

In the shower, i am thinking about my last dream. Mom, i really miss her. But, i know, even if it was only a dream, that she is proud of me. I hope.

"Today is an another day to change my world", i said to myself.

It is also the D-day of my first date. I already prepare everything. Where we will go, what we will talk about, i prepared some discussion's subject if there is none, and how it will end.

Ahh ... I can't wait for it.

Then, i finish my preparation and call Emric.

'phone ringing'

- Hi Emric, it's Angie, are you ready ?

- Why the hell are you calling me so early ?

I was surprised, i must forget our date?

- But, like we didn't arranged for an hour, i thought...

- Please, call me later, i am still sleeping

' end of calling'

"What ?? How he dare ? He is serious ? It's almost nine o'clock and it's still too earlier ? What kind of person he is ? "

And i start to be furious.

" How could him?"

In the moment, i didn't know what to do. Maybe, i should re-call him and mae a scene to force him to be ready. Or just cancel the date and chill on by myself. The first choice really tempt me but, i am a reasonnable person. So, i will just undress and have a hearty breakfast.

So, i change to a comfortable clothes, i prepare some eggs, some fruit muesli, toast and chicken salad. Breakfast my mom used to make. And, i went to relax with a good movie.

After a time, my phone rings.

- You there ?

It is Emric.

- What can i do for you?

- I wait for you in front of your house.

I didn't expect that.

- Yous just said that you was sleeping.

- But now, i am awake and wait for you.

I don't know what to do. I just start my breakfast and my movie in such a disgusting, but comfortable, clothes.

- But, i though...

- Are you ready or not ?

- Give me five minutes then.

"end of calling"