He was just an ordinary student, without any goals or accomplishments in life. After a car accident, he died. After his death, he had a chance for a new life. Let's see if he can achieve anything. From the author: Will there be a harem I don't know, but 1 girl for sure. You won't see the main character's girlfriend being a burden here, she will grow up with him. Ideally there will be a villain, but I'm still writing and don't know how it will work out.
I remembered almost all of Doflamingo's techniques in the original, as well as the awakened ones. I decided to start with the simplest ones.
Extending my arm, I said:
- Five colored threads!
Threads were created on my fingertips. They looked like cat's claws.
I repeated the same move with the other hand. Then I tested the damage of these threads on the iron jar I had prepared beforehand.
Swinging both hands, I hollowed out the tin from which it flew apart. All in all, not a bad technique for close combat with good damage.
There was a similar technique, but with a leg.
- Tendon threads
And on my leg, several threads were created, which could also be used to attack.
Next in line was one of my favorite moves, the range of which I was very interested in.
So I put out three cans at a distance of one, two and three meters. If the result will suit me, I will try it later on the street.
Then putting out my finger like a gun, I said:
- Thread-bullet!
A thread flew out of my finger, which left a hole in the can. . . .
Wow! It's not only effective, it's efficient. I think everyone wanted to shoot a finger as a kid. It just doesn't have enough smoke from the finger to make it cool.
Having checked the reception on subsequent targets, I was convinced that the range of three meters for him is not a problem. I'd never been to a shooting range, but I knew instinctively I'd hit it. Maybe this technique has no limits, you just have to hit.
Deciding it would be worth it to test this technique again later, I took up the next one. After this one, I would look like Spider-Man.
Extending my arm, I said:
- Spider web!
And out of my hand flew a spider net as tall as me and stuck to the wall. Not only was it bigger and stronger in the original, but it could even stop a building from falling.
Perhaps frequent training and growing up will change that. In the meantime, it can be cut with a knife, for example. It would be a bit difficult with your hands.
Next was a pretty interesting and powerful move. So I went up to my room and brought a couple of soft children's toys: a bear, a hedgehog and a rabbit. I didn't really need them, but I wanted to test them out.
Setting them in front of me, I put my hand out in front of me and said:
- "Parasite thread.
Threads flew out of my hand, so thin that even I did not immediately notice them and attached to my toys. Moving my fingers like a puppeteer, the toys stood up and began to move I do not know how to explain, but I again instinctively knew what to do and how to do, I think so all users of quirks.
After playing with them some more, I realized that the technique is very intimidating. Doflamingo has captured King Riku and his soldiers at a considerable distance. And the most terrifying thing is that you can not get out of this technique of their own free will, only if you cut the threads.
And every part of the body is controlled except the mouth. I'll see what I can do about that later.
Using about a third of the arsenal of techniques used up the energy of my still young body, so I went up to the kitchen and asked for food.
- Doffi, would you like some scrambled eggs and sausage? - Mom asked.
- I'll be all for it!
After eating and playing the console, which had some interesting games, and in my previous life I had a poor childhood, so I decided that in this one I needed to relax, I went down to the basement only after 2.5 hours....
The next move was also quite interesting.
- The braided whip.
Out of my hand came a thick whip made of threads with quite an impressive length. In the original it was still red-hot, but now for some reason I can not achieve such a result, and also had a decent range of several kilometers.
Hopefully in time I can achieve the same result.
There are still three more moves left and each one is more interesting than the other. In order to have enough strength, I decided to start with the least energy-consuming one.
After cutting my fingertip a little with the thread, I said:
- First aid!
The thread flew out of the wound and sewed it up. This is not actually a healing technique, it just helps you last longer when wounded.
Next comes one of the strongest moves that can be combined!
- Birdcage!
Threads flew out from my hand that formed a birdcage inside the basement. Using the power of thought, it began to narrow.
This technique prevents enemies from leaving it, and also the threads are very sharp and strong. Even a knife didn't help.
And now the combination.
- A parasite in a cage!
Once the cage is formed, parasite threads fly out of the cage. which forcefully control the targets. The best part is, I don't have to exert any influence.
For the sweetest part, I left a move that reminds me a lot of Naruto.
- The Dark Knight!
I created my own doppelganger of threads, which can use the same techniques as me, and can also control remotely, regardless of the range. His condition is also easily sensed by me.
- Interesting. - said my thread doppelganger.
It's unusual to see myself from the outside.
Mentally giving the command, he began to repeat the techniques.
At this point, his creation consumes almost all of my body's resources. Like in the original, he's weak against slashing and stabbing damage, which doesn't really upset me.
The most important thing is that you can send him out to do the dirty work, and I'll have an alibi.
After absorbing it back, I felt I'd had enough for the day. I can't use the awakened techniques yet, it takes too many factors to use them. . .
I was very pleased, but most of the techniques are not worth revealing to the public, even if you get to work as a hero.
And since the topic about them, I need to decide on a further plan of action.
I don't remember the canon very well, but I know the main events. Now Izuku without a miracle, but after one event will receive the power of the Almighty. I'm not going to stand in his way.... I think it's not worth going against him and his friends yet, the more the main character will be quite useful, eliminating villains inconvenient to me.
I'll try to get to UA school, since that's where everything took place. There should be no problems with this, and there I will try to gain the trust of the guys.
Will I be a hero? I don't know. I'll see how things work out and maybe at the right moment I'll change sides.
- Doffi, it's time for bed, - Mom said.
- I'm going.
I'll think about what I'm going to do later.