
doll with a sword

"When does a person die, when it stops breathing, when its heart stops beating?" "No a person dies the moment it looses hope, that's when u become an empty shell, a living doll when you have no more expectation from the world, where there are no feelings just emptiness" "Many people would think that immortality is a blessing little do they know that this is the cruellest curse someone can give you" ******** *creepy smile* " Oh Celea you really think that you will ever be able to live me" he was caressing her face, he looked like he was crazy... "what are you talking about?" " I'm saying that you will never be able to escape me, I won't let you go even if you love someone else, you are mine" " your hair belongs to me" touches her hair " your lips belong to me" touches her lips " the eyes that look at me with indifference belong to me" touches her eyes " your heart belongs to me..." his finger went down her neck to her heart, action wich made Celea look at where his finger's at. Claus than goes to her ear and whispers " your whole existence belongs to me Celea" IMPORTANT: My book has been now officially been posted, thank you all for your support it meant a lot to me. You will be able to keep reading my book by clicking this link: http://wbnv.in/a/a1gup9w

depresso_numero_1 · Fantasie
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37 Chs

this has never happened before

" Celea. Alina and I would like you to name our baby" said Draco

Celea than took the baby from his arms and took it in hers

" and we'd also like you to be his godmother" shyly said Alina

" I would be happy to" said Celea while smiling at the small baby in her arms

" hmmm...what should I call him?"

" I'm sure you'll find the perfect name for him" said Dereus while putting his hand on her shoulder

" I will, won't I " said Celea confidently

" ah. I found it" Celea than looked around the room to the people that were in there and than back to the baby

" Aaron"

" I think it fits him" said Bella

" I think so too" said Celea


"Celea come with me"

" No. I don't want to"

" what why not?"

" something feels fishy about this whole situation"

" There is nothing fishy I want to show you something"


" come on now, stop whining"

" I'm not whining, you are not a very trustful person you know"



Claus than got her braid style

" what the...put me down, what the hell do you think this is? your honeymoon?"

Claus put a smile on his face

" Very soon Celea, very soon"

" oh my. am I also invited to your wedding?"

" I alrady got the perfect wedding gift "

Celea was referring to his wedding with Zela and Claus knew that

" although I must say there aren't many dresses in my guarderob that are fit for a wedding so do tell me in advance when you plan it so I can prepare properly"

" don't worry about it love, I have just the perfect white dress for you, it will fit perfectly" smiled Claus at her

" actually I would prefer black "

" to bad"


" what is this, a war again?" asked Celea after seeing so many people from afar

" why dont you come closer to the balcony and see"

Celea than walked to the balcony where she saw countless of people waiting there, they looked like ants


"what are they cheering for?"

Celea than turned around to face Claus

" you didn't prepare a wedding, did you?"

Claus smiled warmly at her and got closer to her turning her around to face the people again

" I'd wish..but they are not here for a wedding"

" this are all the people from the mitycal realm. And they are here for you" Claus was holding her shoulders while standing behind her

there were billions of people..Celea couldn't believe her eyes

and than every single person bowed in front of Celea even her family, her knights and Claus

Celea frowned being completely confused not knowing what to say or do, this has never happened before


" Celea let's go back to bed honey" Bella than put her hands on Celeas shoulders to try and move her away

" I'm awake mother"

Celea was watching the moon from the hallways window once again

" oh, sorry I thought you were.."

" sleepwalking?"

" yes"

" Celea...how are you?"

" your father told me about the last 100 years..."

" ....I, I dont really know what to feel anymore"

"....." Bella didn't know how to comfort her

" Celea, could I, could I perhaps sleep with you tonight?" said Bella shyly to wich Celea giggled and turned to look at her

" I must say I never quite had such a cute mom as yourself before" Celea than put her arm as if wanting to escort her

Bella also giggled at seeing her dauthers actions

" I also never had such a gentleman in my life as yourself"

" I meet your mate, what you had in your life before me was far from being a gentleman"

" Bhahahah"

Bella put her hand on her dauthers lined arm and they both walked to Celeas room


" what the hell am I doing?"

Claus had saw Celea watching the moon and thought she was sleepwalking again but before he could get to her, his mother in law who still does not approve of him for her dauther got there first

instead of living Claus was now spying on them


" you have beautiful hair Celea" said Bella while brushing her hair

" I like your hair too"

" really?" asked Bella enthusiastically

" yes. I like your silver long wavy hair and your light green eyes. You really do look like a godess. No wander that idiot couldn't stop thinking about you maybe if I looked like you he would have think twice before trying to get me as an enemy" said Celea

" What do you mean he was thinking of me" Bella was slightly blushing

Celea started giggling while watching her reaction thru the mirror

" you look like a teenager in love dear mom "

" I do not "

" You should talk to him"

" I can't....I cant forgive what he has done to you Celea.." Bella was now looking depressed

Celea sighted

" yes you can, I don't really care about what he has done to me, I don't really hate him it's more like having an annoying person always bothering you and I know he doesn't hate me either, you should try to hear his side of the story we may not be the perfect father dauther duo but it's not like we are the worst either. I had worst people calling themselves my father and that guy loves you and you know that and I know you love him too "

" I don't know...." Bella was unsure

" I'm not saying you should do it now. Take your time"

Bella than looked at her dauther thru the mirror and had a warm smile on her face

" I was supposed to comfort you tho. Why does my dauther have to be this cool"

Celea giggled

" I can't help it I love being cool"


" Alpha what are you doing here"

Claus was taken by surprise by the unexpected presence he was so focused on the discussing of Celea and Bella that he didn't sense any presence

" Jesus Christ" and he put his hand on his heart

this action remained him of Celea since she always did that when she was taken by surprise

" Alpha are you eradroping on Luna and her mother " asked Sebastian his Beta shoked at his King's behavior

" Shhh shut your mouth or we might be found out" Sebastians eyes almost fell out of his head

he couldn't believe his ears and eyes

It was the King acting like, like a kid he knew the King ever since they were kids and he never acted like that, he was always serious and angry

never thought I'd live the day to see this happening the day the king finally went crazy is what Sebastian was thinking

" My King what are you trying to find out?"

" maybe they'll talk about me"

Sebastian had no expression on his face he looked at him as if the King is alrady a lost case Sebastian than turned around and left without a word
