
Doki Doki Literature Club: Breaking the System!

I don't own DDLC, besides the OCs and newly plots, All characters and inspiration are credited to Dan Salvato and his game Sasaki Maki, a weeb who loves playing visual novels, eagerly downloaded the new DDLC update called 'DDLC+,' which had been released globally. As he pressed play, he unexpectedly fell asleep at his computer, only to awaken inside the game itself with the power of system commands. 'Welcome to the Literature Club~'" Cover Book: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/18647785943399157/

Yamiru · Videospiele
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22 Chs


After rushing to class, it seemed like just another usual day, until the teacher mentioned something that piqued my interest.

"Class, don't forget those of you in clubs! We will be having a cultural festival!"

Oh, right! The cultural festival.

In Doki Doki Literature Club, the cultural festival was an anticipated event. However, the original game never progressed that far due to disasters occurring either at the start of the festival or even before it.

Nice, I have a plan now!

With that thought in mind, I left the classroom and headed to the literature club.

Sliding open the door, I noticed Sayori sitting at her usual spot, busy writing something. Moving closer, I took a peek at what she was jotting down in her notebook.

Hm? The cultural festival plan...

Just as I was about to take a better look, Sayori noticed me and hastily covered the notebook. "M-Maki?! I didn't expect you to be here so early!"

"What do you mean? That's MY line, Sayori."

"E-Eh? Well, whatever, I'm just writing something."

"Yeah, 'Cultural Festival Plan,' am I right?" I couldn't help but smirk.

"Y-You saw it?!"

"Of course."

"Hnngh, that's embarrassing...!"

I playfully patted her head, smiling. "No, it's not."

She pouted. "You're going to tease me now, aren't you?"

I smirked. "Maybe a little~"


"Well, it's fine." I playfully pinched her cheeks. "I'm glad that the vice president of the literature club is so dedicated."

Her cheeks turned pink. "Well, someone has to take things seriously around here!"

We shared a chuckle before I looked around. "By the way, where are Yuri and Natsuki?"

Sayori scratched her head. "Actually, they're supposed to be here by now..."

Just then, Yuri and Natsuki walked into the classroom, a bit late.

"You two are late," I couldn't help but tease.

Natsuki shot me an irritated look. "Wipe that smug off your face. The teacher kept us back, okay?"

" I've always enjoyed poking fun at Natsuki's straightforwardness.

Yuri, with her usual calm demeanor, chimed in, "The same happened to us."

Just as expected from Yuri – the embodiment of calmness and grace.

Monika entered the room shortly after, looking a bit flustered.

"S-Sorry, I'm late!"

I raised an eyebrow. "So, what's your reason for being late?"

"I was helping the teacher carry things around in the faculty room... It was a bit of a nuisance, honestly. Hahahaha."

Monika, the model student, complaining about a nuisance – that's not something you hear every day.

"Anyway, it's alright. Sayori was the first one here."

The attention shifted to Sayori, and then to me.

"Nah, that's actually unusual," Natsuki said with her usual straightforwardness.

"Uwah! So mean!" Sayori pouted at Natsuki.

Suddenly, a low rumbling sound echoed through the room, like the roar of a dragon. All eyes turned to Sayori, who turned bright red.

"E-Eh?! What are you guys looking at?!"

I sighed, "Sayori, what do you want? Melon Pan or Yakisoba Pan?"

Her eyes widened with hope. "You're treating me?"

I smirked. "Nope, it's a debt."

"I-..." She sighed in resignation. "Fine."

"I'm just kidding. So, what's your choice?"

"Melon Pan~ No, wait, Yakisoba? A-Arghh, wait..." She seemed torn, putting both her hands to her head as she deliberated.

Might as well get both, I thought.

With that, I left the clubroom and headed to the cafeteria.

Once again, everything in this game felt dull without the characters. Conversations with programmed NPCs lacked the depth and unpredictability of real interactions. It's like dealing with an RPG shopkeeper who only says, "What do you want to buy?"

I let out a sigh as I purchased two melon pans and two yakisoba pans from the lunch lady.

"Thank you for the purchase!" She cheerfully said, but it felt empty, like a scripted response.

But then, as I began walking back to the classroom, a nagging feeling made me pause. I felt like I was forgetting something important.


I pondered, trying to recall what it could be. Suddenly, it hit me.

"What if... I insert a mod? Would that change the impact of the characters? It wouldn't change everything, right? I mean..."

Take Monika, for example. If I added the "Monika After Story" mod to this world, there wouldn't be two Monikas, would there?

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts, and continued walking.

I'll have to ponder this more later... but for now, I'll explore it further tonight.

As I entered the clubroom, I noticed the four girls engaged in a conversation. I watched them from a distance, taking in their interactions.

It's funny, really. Looking at them now, I can't help but appreciate the fact that I disrupted the system slightly. Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri now possess genuine emotions, breaking free from their scripted roles.

They're no longer bound by predetermined lines and actions.

A small smile formed on my lips as I observed them, each girl expressing herself in her own unique way.

However, my reverie was interrupted when Natsuki caught sight of me and shot me a disdainful look. "Are you trying to be creepy or something? Quit staring at us."

"Oh? Creepy, you say? My apologies then. Maybe I should just leave the club."

"Eh?! I was just joking around!"

"I was joking too," I smirked playfully as I walked toward them

"Idiot!" Natsuki muttered under her breath, though I could tell she wasn't truly mad.

After exchanging poems with Natsuki, our attention was drawn to Monika, who rapped her fingers lightly on the desk to get our focus.

"Everyone, may I have your attention?~" Monika's voice rang out, prompting us all to look at her.

"Very well. As you all know, our teacher has informed us about the upcoming cultural festival, correct?"

All of us nodded in acknowledgment.

"Great! Now, shall we discuss our plans and preparations?"

I exchanged a knowing look with Sayori, who shot me a somewhat resigned expression. But I cleared my throat and raised my hand anyway, catching Monika's attention.

"Yes, Maki?"

"Actually, Sayori has something she'd like to share!"

Monika's gaze shifted to Sayori, and I could see the hesitation in her eyes.

Sayori glanced at me, her eyes a bit teary as she pouted. I gave her a soft, reassuring smile. Sometimes, even the strongest friendships need a nudge.

Sayori hesitated for a moment before giving a small nod. "Okay..."

"Excellent!" Monika's smile widened. "Sayori, why don't we discuss this in private?"


With that, Monika's attention returned to all of us. "Alright then! That's settled. Everyone, you're free to go for now. Remember to bring your poems tomorrow~"

Yuri and Natsuki collected their bags and headed out, leaving the room. I followed suit but stopped just outside the door

I patiently waited for about 20 minutes until I saw Sayori and Monika emerging from the clubroom.

"Oh, were you waiting for us?" Monika asked as she closed the door, locking it with the key.

"Yeah, I thought I'd wait. So, how did it go?"

"Sayori actually surprised us with her planning skills. It seems she's quite dedicated and capable as the vice president," Monika replied with a grin.

"Hehehe~" Sayori blushed, clearly pleased with the praise.

"Well, let's not forget it was thanks to me nudging her," I said, smirking.

"Eh? Can't I have a moment to shine too?" Sayori pouted playfully.

I smiled and patted her head. "Of course, Sayori. You did an amazing job."

"Alright then, I'm heading out," Monika said, giving us a wink before leaving.

Turning to Sayori, I asked, "Shall we head out as well?"

"Yeah," Sayori agreed, and the two of us started walking home together.