
Chapter 2 Off the grid

Shawn found out that his abilites were too powerful so he decided to move to another acadamy.

In his new acadamy he keept a low aprofile and was seen as a mysterious person among students.

The academy, nestled between towering glaciers and crystalline lakes, became Shawn's new haven. Headmaster Frostgrim, an ancient sorcerer, recognized the unique resonance of ice within Shawn. Under Frostgrim's tutelage, Shawn learned to sculpt intricate ice sculptures and summon frosty tempests with a mere flick of his fingers.

In the academy's halls, Shawn forged bonds with fellow students. Arya, a swift-footed enchantress with the ability to weave illusions, and Eirik, a stalwart guardian harnessing the power of enchanted armor, became his closest companions. Together, they navigated the trials and triumphs of magical education, discovering the breadth of their abilities.

The time had come the first time shawn would use a domain expantion on a living being. Shawns task was to take out five ice wolves using his domain. He spoted the wolves and said "Domain expantion:The ice kings castle". A beautiful ice castle had emerged in the calming ice plain of shawns domain. He said to the wolves "Freeze" and the wolves were completely frozen and the ice in with the wolves were in shatterd ending the wolves.