

I can't even explain what happen on my dream. I don't know if i am depressive and try to escape the real world by my romantic dream, or if i just go crazy and i should be lock up. Or, i really want someone to flirt with and i only have it on dream.

I don't know, i am confused. I just want someone to tell me that it's oke and never dream about him again. Maybe, if i try to find someone to love, all of those dream will stop.

Maybe, let's try. And then, i try to find someone.

My first choice was Emric. He is very cute. His member of chess club. He doesn't looks like a nerd, he is totally the opposite. He has such a great body, he always puts on fashionable clothes, and they really suits him, and he has such a beautifful hair. But, he is also very smart. He can be define as a perfect boy.

- Hey Emric, hello, how are you. I said.

- Hi, you?

- Oh, my name is Angie.

- Oh Angie, what can i do for you

- You don't have to be so formal, he have the same grade. I was wondering if you will accept to go watching a movie this week-end.

- Of course, with pleasure

And he leave after watching me in detail. Humm, he should try to know why am i suddenly ask him for a date. But i am happy, i achieve my goal, or almost. No time to think too much, i have three day to find a movie to watch and something to wear.

The rest of the day, i only think about my date, even when i was lying on my bed

- Oh, i have a date

I t is my first and i am a bit stressed. But, i know that it will be very good and Emric looks like a good guy. So, nothing can be go wrong.

But, after all of that, i dream about him again

- Why are you there ? I said

- And you ?

I don't even know his name althougt we meet here almost every night.

- I know that you are only something that i create, but, i don't know your name

- If i am something you made, you should know then

Aouch, he is right. Maybe, i can create a name

- Then, you are Lucky.

- Lucky ? Because i give you such a good luck?

He approaches me with a smirk. He is very rude sometimes.

And, when i say that, he caress slowly my neck, that electrocute my entire body. He know how to make me think less and the way to make me feel small. But, i should admet it, i like the way he make me tremble . Even if i am furious to find him every night on my dream, that make me feel like a crazy, he know how to calm me.

Maybe, it is the sign i need something to recomfort me, or to be here for me.

But, i will have a boyfriend soon, so i will not need him anymore.

- We will not meet again. I said

- Really ? And how can you be so sure ?

- Because, i will not need dreamed love

- Dreamed ? Everythink make you feel that it only a dream ?

- I am sure, you are only a dream. And as soon i will have a boyfriend, i will not need you anymore

He start to laugh. Am i really creazy or a thing that i create laugh at me ?

- You ! You will see. I said, furious

- We will see then

This one does not lack nerve. Arrrgghh, if only i can go out of here. He is not kind at all.

- If you want to leave, you can

- Really ? I ask very happy, How

- You only should kiss me

What ? What kind of joke is this again ? Kiss him? I prefer to stay

- You won't ? Then, you should stay here for a long time. He said with his cute sly smirk that make me angrier.

And he approaches me with his beautifull hair and his seductive scent. He try to touch me but, too irritated, i smack him to leave.

- Hahahhaa

This..... He just laugh at me. Kiss him will not make me leave. He is very nasty.

And he still laughing at me. What a kid.

- I don't know why you still laughing, there's nothing funny

- If you see your expression when you kissed me. You really though that you can leave this way ?

And he laugh again. I don't know how many time i stay there, but i suddenly wake up .

- This guy. He will see