
Dominate Billionaire

Maks Rostitlav is a son in law who is always humiliated and despised by his wife's family because he lives in proverty. His job as a street sweeper makes him always underestimated. One day, an old man come looking for him to give the news that Maks will to be a heir of the rich family. Since then, he becomes very rich and everyone who has ever looked down on him has come to respect him.

lucifer_nov · Urban
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8 Chs


[Chapter 7]

Maks quickly answered his mother in law's question. "N-no, mom. I didn't do that. I just want to borrow a car."

"He is lying! It's obvious he asked me to sleep with him." Aunt Brew said that to her sister. She deliberately lied to bring down Maks so that he was kicked out of this house along with Siena. Because, she want to get property Kev Family.

"N-no, Mom..." Maks tried to defend himself and explain everything. However, Mrs.Kev had already walking towards him and landed a slap right on Maks' right cheek.

Mrs. Kev's face flushed with emotion.

Siena returned to help her husband. She looked at her mother's face. "Stop, Mom! Maks just wanted to borrow a car to take our daughter to the Hospital. She's sick, mom. High fever. I trust that Maks would not do such a despicable thing."

Siena's eyes filled with tears. She hopes her mother can trust her and her husband too.

However, Mrs.Kev still believes in her biological sister. "Your aunt never lied to me!" Mrs.Kev's eyes turned black and glared at her son in law, the husband of her youngest daughter.

"You're still defending your husband who clearly did something wrong, Siena! You've been lied to. Aren't you mad that he asked your own Aunt to sleep with him? You're weird!" said Flo to Siena.

"No! I know exactly how my husband is. He wouldn't do that," Siena replied firmly speaking to everyone watching them.

"Maks! Get out of my house now!" snapped Mrs. Kev shooing Maks away.

Siena was surprised. She immediately begged her mother. "Mom! Please don't throw him out. Isn't it our right to live in this house? We are allowed by father."

Siena remembers that she and her husband did not get any inheritance, only got permission and the right to live in the house for as long as possible.

"But your husband broke the rules. He sexually abused your aunt. If your father knew, he would do the same to me. Your father would definitely kick him out as well," replied Mrs.Kev firmly.

Siena immediately knelt at her mother's feet to plead. She was holding her baby who was crying again.

"Please, Mom! Don't throw us out." Siena wept as she begged not to be evicted. Because, there is no longer a house to accommodate them later.

"Mom! Just throw me out. But don't throw out my wife and our baby," Maks said softly while holding his cheek which was in pain from being hit by Uncle Brew.

Siena suddenly turned to her husband. "What do you mean, honey? Do you want to part with us?" Siena's eyes stared at Maks with tears in her eyes. She did not accept if her husband left this house.

"Okay. If that's your request, Maks. Your wife and baby will stay here. While you go!" Mrs.Kev said. She's still on her knees.

Siena shook her head quickly. "N-no, mom. Don't throw my husband out." Siena sobbed under her mother's feet while holding her baby. However, Siena's request was not accepted by her mother. Siena was even yelled at by her mother.

"Siena! You don't know how you benefit. Mom has been kind enough to help you not to live on the streets. Don't ask for more when you've been given a heart!" said Hera who was standing next to her eldest sister, Flo.

"That's right, Siena! I have saved you from this bad husband of yours. It turns out, apart from being poor, he is also a pedophile." Flo speaks again.

Maks could only be silent and bowed his head. It was useless if he explained again what really happened. They won't believe it. So, he decided to give in and accept the decision made by his mother in law.

Maks inched toward his wife. He whispered something right in Siena's ear. "Honey, you have to stay here for me and our baby. I promise to come back to pick you up and we will live in a new house."

Siena kept shedding tears. "H-how? How do you eat out there? Where will you live?" She was very worried about her husband.

"I'm a man. I can live anywhere. I have a job. I can definitely support myself. Don't worry about me, Honey." Maks answered his wife's question that had been worrying him.

Finally because Maks was able to convince Siena, she nodded her head and let her husband out of this house. "Careful. You must pick me up safely!"

Maks nodded his head and smiled at Siena. After hugging his wife, the man stood up from his seat to face his mother in law.

"Well, mom. I will leave this house. While my wife and baby are not. But I beg you, please treat our baby, Mom. Even though you hate me, she's still your granddaughter," Maks said before he left to pack his things.

There is no answer from Mrs.Kev. She kept her gaze fixed on Maks.

Maks walking towards his room to pack his clothes. He went to her baby. He kissed the baby who has not been named.

Maks' tears wanted to run down his cheeks. However, he held it back so it wouldn't come out. Because, he is ashamed if he cries in front of all Kev's family.

After that, Mak left leaving sadness and anxiety for his wife, Siena.


It was already early in the morning, Maks was still walking on the streets carrying his bag. He didn't know where to live. Needless to say, tears just fell from his eyes. He felt his heart very sore when slandered by his wife's sister. He did not think that Aunt Brew could be so mean to him.

"I promise, after this no one will look down on me again. I will repay everything!" He said as he wiped the tears that slowly fell down his cheeks.

Maks continues his journey to find a place to rest for a while. Even though his legs hurt because he walked so far from the Kev family's house.