
Beggining Of training ! Awakening

It has been a year since Edward went into sleep beacuse of the system.

He underwent big changes. Althogh he is one years old , he looks like a 3 years old , he has the same spickiy hair as goku when he was a kid a golden tail and a the color of his hair was golden red.

The Aliens that were keeping an eye on the children were shocked beacuse , how could this child be so diffrent then outhers. But they were only shocked and didnt do anything more. Why? Beacuse of his power level. Sure he has an high power lvl for a baby , but everyone potential was limited by frieza so theres no need to report anything.

At this day Edward will be awaken and his bloodline will be awaken as well.

Soon after , edward opened his eyes slowly. Seeing that he is still in the pod he was relived. ' it seems like the time as come , system hiw much time till the awakaning , will outher notice it and show me my status.' His mind was that of a teen and he already knew what is huppening so he didnt feel flasterd and spoke with a confident.

[Ding! Replaying to host questions :

Time till Awekaning - 1 hour.

The bllodline awakening cermoney usally send the ki into disorder and sends ki waves all around the saiyin awakening but the system will make sure no one notice it. ]

Status :

Name : Edward Nivan

Age : 1 years old

Power level : 40,000 (sealed) -shows - 3,000

Ki control - D

System points - 100,000

Skills - KaMeHaMeHa wave , Ki blast , ki sense , flight , Turtle Defense Barriar.

Thecnique - Ultimate ki Thecnqiue - 75 % - GrandMaster stage.

Kame Style Martial Arts - 85% - GrandMaster Stage.

'Nice! Good job system! Like tgis i will not lack battle skills anytime soon , at least for now. But my power level grown this much? And i didnt even train . But i still need better ki control , system expalin ki control rank and how i got it.'

[Host ki control rank is going fro E D C B A S , each rank has - and + for example E- or E+ . - is worst + is the best. Host got ki control rank from getting GrandMaster stage in The ultimate ki thecnique.] Hearing The system respond i was in high spirits beacuse if i could keep track of my ki control rank , i would be able to use my attacks more effectively.

But all this huppy spirits were goone and replaced by extreme shock and fear whe i heard the system.

[Ding! Warning! Warning! Warning! Bloodline awakens! Host will be throgh alot of pain! If host is able to pass throgh it , host will be holding the strongest bloodline in the multi universe! Warning! Starting the awakening cermonry in 3...2...1... good luck host!]

When it started he couldnt feel anything and thoght the system was palying a prank on him , but just a few seconds later he started to feel like millions of ants eating his skin bones , drinking his blood and what not .

His skin feels like its being burned and his brain is in massive pain he almost lost his mind , but that was when he heard [Ding! Pain Resistence skill gained! -Reduces pain by 10%

Exp+ 10

Exp+ 10

Lvl up!

Exp+ 9

Exp+ 9



... ]

The pain resistence skill was an awesome gain but the pain was making his mind a mess. After an hour of this tourture kind of pain . The pain stopped. When it finnaly stoped , Edward couldnt open his eyes , he was way too teird to open them.

So he talked to the system instead.

' System.... open status please.. and how long till my body reganerate?...' he asked weakly in his mind , one have to remeber , he felt massive pain in his head as well. He wanted to sleep but the anticapation was bigger then the argue to sleep.

[Sure thing host , host will take 2 days to recover from his pain.]

Status :

Name : Edward Nivan

Age : 1 years old

Race : Mutanted Ancient saiyan

Power level : 400,000 ( sealed ) , shown - 4,000

Tranformation - Ancient Super saiyan (100x ) - needes a ki control of an C+ rank to control. Tail splits into 3 , hair turnes red and brown and growes to be like super saiyan 3. Body looks like super saiyan 4.

Ki control - C

Ki pureity - C rank , ( considerd a genius by the ancient saiyan standarts )

Skills -

Hyper reganration (passive) - ( speeds the body normal regnertion rate by 10 times ) ,

hyper senses (passive) - ( enchantes the 5 senses to beacome 5 times better then Ancient saiyans)

Enchanted body (passive) - ( makes the body 10 times stronger then normal Ancinet saiyan)

Pain resistence (passive) - ( reduces pain gained from all types of attacks by 30%)

KaMeHaMeHa Wave - realses a beam of condenced energy , multiplies host damage by 3 times.

Turtle Defense Barrier - Uses host ki to make a reinforced shield aroumd the user body.

Ki blast.

Ki sense.


Thecniques - Ultimate Ki thecnique - 90% - GrandMaster stage .

Kame Style Martial arts. - 90%- grandmaster stage.

'WTF!! System this is insane! This passive skills are stupid! They are overpowerd! But! Hahahaha i like it! I like it! Strong skills and a strong person together ... hihihi .

But system why is my race mutant Ancient saiyan?'

[Replaying to host. Since host soul is a humen but the body is that of an ancient saiyan , the fused creating a mutant bloodline. Host correct blood line compared to the normal Ancient saiyan bloodline heaven and earth.]

' Wow... this is insane , but i guess its a good thing. I will get stronger fast and will travel the univarse in search for opponents like goku did! But i dont think i will go to earth . I mean i have the system that i can buy stuff like the room of spirit and time or diffrwnt martial arts. But for now.. lets go to sleep.. im tierd both mentaly and physicly. Good night system ! ' after saying good night to the system he went into deep sleep..

[Goodnight host .... have a nice sleep ] the system replied to Edward. If he could hear her. He would have been shocked . Why? Beacuse the system didnt speak in the normal robot kinda voice , but with a kind female voice.

And thats all for now :)