
doll with a sword

"When does a person die, when it stops breathing, when its heart stops beating?" "No a person dies the moment it looses hope, that's when u become an empty shell, a living doll when you have no more expectation from the world, where there are no feelings just emptiness" "Many people would think that immortality is a blessing little do they know that this is the cruellest curse someone can give you" ******** *creepy smile* " Oh Celea you really think that you will ever be able to live me" he was caressing her face, he looked like he was crazy... "what are you talking about?" " I'm saying that you will never be able to escape me, I won't let you go even if you love someone else, you are mine" " your hair belongs to me" touches her hair " your lips belong to me" touches her lips " the eyes that look at me with indifference belong to me" touches her eyes " your heart belongs to me..." his finger went down her neck to her heart, action wich made Celea look at where his finger's at. Claus than goes to her ear and whispers " your whole existence belongs to me Celea" IMPORTANT: My book has been now officially been posted, thank you all for your support it meant a lot to me. You will be able to keep reading my book by clicking this link: http://wbnv.in/a/a1gup9w

depresso_numero_1 · Fantasie
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37 Chs

baby dragon?

How many more times am I gonna have to wake up in different placeless than the one I actually fall asleep in today *Sight* is what Celea was thinking

I was back to the house of my new parents. they were still there, yeah still as death as I left them. Looks like Ill have to look for another house. Celea than went outside and went to the library to google some good houses she could live in. She found a beautiful villa away from the eyes of the world in the middle of nowhere. Perfect. She took the address and than pursued to take a taxi there.

After she arrived she went out of the car and walked straight to the guy who was standing in front of the Haus. The guy looked a little surprised at seeing a child all alone here but soon composed himself and asked "Did you run here before your parents got the chance to arrive here? is your mommy also on her way here?"

*Sight* being a child sucks but there is nothing else to do ill have to use my power on you

Celea than looked him in the eyes and her eyes went from a very beautiful and rare green colour to pure gold

"This Haus belongs to me, this Haus was never for sale, you will erase every trace of its existence"

he than hypnotizingly said a short yes and left

"Beautiful" that's all she could think of when she entered the villa it was clean and quiet just how she liked it

"I´m broke.....Ill have to robe a bank tomorrow" she was thinking when..


"What the hell, who is bombing near my property?" she looked outside and saw a dragon, well it wasn't an uncommon sight this world was full of mystical creatures they just cant be seen by human beings

"But why the hell are they fighting here and not in their realm?"" How annoying now ill have to deal with it before my house ends up being just ashes"

*after she arrived at the Battlefield*

"I see...Hunters huh?"

"This motherf*ckers couldn't find a better place"

the Dragon was down, we made eye contact she was bagging me with her eyes and looked in a certain direction before she passed away I than looked in the direction she last looked at

"I see"

She waned me to save her babies. There were 3 big black eggs. There were about 200 hunters here

they started walking towards the dragon

"You better stay away from that dragon if you want to stay alive"

the hunters were shocked to hear me talk since they may have thought I was a human therefor couldn't see what was actually happening here

"she`s not human, kill the child!"

2 hunters came towards me. Only 2, wow they are really confident, underestimating your enemy is the biggest mistake you can make in a fight, well I love seeing the expression they make after finding out what a big mistake was to underestimate me

other 3 were headed toward the eggs

"Not on my watch" with that the 3 hunters fell to the ground

no one knew what just happened and they all took a defensive position looking around for potential threat

"You fools *smirks* didn't I give you the chance to live here alive?

they were terrified a child with an evil expression on her face and unknown power that smirk could mean only one thing. Death

they all dropped their swords to the ground and were soon holding their necks not being able to breath...*bang* they fell lifeless to the ground

Celea made the eggs float in the air since her small hands were not long enough to hold them, she then looked between the dragon and the eggs

"You desperately tried to protect your babies, seeing you like that brings back painful memories. You are just like him...." a soft yet painful little smile crept on her face

"You don't have to worry no more Ill protect them just like you would.....rest in peace warrior"


*Hmm* Celea was currently reading a book about dragons she stole from the mystical library realm 30 minutes after she broth the eggs home.

"Looks like Ill have to burn you myself since I don't have a volcano" In the book was written that the eggs should stay in a volcano for about a week for them to be able to come out

"Well.. I guess we could try my fire" she than put the eggs in the fire place and put them on fire, her fire that turned blue since its gonna need to be a strong hot fire

"Hope this will work"


Celea came back home 3 days later after robbing about 5 banks, she opened the trunk of the taxi and around 30 bags full with money started flying. She looked at the taxi driver gave him a smile and went inside followed by the bags of money, she than put the money in a room and closed the door than persuaded to check on the eggs. Celea set on the chair in front of the fireplace and watched the eggs till she fall asleep.

*Creak, Creak"

*slowly open eyes* " What the..." She couldn't finish her sentence after seeing what was happening in front of her

the eggs were cracking

"What do I do, what do I do?" Celea woke up from the chair in excitement and panic and started walking in circle

Than it happened, a small dragon finally cracked the egg and was able to get out, seconds later the other two also got out. Celea fell to her knees looking at them

the small dragons reached her and attempted to jump into her lap

*Tear falling* a single tear fall from Celeas eye and hugged them

"I'm a mother..."

who do you think our Fl is remainded of

depresso_numero_1creators' thoughts