Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?
Samuel had naturally heard of the Armys made by the Government. Each City Lord of a Second tier city works for the Government, and are permitted to have 5 Armies under their control.
These 5 Armies consist of not only Warriors but also Mortals. However they are used to maintain order within the city, after all they are mostly just better trained Mortals.
The 5 Armies of second tier cities generally have 100,000-1,000,000 Soldiers, with only around one thousand warriors in each. This is actually a relatively large force, however only 1,000 Warriors which means they really can't do much.
The Stone Fortress City naturally has these armies, and the head of the city, a Powerful Rank 6 Powerhouse, has 5 of his sons in charge of each of the Armies.
From what Samuel heard the 5th Army is actually the weakest among the 5. It only has 50,000 troops and less than three hundred warriors!
And a majority of the Warriors in all five armies took part in the war against the Eleflares. So after the war the number had probably dropped to closer to 200!
Not only are the numbers the lowest, the resources they get are the lowest. Although the Armies aren't equipped with Pseudo-Artifacts, generally they get decent equipment below it made out of spiritual Materials.
But the 5th Army is far under equipped with ordinary Iron equipment and steel swords. In comparison the soldiers from the other Armies can beat 1-5!
Even the resources provided to the Warriors in the Armies are different. In the Second-Tier Cities the City Lord and Organisations above Rank C they have Alchemists.
Alchemists can use Spiritual Herbs and Beast Corpses to create Pills that have similar effects to the Spiritual Fruits. Although only around 1/20 of the effect. But the Pills are definitely much cheaper to hand out.
So the Warriors who are employed in the Army are rewarded with one Spiritual Pill a year. Well they are meant to be.
The Fifth Army are unable to provide such resources, generally only the top contributors are rewarded with the pill. This caused even more Warriors to leave the Fifth Army and be transferred to other Armies.
And Samuels is afraid that the failing Fifth Army is inseparable from the young boy in front of him.
Although the boy looks young, his father is a Rank 6 Powerhouse and has definitely lived over a thousand years, if not even more!
Despite the difficulty of having Kids he has hundreds of children with various women, and Nicholas is probably one of the more favoured or more talented ones.
Samuel had heard of Nicholas, he has definitely reached the Third Rank and is probably over a hundred years old or more.
Therefore he has been in control of the Army for hundreds of years. Its declining state is definitely due to Nicholas.
But 100 is actually quite young for Warriors that are Rank 3. Especially in these smaller cities where the best Spiritual Roots are 5-6 Inches.
Nicholas probably only has a Rank 4 Spiritual Root or possibly lower! Otherwise he definitely wouldn't be in charge of a meagre Army.
Anyway back to the current Situation, Samuel suspects that Nicholas wants to refill his Army with the Rogue Warriors before the next fight. After all Nicholas himself will also be rewarded by his father, if the Army does well in the fight.
His suspicions were easily confirmed when 10 Mortal Soldiers dressed in slightly rusted silver armour, with clear organised movements, pulled out a large wooden booth with large pieces of paper lying atop it.
Another 10 Soldiers uniformly placed down the large wooden chests they were carrying and opened it up to reveal small glass vials containing slightly fluorescent pills.
''Hiss! Spiritual Pills??'' All the Warriors uniformly gulped and took a deep breath as they saw the pills.
''Haha yes as you can all see we have brought plenty of Spiritual Pills with us this time. Every warrior who signs up for the Army Today will receive a pill each. And in the future the top 100 warriors in the Army will receive another pill each year.''
When the Warriors heard this their initial excitement began to dim a little bit. One of the main perks of joining an Army is the Spiritual Pills, clearly the Fifth Army are unable to provide that.
One Spiritual Pill isn't enough for Warriors to waste their large lifespan in the military. In order to join an Army you must serve 50 years before you are qualified to leave. If not the only other way to get out is to desert and be hunted down by the higher ups.
If it was 50 Spiritual Pills provided to the Warriors it would definitely be worth it, these pills are equal to 2 ½ Spiritual Fruits and it could boost the Warriors one or two small ranks.
And it could even let the Warriors break through to Rank 2 if they have a large enough Spiritual Root!
But for 1 pill? And the small chance that they could potentially rank in the top and get another Spiritual Pill? It's simply not worth it.
So this one statement said so confidently by Nicholas immediately caused close to three quarters of the warriors here to mumble and began to walk off.
''Damn ingrates, don't they know it's an honour to fight for the City Lord?'' Nicholas said angrily under his breath. But he maintained a smiling face as he looked towards the remaining quarter.
A3 walked off with the three quarters, but Samuel ordered the 70 remaining Rogue Warriors to remain and join the Army. After all they haven't got much development potential for Samuel, but with the Spiritual Pills they could potentially reach further.
And after 50 years of Service they can easily return to Samuel and serve the Warrior Organisation. And more importantly it provides Samuel with a source of information and a connection within the Army.
The 70 Dogs of War walked up to the booth and immediately signed their names up. And where each handed a small glass bottle containing the pill. However Samuel also noticed that each was a slightly different colour.
Although this might seem like a small detail it actually revealed the state of the Fifth army even more. They are uniform pills, they are clearly the remnants of other batches of pills that were given to the Army.
When the Dogs of War returned to their rooms and took out the pills Samuel saw even more the bad quality of the Fifth Army.
The Pill is estimated to have less than 1/30th of the effect of a Spiritual Fruit! This was just atrocious. It would take 30 years to earn one Spiritual Fruit based on this.