
doll with a sword

"When does a person die, when it stops breathing, when its heart stops beating?" "No a person dies the moment it looses hope, that's when u become an empty shell, a living doll when you have no more expectation from the world, where there are no feelings just emptiness" "Many people would think that immortality is a blessing little do they know that this is the cruellest curse someone can give you" ******** *creepy smile* " Oh Celea you really think that you will ever be able to live me" he was caressing her face, he looked like he was crazy... "what are you talking about?" " I'm saying that you will never be able to escape me, I won't let you go even if you love someone else, you are mine" " your hair belongs to me" touches her hair " your lips belong to me" touches her lips " the eyes that look at me with indifference belong to me" touches her eyes " your heart belongs to me..." his finger went down her neck to her heart, action wich made Celea look at where his finger's at. Claus than goes to her ear and whispers " your whole existence belongs to me Celea" IMPORTANT: My book has been now officially been posted, thank you all for your support it meant a lot to me. You will be able to keep reading my book by clicking this link: http://wbnv.in/a/a1gup9w

depresso_numero_1 · Fantasie
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37 Chs


" I'm surprised that lycan let you come"

" Haha what made you think I'm the type of person to ask for permission?"

" You are right, you are not like that at all "

Dereus and Celea were now on the human realm walking towards where Celea put the black dragon, Dereus mate

" It's here!" Celea than pointed at a curtain like flowers , she than pulled them to the side to make space for them to enter.

When they got inside the place looked like heaven there were flowers and a waterfall you could even hear the birds and in the middle of all this there was a beautiful cristal coffin.

" Not bed right?"

" Celea how does this place looked this beautiful it's winter"

" There is nothing you can't do with money and right sources"

" Haha your right"

" Are you ready to see her?"

" To be honest I'm a little nervous"

Celea than pushed him lightly toward the coffin

Dereus could see his mate thru the glass like cristal and started crying

Celea left him alone to give him space to mourn in peace

After about 2 hours he came outside

Celea was waiting

" your still here "

" is there a reason why I should live"

Dereus smiles

" Let's go"

" where are we going now?"

" to see your children"

Dereus opened his eyes wide

" I thought we would do that after the war"

" they will find out you are their father after the war, doesnt mean you can't see them"

" let's go now it's not to far away from here"

" would you like to fly there?" asked Dereus

" absolutely"

Dereus than shifted to a beautiful white dragon

" wow...."

The dragon than got lower to make it possible for Celea to get on

Celea felt like a little girl seeing her present for Christmas


" whooooo, this feels amazing why did I ever consider walking till now when I could fly? "

" Ah there, you can land there" Celea showed him a Villa right below them

and they landed

" wow that was amazing, you are gonna be my way of transport from now on"

and the dragon made a face as if saying ' are you kidding'


Celea than turned around to see her troublemakers running towards her. She smile brightly and opened her arms and they jumped on her

" How could you just leave us like that? "

" I missed you too a lot"

Dereus than shifted back to his human form and the triplets were now looking in his direction

" Cele is this the guy you lived us for?"

they than covered her with their body's protectively from his gaze

She than pulled them by the ears

" auh, auh, auh" were Draco and Azar exclaiming at the pain caused by Celea

" Stop acting childish, this is our guest and I would never live you for a man, you three are my top priority"

" really? " they said with a puppy voice and hugged her again

" Guys this is Dereus a dragon like you, Dereus this are Draco, Azar and our cute Kai"

" hey why would you only call Kai cute I'm cute too! " Draco

" Yeah I'm cute too" Azar

Dereus could only smile warmly at their interaction with each other, even Celea looked like a happy little kid now, she looked more alive and less like a doll with no soul

" Alright, alright excuse my mistake, Dereus this are my three cute troublemakers"

Dereus gave a small laugh

" I see "

His children, this are his and Kaias kids kids, Dereus felt like crying

Celea saw this and said

" Alright enough with the presentations, me and the guest are hungry, let's go inside and cook dinner"


" Kai you are doing bread"

" Draco you are making the salad"

" Azar you prepare the Table with Dereus than come back here to help"

" Yes chef! " exclaimed the three of them at the same time wich took Dereus by surprise

Dereus and Azar were now preparing the table while the other three started cooking

" You 4 seem to really care for each other?" asked Dereus

" We do, we are each other family"

" Is Celea your mother?" Dereus wanted to know more about how his kids lived till now

" She isn't, Celea told us our mother dies protecting is when we were still in our eggs, she never allowed us to call her mother, she said that calling her mother would be the most disrespectful thing we could do to our real mother who died thinking of us "

" Have you ever seen your mother?"

" yes and she is beautiful, we visit her grave once a week"

" Do you miss her?"

" I dont really know, I know she would've been a great mother but everytime I try and think how it would be without Celea by my side I can't think of anything "

" It must be nice having someone caring about you the way she does"

" Celea loves us...maybe a little to much"

" what do you mean?"

" It's just...it's just to the point where she would sacrifice herself for us, she would jump into the fire without thinking twice or even looking back, I'm scared I'll lose her..."

* silence*

" KAI!"

Dereus and Azar went to the kitchen hearing the commotion. When they went inside there was flour everywhere and the three of them were having a flour fight

" Do you do this often?"

" you mean troubles?"

" all the time"

Azar grinned and Dereus smiled

than Dereus and Azar were hit by the flour

" bahaha, you look like a ghost" Celea was now laughing at Dereus. Azar and the king than joined the fight.