
Dominating Sword Immortal

On this land of real souls, with millions of different martial art institutions, there’re so many strong fighters just like the trees in the forests. Among all, a mediocre apprentice from one of the mediocre institutions suddenly became a martial art genius after a mysterious incident. Not only did he acquire a photographic memory and keen perception, but he had also come to discover that his ability to comprehend martial arts is astronomically good, which eventually made him an almost godly existence. From the hot-blooded intense battles to the clashes between the top geniuses, Martial Arts is no longer limited to the mortal world, it reaches to a level that can do everything from controlling the oceans to flying up the sky and diving under the ground.

Jian You Tai Xu · Ost
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913 Chs


Translator: 3heryl Redakteur: Hitesh_

Long Biyun half joked: "No matter how powerful the Godly Water Spell is, it could never compete with Tu Chongshan's Sunshine Art, right? Of course, the Major Luo God Art isn't exactly weak either."

Both the Sunshine Art and the Major Luo God Art were fire element martial arts. The former was like a burning sun that could burn anything on this earth with the power of its explosions, while the latter could be both Yin and Yang, tough and tender. With so many variations in one martial art, it allowed the practitioner to explore it by himself.

Xue Wuren shook his head and said: "Among all of us, the most mysterious one has to be you. Who dares to say that they could beat you for sure?"

"Regardless of anyone else, I cannot ever compete with Brother Xue's sabre intent."