
Chapter 11

It suddenly jumped out on A3 piercing one of his arms. It if wasn't for his heightened vitality it is likely that A3 would've been poisoned to death before he even had the chance to run.

Luckily he did have a lot of vitality, which led to the current situation running away from the beast that far outmatched him.

But it can't last forever, A3 was already feeling tired and his vision was fading. The poison was still spreading throughout his body as his body collapsed on the ground.

The giant scorpion stood menacingly above A3s head but A3 still had enough attention to roll to the side avoiding the sharp knife of a tail.

But just as he felt it was over with the complete loss of strength, A3 felt an incredible amount of Spiritual energy surge as he rushed to bury himself below a fallen tree. And it was definitely the correct decision.

Almost three hours passed before A3 opened his eyes and looked around again, but what greeted him was a barren wasteland.

Over a mile of burnt trees, and all that was left of the scorpion was a small piece of shell at the feet of A3.

Unbelievably A3 saw constant flashes of light in the sky over a couple of miles away. Naturally this isn't something that can be achieved by a weak warrior. A3 is sure that the minimum is a Rank 3 Warrior.

As for the fact that a Rank 3 Warrior was in this area, it's easy to explain. There are plenty of items that can transport between different strength areas as long as they are willing to pay the price.

But right now A3 didn't feel like staying and dying in the aftermath of the fight, so he hurriedly sat down and channelled the power to leave. Not forgetting to pick up the piece of bark by his feet.

But Samuel in the underground building couldn't help but be shocked when he saw one of the faces of the combatants. It was actually Ceilia that he was familiar with.

However there was no direct effect on Samuels life, as soon as A3 brought back the bark, A2 immediately contacted the government and sold it to the nearest department.

The Government is no longer a small presidency in a diplomatic country, rather they span across the entire world and are the joint development of hundreds of powerful organisations.

They have to give permission for all Warrior organisations to exist, and at the same time the organisations can accept missions and sell materials directly through them albeit at a lower price.

The final selling price was 5 Spiritual Crystals.

And Samuel stared excitedly at the 500 stored energy in the system before immediately issuing a command.

''System Summon 5 1 Inch Spiritual Dogs of War.''

And just like magic 5 figures appeared in front of Samuel. 5 people all individualistic.

2 Women and 3 men.

A4 was a woman who was absolutely beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, although she is far from comparable to Ceilia or Sally.

A5 was the other, and well she was ordinary. Ordinary beyond belief. But she clearly had a more youthful look than the other one.

As for A6, A7 and A8? They were 60, 30 and 22. Unfortunately none of the males were born with any useful talents, the only talent was A6's Life Experience Talent, the same as A2.

As for A4 and A5 both actually had surprising talents.

[Dog of War: A4 (Female)

First Generation Dog of War

Spiritual Root: 1 Inch

Rank: N/A

LifeSpan: 33/100


Talent: Bloodline Supremacy, Charming (Higher Attraction to the opposite sex, more likely to attract talented people.)

Summary: Born with an indelible Charm and is destined to have a powerful and large following of husbands. Potential is limited due to the 1 Inch Spiritual root but is likely to be a powerful family woman.]

[Dog of War: A5 (Female)

First Generation Dog of War

Spiritual Root: 1 Inch

Rank: N/A

LifeSpan: 20/100


Talent: Bloodline Supremacy, Studious (Intelligent with a photographic memory.)

Summary: Born with a Photographic memory and a high talent for studying. Potential is limited due to the 1 Inch Spiritual root but is likely to be a powerful academic.]

Samuel was more than happy with these talents. Although A4s Talent isn't directly useful it can help bring in a lot of talents into the organisation in the future and her children are destined to be strong.

And A5s ability is incredibly important. Every Organisation will have many academics, in order to research new uses of materials, weaknesses of beasts and the environment on the Eternal Battlefield.

This crucial information will potentially assist the other Dogs of war in surviving.

Every Organisation will pay a hefty sum to any Academics to do research. Of course many of the academics are different from A5s talent in Academics. If anything she is only qualified to be on the lower ranks of Academics but it is much better than nothing.

Most importantly Samuel will now have 5 more Warriors in the organisation. This is a substantial improvement not to mention 3 of them have talents!

The first order was for all five to begin practising and strive to reach Rank 1 as quickly as possible. And Samuel didn't intend to reveal all 5 to the public.

After all, if one or two or even three or four warriors join together it can be explained as friends, or a group with similar interests. But 8? 9? 10? Or even hundreds in the future?

That's far from easy to explain.