riled the man, that much was clear.

"Bastard!" Crocodile roared, his voice laced with fury. "You have no idea of who you're messing with! You've only dealt with my agent. But now you've dared to come here and mock me! Leaving won't be an option."

In a blur of motion, Crocodile lunged towards Kasper, his hooked arm poised to deliver a devastating blow. But the attack passed harmlessly through Kasper, leaving only a fading afterimage. Confusion clouded Crocodile's face as he spun around, searching frantically for his opponent. The answer came a split second later as Kasper materialized back in his original spot, a wide grin splitting his face.

"Maybe picking a fight with a complete stranger wasn't your brightest idea," Kasper taunted, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "But hey, I appreciate the entertainment." He decided to tone down his power slightly, wanting to draw out the fight. With a burst of speed, he vanished once more, reappearing in front of Crocodile before launching a powerful kick aimed at his face.


The impact was brutal. Kasper's heel connected with a sickening crunch, sending Crocodile sprawling to the ground with a bloodcurdling yell. Blood spurted from his mangled face, teeth scattering across the plush carpet.

Kasper stepped back, a predatory glint in his eyes, waiting for Crocodile.

Stumbling back to his feet, Crocodile glanced at Kasper and thought, 'It has to be Armament Haki. He wouldn't be able to hit me otherwise. I need distance.' With that realization, he leaped backward, summoning a swirling sandstorm to envelop them, creating a barrier between himself and Kasper.

"I realized by mistake, you got lucky learning that skill. But you won't be able to hit me now," Crocodile arrogantly stated. He knew he had the advantage; in any normal circumstance, if someone walked into the sand, it would absorb all the moisture in their body, leaving them mummified and dead.

But would Kasper allow this weak attack to harm him? No. He swiftly reached towards his side, drawing his katana and raising it high into the air. A dark and swirling aura enveloped the blade, slowly solidifying.


[System registered an increase in Armament Haki proficiency.]

Unaware of the impending doom lurking within the sandstorm, Crocodile leered into the swirling abyss, anticipating the cries of Kasper. Amidst the eerie silence and haunting howls of the wind, Crocodile discerned the faint voice of Kasper, whispering ominously, "I. Am. Atomic."

The air crackled with a strange energy, like a storm brewing in another dimension. The very room seemed to vibrate with unseen power, tremors shaking the floor as if the earth itself trembled in fear.

Crocodile, still shielded by the swirling sandstorm, felt a prickle of unease. This wasn't normal. He couldn't see what Kasper was doing, but his instincts screamed danger.

With a deafening *CRACK*, the energy solidified, and Kasper unleashed his attack. The air itself seemed to rip apart as a blade of pure darkness, as black as the void, hurtled towards Crocodile with terrifying speed. The pressure radiating from it was so immense it froze Crocodile in place, his cocky smirk replaced with sheer terror.

The blade hit Crocodile in a blink. It passed through his sandstorm with ease, then sliced through his left arm and leg as if they were butter. The sand around him seemed to vaporize as the attack continued its path, embedding itself into the far wall with a thunderous boom.

A single, clean line marked the spot where the blade had struck the wall, the rest of the blade vanishing into the unknown. Crocodile stared, uncomprehending, as blood spurted from his missing limbs. His mind reeled, unable to process the utter devastation that had just unfolded.

Then, with a choked gasp, Crocodile crumpled to the floor. His lifeblood drained away, staining the plush carpet crimson. He looked up at Kasper, who was approaching with a casual stroll, a wide, terrifying grin plastered on his face. Kasper's eyes, devoid of any warmth, seemed to pierce through Crocodile's very soul, sending a final, agonizing chill down his spine even in his moment of defeat.

"You fucked around, and now you found out," Kasper declared, squatting in front of Crocodile. He tapped his forehead playfully. "Say... would you loan me around 10,000,000 Beri?" he asked jokingly, before rising to his feet and walking back towards Robin. Shock registered on her face as she watched him walk towards her.

"Come with me," Kasper said, walking past Robin and through the double doors. "Your boss is on medical leave for the foreseeable future. We need to talk." He glanced back at Robin. "Oh, and don't worry. There should be some people coming soon to set this country right. You've met them before."