Thousands of Planes Connected, An Eternal Battlefield to be explored. How will Samuel, with the ability to summon countless warriors face this new challenge and develop his family to the strongest existence on the Eternal Battlefield?
Although Samuel could forcibly order the Warriors to do so, he does not have time to watch every individual battle and adventure, so naturally he would prefer it if they did it under their own initiative.
So naturally there needs to be some black-hearted Warriors brought in. Many groups in Earth's history had a group to deal with things they don't want to make public, and eventually Samuel will be the same.
And it isn't in the far future. With the rate of births among his Dogs of War, he is likely to have the manpower by the time the Second Generation grows up.
So the benefits of new Partners with evil personalities are numerous.
And soon the new Warriors successfully found dozens of partners each!
The compound was finally starting to fill up with young Dogs of War, various partners with tons of personalities and talents.
The only thing that was absent is the Dogs of War, they hid within the Headquarters and practised avoiding others prying eyes.
But unbeknownst to Samuel, or A1 or any other Dog of War, a silent shadowy figure was hidden on the top floor of a skyscraper, its body covered by a faint flickering flame preventing any Perception from detecting it.
The shadowy figure's eyes darted back and forth, its expression hidden beneath a wrapping change from shock to concern back to shock.
''Where did all these new warriors come from?'' The shadow whispered slightly in a feminine tone.
The figures constantly changing facial expressions constantly changed causing a small crack to appear in the fabrics, revealing an immature but beautiful face.
Who else could it be but Sally? She originally returned home to continue practising, but she couldn't shake the concern for Samuel.
This led to her immediately sneaking into the large Dogs of War Compound and she was shocked by what she found.
Not to mention the massive amount of children and partners that suddenly appeared, more importantly there were over four hundred warriors in this compound!
Sally never would've thought that the amount of warriors here was comparable to a Rank E Organisation. From what she knows this organisation was only formed a few years ago.
And Sally actually sensed a resonance with her Phoenix Physique, although small it is definitely present. But this kind of resonance is like two rivals meeting and Sally almost wanted to instinctively avoid it.
More importantly she sensed various strange energies in the compound. Although she couldn't pinpoint what they were exactly she knew they were definitely unordinary.
What Sally didn't know was that she was sensing SS1 who was currently practising, the Spiritual Form Guards in the Tomb and A350 with the Bull Bloodline.
Despite Sally living three lifetimes now, she still hasn't been exposed to the top combat power of the world although she is definitely destined to reach it. But this means her knowledge in bloodlines and unique talents are limited.
But what she did understand was enough to frighten her. Not because of the strength but because she was worried constantly about Samuel.
So the next day she immediately visited the Dogs of War under the guise of visiting Samuel.
''Samuel you need to leave, there is something strange about this Organisation.'' Sally said with a desperate face trying to get Samuel to leave.
Samuel was stunned when he heard it, but quickly realised that Sally must've seen something suspicious and wanted to get him out.
This wasn't unexpected by Samuel, he had a feeling that Sally would eventually show up to check out the Organisation, he just didn't expect it to be so quickly.
But of course Samuel can't leave the compound, so he spent a lot of time persuading Sally that everything was ok here. He also took her around a luxuriously decorated room and showed her a Spiritual Crystal that he claimed was his yearly wage.
Sally saw this and was still unconvinced but slowly she realised that Samuel was respected within the organisation for some reason and there is no doubt that he would be safe.
So she put her heart down and left again, after all she is still quite busy dealing with the Eleflares. She was unwilling to miss the rewards provided by the Contribution scrolls.
So she had been fighting undercover, hunting Rank 2 Eleflares and collecting the bodies and Spiritual Crystals without a need for the Government to be involved. In fact many rogue warriors did this.
They collect their prey as soon as the body collapses in order to avoid being exposed to the Government.
Samuel also wanted to do this, but his Space Backpacks unfortunately only have enough space to fit one corpse at most. And the Space Backpacks are heavy and get in the way of fighting.
Samuel naturally wouldn't sacrifice his Dogs of War for a single corpse.
And he doesn't miss out on much when he does, the government does a relatively good job in distributing corpses. Although it is likely that a few Spiritual Crystals go missing along the way.
But Samuel isn't qualified to complain. The Government is a force well beyond his own means to compete against.
The government was originally built by multiple SSS Rank Organisations in the beginning and it has long since turned into one major force.
The sheer amount of powerhouses they own is unimaginable. Even a majority of the lower rank warriors are under their control in one way or another.
This is definitely a long lasting result of years of indoctrination and strength displayed by the Government. Samuel has heard that the Government has existed for easily over a million years!
They have experienced various Racial Wars, initiated some and defended more, explored ruins and there are definitely powerhouses still alive from the initial creation of the Government.
This type of development time is unbelievable, even if there is only one Rank 9 Powerhouse born every hundred thousand years, there will still be over ten Rank 9s!
And powerful Organisations like the Government are likely to have more than one potential Rank 9 Warrior every hundred thousand years!
Not to mention they have pretty much occupied many top positions in RaceWars throughout history. Their background is truly insane.
So Samuel naturally abides by the Government's rules right now. After all his strongest is only a Middle Rank 1 Warriors so naturally he has no chance in outdoing the Government.